- The releases are made gradually, so it is possible that your Promob is not in the latest version. To receive it, please update your Promob.
- For more information on the updated version of Cut Pro, click here.
- For more information about old versions of Promob Cut Pro, click here.
See below for the latest news from Promob Cut Pro:
Date: 09/28/2023
- Enhancements
1. Improved the leftover saving screen. It is now possible to select the size of the leftovers to be saved in the cutting plan for each type of material. For more information about the leftovers, click here.(1320822)
Cutting/Label Manager
1. Now, it is possible to configure the information that will be sent to the labels of the Felder PC7000 cutting manager. For more information, click here. (1969609)
1. Now, the Production menu is also available when accessing the Projects screen.
1. Added a new type of report where it is possible to print the complete project data and item listing. For more information about, click here. (1748628, 1890614)
1. Fixed the situation where selecting the color option for the edges in the print screen was not functioning, and the report was not updated with colored edges. (1985089)
2. Fixed a situation where the representation of item edges appeared inverted in the simplified cut list. (2028623)
Additional Data
1. Fixed a situation where additional data was not being imported and displayed correctly within Cut Pro. (2002997)
2. Fixed a situation where when grouping projects, the additional item data was lost, losing the reference to the additional data. (2028395)
1. Fixed a situation where the leftover continued to be displayed as used even when it was no longer being used in the cutting plan. For more information on how to save and use leftovers, click here. (2024822)
Cutting Manager
1. Fixed a situation where an oops message appeared when generating documentation for the Giben KDT Presizing manager after saving leftovers in the cutting plan. (2029368)
2. Fixed a situation where the default settings of the cutting managers were incorrect.
1. Fixed a situation where line machining was being generated as round in the DXF. (2034812)
Cutting/Label Manager
1. Fixed a situation where, when grouping additional data in the InmesCut manager's labels and trying to generate documentation, an oops message appeared.
2. Fixed a situation where additional data in the InmesCut labels was not displayed.
Cutting Plan
1. Fixed a situation where Cut Pro was not generating the Cutting Plan for some users. (2037547)
Date: 08/22/2023
- Enhancements
Cutting plan
1. Improvement to the cutting plane has been implemented, allowing each material to be processed with a different cutting parameter setting. For more information, click here. (1693133, 1506866)
2. A new cutting optimization method has been implemented, based on the length of the cut and the addition of the quantity of phases used in the cutting plan. To enable this, the Optimize Saw Movement menu has been provided. For more information, click here.
1. improvement implemented that allows machining operations imported from Promob Start to be viewed in Cut Pro. Cut preview, technical drawings, label image and DXF will now display machining operations in addition to other operations. (1913571,1515580)
1. Added the Use capital letters option to the print screen, so that reports can be displayed in capital letters. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where in grouped projects, the cut list report did not show the name of the client separately by project in the Project (client) column. (1980049)
2. Fixed situation where when using the print screen filter by Plate Index category, the filtered result did not display what was selected for the filter. (2011714)
3. Corrected situation where, when using the print screen sorting by Cut order category, labels were sorted by plate alphabetical order incorrectly, and not by cut order. (2013292)
1. Fixed situation where the support password provider did not generate the correct passwords. (1998000)
Project items
1. Fixed situation where project item list loaded incorrectly and an Oops message was displayed, this occurred because the column order setting was incorrect. (2013656)
Cutting Managers
1. Made adjustments to the basic settings of the InmesCut Automatic cutting manager based on a meeting with the manufacturer.
Date: 06/20/2023
- Enhancements
Project items
1. Provided improvement on the main screen of project items, which allows advanced filters. For more information, click here. (1687169)
2. Provided improvement that allows you to preview the observations of the project items. (1878376 e 1897932)
- Corrections
Cutting Managers
1. Fixed the situation where an inconsistency was displayed when generating leftover label printing from the SCM ICut cut manager. (1933866)
2. Corrected the situation in the INMES Cut Automatic Plugin, in which the measurement of the parts became smaller after cutting, especially in final phase parts in the machine. (1986116)
Registration of plates
1. Fixed an issue in the sheet registration where the Supplier field did not preserve the changes. (1939814)
Moving the Parts
1. Corrected the situation where the plate measures were smaller when enabling the parts movement. (1990967)
1. Updated the permission for thermal label printing to include paths that don't correspond to physical printers. It is now possible to perform print on custom paths.
Cutting preview
1. Corrected the situation where the print order of the labels did not match the preview report of the crop preview. The print order of the labels is now correctly aligned with the preview report. (1998635)
1. Corrected the situation where the Production Plan Summary option was not printed in the Cutting Preview reports. (1998832)
Date: 05/09/2023
- Enhancements
1. Improved the creation of thermal printer labels for services to run in the cloud.
2. Improved the configuration of the paper and coil for printing the labels, on the configuration screen. For more information, click here.
Cut Managers
1. Added new functionality regarding the labels from the Inmes Cut/Automatic Cutting Manager, in which it allows the selection of information that can be sent to the cutting manager to print the labels. For more information click here. (1948617 and 1855383)
2. Made changes to the cutting manager MaestroCut, to consider stacking in millimeters (mm), as well as other managers.
1. Added in the document generation, service availability indicators, responsible for generating cutting plan reports.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where text could not be located in the PDF reader when generating cutting plan reports. (1959919)
2. Fixed the situation where the name of the Edge column was not displayed when printing the cut plan report.
3. Corrected the situation where when selecting Filters on the left-over labels, the Print button located on the print screen was unavailable.
Registration of plates
1. Fixed the situation where when deleting a panel that was not being used, it would be necessary to update the cutting plan.
1. Fixed the situation where when configuring or selecting a label template and size, an unconformity was displayed. (1974897)
Cut Managers
1. Fixed the situation in the Cut manager Inmes Cut/Automatic, where the description of the character limits, was not adequate.
Date: 03/22/2023
- Enhancements
1. Improved performance in Cut Pro.
Shopping List
1. Added to the shopping list, information of the length and number of cuts, as well as options to enable and disable Accessories observations. For more information click here. (1654828 e 1677883)
Cutting Plan Parameters
1. Improvements have been made in which it is possible to show in the cutting parameters, maximum stacking measurement settings in all cutting managers. For more information click here.
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where project was duplicated when importing .csv file from Plus Professional, Maker Br and Start Labs. (1951159)
Document Generation
1. Fixed the situation of the service availability indicator in the document generation screen.
Cutting Plan Preview
1. Fixed the situation where when editing the cut plan, description, material, and finish, was not displayed in the cut preview. (1969608)
1. Fixed the situation where manual changes, were not followed in the cutting preview. (1971518)
Project items
1. Fixed situation where Oops message was displayed when deleting or inserting item by keyboard.
Data: 02/20/2023
- Enhancements
Project Import
1. Added the option to group projects, where it allows the user to import to the Production Plan more than one project at a time. (1687177 e 1858254)
- Corrections
Project Import
1. Fixed the situation where additional item data was lost when sending more than one project to the same production plan. (1939567)
Generation of documents
1. Fixed situation where documentation could not be generated when sending items with 25 characters in the barcode. Therefore, the maximum number was reduced to 20 characters. (1950919)
2. Fixed the situation where the description of the parent module was not displayed in the cut plan listing. (1952590)
3. Fixed the situation where the cut preview report was not updated after the cut plane was manually edited. (1953924 e 1953895)
4. Fixed the situation where project name was not displayed, in the header of preview reports and cut list. (1955093)
5. Fixed situation where preview and cut list reports were not generated when using leftovers in cut planes. (1955334)
6. Fixed the situation where when clicking Save Leftovers in the crop plane, leftovers were not displayed highlight or with IDs in the crop preview report.
7. Fixed the situation where, when using the pagination from previously generated reports, this pagination was displayed incorrectly.
8. Fixed the situation where report pages were displayed triplicated after exiting the print screen and returning to it to continue generating the report.
9. Fixed the situation where the Oops message was displayed when trying to generate documentation, with preview options, cut list and shopping list selected. (1960031)
Date: 01/19/2023
- Corrections
Generation of documents
1. Corrected the situation where the File Extension of the Startech CN Plus, was incorrectly displayed on the screen after generating the Documents. (1934870)
Project Import
1. Corrected a situation where a project was duplicated when imported from Plus Professional, Maker Br, and Start Labs (1951159)
Date 01/05/2023
- Enhancements
Cut Manager
1. Added new Editable Fixed Text field, to edit free text at the time of label printing in the cut manager. Available for Gvision, Presizing, CadMatic. (1865834)
1. Added new Model Type functionality, being only User Model or Shared Model between accounts. For more information click here.
1. Updated the Cutting Plan reports are now generated, using the Cutting Plan Drafter service to generate the reports.
1. Improved performance in Cut Pro - RelayCommand.
Importing Projects
1. Resolved situation where Oops message was displayed when importing project into Cut Pro. (1932037)
Cut Manager
1. Fixed the situation where an incoherence message was displayed when exporting projects from the SCM Maestro Active Manager Cut plugin. (1936505)
2. Corrected situation where Oops message was displayed when generating documentation in the Titanium Plugin. (1939142)
Project item editing
1. Corrected the situation where an unconformity was generated when modifying the Position Quantity column in projects. (1878371)
1. Corrected the situation where the information rotation by 270º was not generated in the Labels layout. (1933167)
Cutting Optimizers
1. Fixed the situation where an unconformity was displayed when generating Ardis documentation.
Date 11/09/2022
1. A service from Cut Pro Update has been updated.
Project items
1. Added a new column in the parts listing, so it is possible to sort by the part ID. For more information click here. (1754151)
Production plan
1. Fixed the situation where in the summary of the production plan, the discard area was displayed incorrectly.
Plate Registration
1. Adjusted so that the newly created plate is displayed at the top of the list.
1. Fixed the situation where the message of Oops was displayed when importing project into Cut Pro. (1917855)
Cutting Plan
1. Corrected inconsistency situation in edge band with overcut on square parts. (1913541)
2. Fixed the situation where after processing the cutting plane, an Oops message was displayed. (1901837)
CNC machine
1. Fixed the situation in which a nonconformity was displayed when generating files for Startech CN Plus machine. (1910826)
1. Fixed situation where some labels were blank if generated in project batches. (1916251)
2. Fixed the situation where the leftover labels were printed in duplicate on similar cutting planes. (1922572)
3. Fixed the situation where the parent module label printing did not load the editable image. (1929483)
Cut Manager
1. Fixed the situation where columns removed from Part Height, Part Width or Part Depth, could not be reinserted in the KDT Presizing Plugin. (1916838)
Date 09/21/2022
- Enhancements
1. Addition of a message when deleting the project, informing the user that there are leftovers originated by the project that will be deleted when proceeding with the operation. (1851785)
- Corrections
1. Applied validation on import via CSV to prevent the user from importing leftovers, only allowing entire materials to be inserted into Cut Pro. (1903661)
Design items
1. Fixed situation where the Apply function on all similar items did not work correctly. (1909753)
Date 23/18/2022
- Enhancements
1. Upgrade the Cut Pro Framework version to .Net Framework 4.8.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where when printing the production plan summary report the report header displayed incorrect information.
2. Fixed the situation in which when printing the production plan report it did not load all environments. (1889101)
Technical drawing
1. Fixed the situation where when generating the technical drawings, none of them were generated. (1895173)
Date 07/04/2022
- Enhancements
Project Import
1. You can now select the desired unit of measure for importing .CSV type projects, for more information click here.
Project Import - Simplified Cut Pro
1. You can now select the desired unit of measure for importing itens via .CSV file. For more information click here.
Cut Managers
1. Created Inmes Automatic cut manager machine plugin. For more information click here.
1. Implemented functionality where it is possible to select the option to order the leftover labels so that they are printed after the part labels corresponding to each plate. For more information click here.
- Corrections
Cut Plan
1. Corrected situation where the message Some items were not included in the Cutting Plan in the cutting plan was unduly displayed. (1870425)
2. Fixed situation where cut plan colors were displayed with an incorrect color hue. (1876986)
Cut Managers
1. Fixed situation in which leftover labels were not generated for the Titanium cut manager. (1856113)
Project Items
1. Fixed a situation where double-clicking on irregular parts in the cut plan did not direct to the item in the project. (1876732)
Edge Band
1. Fixed situation where registered information from edge band was being deleted when duplicating projects.
2. Fixed the situation where in the Edge Band Editor, the border column does not update thumbnail after the second edge band change. (1877468)
Register Plate
1. Corrected a situation where the message Some items will not be saved, have invalid data and did not allow saving records to the plate register. (1881712)
Date 06/27/2022
- Enhancements
1. Now the Cut Pro will no longer use tickets at the moment of activation, but will be activated with a serial number, just like Promob activation. For more information click here.
Date 05/04/2022
- Enhancements
1. Improved performance in Cut Pro.
- Corrections
CNC machines
1. Fixed the situation where when changing the amount of machine tools, in the Export Settings, in the machine Setup, the changes were not displayed.
Purchasing List
1. Fixed the situation where the Purchasing List was displayed incorrectly on the print page when sorted by columns. The columns were displayed in blank, without any data. (1859658)
2. Fixed the situation where when removing items from the Purchasing List, they were not removed. (1861121)
Production plan
1. Fixed the situation where when editing the position of edge bands in parts, the preview of edge bands was displayed incorrectly when hovering the mouse over the part, in the Item List. (1860942 and 1862694)
2. Fixed the situation where when generating the Production Plan print, in projects with stacked panels, the quantity of the parts was displayed incorrectly where the stacked parts were considered as a single part. (1863837)
Cut Plan
1. Fixed the situation in which the unit of measure configured in File - Options was not considered and displayed another unit of measure, when manually moving parts on the cut plane. (1866852)
1. Fixed the situation where when using the unit of measurement as fractional feet configured in File - Options, the dimensions were displayed incorrectly on the labels.
Export Setting
1. Fixed the situation where when editing the Export Settings of the cut managers, it was possible to save the changes even when there was no label model selected. The situation only occurred when the configuration made it possible to print labels.
Date 03/23/2022
- Enhancements
1. Created a new layer in the DXF files, specific for external trims. For more information, click here.
Cutting Optimizers
1. Added Unit of Measure setting in Cut Optimizers, to enable conversion to another unit of measure than the one set in Cut Pro during integration. For more information, click here. aqui.
Cut Managers
1. Optimized the loading of tag information in the cutting managers.
2. Changed the name of the Giben Presizing GVisionXP plugin to Giben-KDT Presizing Manager Cut Plugin. For more information click here.
3. Added new columns of additional label information from the Giben-KDT Presizing Manager Cut plugin.
Cut Plan
1. Updated the behavior of manual part movement, it now follows the same Reference Point used in the cutting plan and registered in Preview. For more information click here.
1 Se han implementado mejoras en la gestión de la memoria utilizada por Cut Pro.
- Corrections
CNC Machine
1. Fixed situation where the Cyflex S/SR machine displayed the empty tool list.
1. Corrected a situation where the project continued to display on the screen after it was deleted.
2. Fixed situation where an Ops message was displayed when accessing the Export Settings option. (1841665)
3. Fixed situation where an Oops message was displayed when inserting a new item into some project..
Cut Plan
1. Corrected the situation where the cutting plan remained updated after deleting a project.
2. Fixed situation where the cutting plan did not load all parts due to the operations view. (1829050)
3. Fixed the situation where leftovers from the cutting plan were not saved. (1841115)
Cutting Optimizers
1. Fixed situation where item borders were not applied when integrating with Cut Right optimizer. (1819602)
2. Fixed situation where Cut Pro doesn't send all parts in the integration with the Gplan cut optimizer.(1833036)
1. Fixed situation where Cut Pro would not generate DXF files with previously configured part changes. (1834837)
1. Fixed situation where items were kept with an outdated sorting in reports.
2. Corrected situation where items were not in the same order in the shopping list and the shopping list report.
3. Fixed situation where already deleted edge tapes were still displayed in the edge tape report.
1. Fixed situation where custom labels were not generating the print preview. (1840468)
2. Fixed situation where if the image directory was not entered in the Image field additional data the label was not generated. (1843971)
3. Fixed the situation where it allowed the creation of two labels with the same name. (1844826)
4. Corrected a situation where the measurements on the part label image were incorrect when the system was configured in fractional feet or fractional inches.
1. Fixed situation where updates to the part made in the Editor plugin were only applied when closing and reopening the editor screen. (1840754)
Máquinas CNC
1. Fixed situation that prevented the insertion of new tools on Cyflex S/SR and SCM Startech CN Plus CNC machines.
Date: 02/01/2022
- Enhancements
1. Individual prioritization order configuration available in specific features of Cut Pro. For more information click here.
2. Improved to decrease processing time when deleting projects from the database. (1815511)
Cut Managers
1. New plugin for integration with PTX cutting manager - Giben, Plugin PresizingGVisionXP. For more information click here.
2. New functionality available that allows configuring a maximum number of characters in the text of Labels for Inmes Cut. For more information click here.
Cut Plan
1. Improved the Panels Register to display leftovers used in other Cutting Plans. When closing and reopening Cut Pro, the last option selected is considered (Show Used Leftovers/Hide Leftovers). For more information click here. (1810415)
1. The Project order number column is available in the Start/Builder CSV imports configuration. This field displays the project order number, present in the CSV file, generated through Connect tool. (1771516)
1. Improved when generating reports, the order of items is displayed in the same order as it was configured in the Cut Pro project. (1498754 and 1497135)
1. A new field has been made available in the Label Editor to insert the corresponding part number in the module's composition. For more information click here. (1274094)
2. New field available in the Label Editor Project order number. This field displays the project order number, present in the CSV file, generated through Connect tool. For more information click here. (1771516)
1. Made performance improvements in Cut Pro.
- Corrections
Cut Plan
1. Fixed the situation where the cutting parameters in which the cutting plane was generated were not displayed correctly.
Production plan
1. Fixed the situation where the edge band field was unconfigured even when adjusting the size. (1826694)
Cut Managers
1. Fixed situation where label images were not generated for cut manager plugins;
2. Fixed the situation in which, when integrating with the Titanium Manager Cut Plugin, the information plate number and part measure was generated incorrectly in the cut. (1823839)
1. Fixed the situation in which when importing the registration of plates in a new database, some plates were duplicated. (1822942)
2. Fixed the situation where an error message was displayed when importing projects into Cut Pro. (1809980, 1805111 and 1817932)
1. Fixed the situation where the application of edge bands on labels was displayed incorrectly. (1826694)
1. Fixed the situation where an error message was displayed when generating documentation for Morbideli Cyflex S and Sr- and Startech CN Plus machines.
Date 01/04/2022
- Enhancements
1. Improvement made in the loading time of large designs. The estimated reduction is 20%.
Cut Managers
1. Provided support for integration with the WinCut Plus cut manager (Version of SCM WinCut).
2. Provided support for integration with the Optisave cut manager (Giben GVision version).
3. Provided support for chinese characters in cut managers. For more information click here.
4. Available the Gvision Version option, where you can inform the manager version. For more information click here.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where an improper message about the label printing configuration was displayed while generating the integration documents with the cut manager .
2. Adjusted so that a message is displayed that the integration file will not be generated if it is open in some other software.
Cut Managers
1. Fixed the situation where editable text was displayed in duplicate on the cut managers label..
2. Fixed the situation where the additional barcode was not sent on the cut manager labels.
Preview of the Cutting Plan
1. Fixed the situation where some parts were not drawn in the preview of the cutting plan. (1818341)
2. Adjusted so that the preview of the cutting plan draws trimming, even if with very small measurements.
Registration of plates
1. Fixed the situation where Cut Pro improperly removed the link of leftovers already used in projects, informing that they would be available for use, when they wouldn't be. (1819698)
2. Fixed the situation where Cut Pro did not disassociate the leftovers used in the project when reprocessing the cutting plan, indicating that some leftovers were used, when they would be available. (1822938)
3. Fixed the situation where it was not possible to manually create a leftover for a plate if it was originated from a copy of another plate.
Date 12/03/2021
- Enhancements
Cutting Optimizers
1. Available the configuration of the value of the true/false fields in the cut optimizers. For more information click here.
Cut Managers
1. Made available the Plugin for integration with the cutting manager - Putsch Meniconi - Ilenia. For more information click here.
Import Columns
1. The import column settings now have a warning message about what the field refers to.
1. Now the codes for plates, parts and parent modules are displayed in the reports. (1773826, 1744705, 1809244, 1814133)
- Corrections
Cut Manager
1. Fixed the situation where the grouping did not occur correctly when generating documents in the OSI plugin.
Cutting Plan
1. Corrected the situation where the cutting plan could not be generated. (1819228)
2. Corrected the situation where the None of Cut Plan option did not follow the grouping performed.
3. Adjusted so that the minimum number of phases is 2 when there is no horizontal phase reduction.
1. Corrected the situation in which incorrect information was generated in the Prog Code 1 and Prog Code 2 fields. (1810435)
2. Corrected the situation in which the field Additional Data of Labels did not work correctly. (1818665)
Production Plan
1. Corrected the situation where negative values were wrongly generated in the Production Plan.
Cut Optimizers
1. Fixed the situation where the Right Cut Plugin was not generating integration files correctly. (1815330)
2. Fixed the situation where the Corte Certo plugin had instabilities when generating integration files. (1817035)
3. Fixed the situation where the option to replace white spaces by characters in the columns of the Cut Optimizers was not applied in the Cut Rite Plugin. (1817739)
Label Printing - Inmes
1. Fixed the situation where the description on the label in the INMES Cut Plugin was not printed. (1814030)
Shopping List - Cut Pro Simplified
1. Fixed the situation where the wrong amount of edge strips was calculated in the Simplified Cut Pro Shopping List. (1813934)
DXF Converter Plugin
1. Fixed the situation where the slot was displayed in the incorrect position on the base in the DXF Converter Plugin. (1817035)
Date 10/20/2021
- Enhancements
General Settings
1. Added units of measurement in fractional inches and feet.
2. The configuration of the face to be prioritized in the cutting plan, DXF, technical drawing and part image are available. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the Additional Data in the labels lost the link to the selected data when the label was edited.
2. Fixed situation where offset parts imported from Promob Start generated incorrect dimensions when reprocessed by Cut Pro.
3. Adjusted the printing of the production plan, so that the accessories are in the sequence of the parent items, thus we have an improvement in the visualization of the printout by the user. (1795081)
1. Fixed situation where leftovers used in projects maintained the link after the project was deleted from Cut Pro.(1794195)
1.Fixed the description of fields that have values fixed in the Ottimo perfect Cut plugin, to signal that that value is standard and cannot be changed. (1799209)
1. Fixed the situation where when importing items with additional data via CSV, the indication of presence of additional data was not displayed in the project items. (1800581)
2. Fixed the situation where when importing a plate leftover via CSV, which had code for a plate that was previously registered, but which was deleted, Cut Pro prevented the import. (1800991)
3. Fixed the situation where the project import screen did not display the names of projects available for import.
Date 09/21/2021
- Enhancements
1. It is now possible to unbind from multiple projects, more than one leftover at the same time. To do this, select the leftovers you want to remove, right-click and select Unlink Leftover. For more information click here.
Project Listing
1. Available the time of creation of the file in Cut Pro.
Cutting Plan
1. When changing raw materials, you will now keep 0% zoom in the cut plane.
- Corrections
Operation Editor
1. Corrected the situation where when editing L-shaped parts, and entering operations on the sides, one side displayed the operation reversed. (1708569)
1. Adjusted the size of the columns and the font in the reports. (1785122)
1. Fixed situation where it was not possible to group pieces of the same size.
1. Corrected the situation where the plates that had vein, were displayed unconfigured in the DXF file. (1791860)
2 Fixed a situation where drilling and/or slot were displayed in the incorrect place in DXF files. (1790029)
Labels Image
1. Corrected the situation where in the label images, the letters were displayed incorrectly, for this, it was added the setting Custom Dimensions of height and width of the label images, for more information click here.
1. Fixed situation where Ops message was displayed when importing a project that had a vein. (1793429)
1. Corrected the situation where when printing leftover Arctic White Original 18mm, information from old parts was loaded. (1798075)
Inmes Cut
1. Corrected situation where not all parts were sent to the InmesCut beam saw machine. (1796452)
2. Corrected a situation where cut commands were created incorrectly, and they were sticking out of the plate. (1799617)
Date 08/17/2021
- Enhancements
Cut Managers
1. Added the integration plugin with the Schelling cutting manager - MCS Evolution. For more information click here.
- Corrections
Project Items
1. Corrected the situation where the grouped items message was incorrect.
2. Fixed a situation where the Cut Pro screen was improperly minimized when the item information screen was displayed.
3. Fixed the situation where the move up/down buttons did not work correctly when sorting items.
4. Fixed the situation where the cut planning, in simplified mode in Cut Pro, did not display the unit of measure.
5. Fixed the situation where it was not possible to move items up/down by dragging with the mouse. (1777872)
1. Fixed the situation where labels were not processed for print preview.(1783634)
Cut Planning
1. Corrected the situation where the message that the system was without internet connection was not displayed when the cutting plan was generated without internet.
2. Fixed the situation where the Offset setting was not saved.(1788723)
Date 07/20/2021
- Enhancements
1. Improved project loading performance.
Cut Planning
1.The legend (color and line) of the edge strips will be displayed the same for all plates in the cutting plan. For more information click here.
2. Provided the option to not display the leftovers dimensions in the Cutting Plan View. For more information click here.
Operations Editor Plugin
1. For manually created schemas you can move a schema from one folder to another folder by dragging the mouse. For more information click here.
1. Created the integration plugin with the SCM machine Startech CN Plus. For more information click here.
- Corrections
Cut Managers
1. Fixed the situation where labels were printed without an image in the Gvision plugin. (1763459)
2. Fixed situation where parts that were leftover were not being sent to the Titanium Cut Machine program. (1766996)
3. Fixed situation in which images were not displayed on the labels of the CVL Máxima Cut Machine. (1773091)
4. Fixed situation where when generating integration with enabled cut manager an Oops message was displayed. (1764360)
Label Printing
1. Fixed situation where it was not possible to save the default label template set. (1762501)
2. Corrected the situation where the size setting of the Program Code 1 and Program Code 2 fields were not saved, returning to the default size after closing the editor. (1769400)
3. Fixed situation where label printing generated one less page. (1772605)
Cut Planning
1. Fixed situation where in Cutting Plane View, panels dimensions were not displayed in inches. (1733761)
1. Corrected the low performance situation caused by the purchase list when generating documentation. (1764343)
Purchasing list
1. Corrected the situation in the purchase list where leftovers were entered as new panels. (1770651)
1. Fixed situation where Oops message was displayed when importing Promob project with more than one area. (1772488)
2. Fixed situation where Oops message was displayed when importing .cut file. (1775562)
Operations Editor Plugin
1. Fixed situation where the edge filter in the operation editor did not keep the settings of the last filtering saved. (1773144)
1. Corrected a situation in which when generating DXF files, the position of some operations (drill and slot) were incorrect. (1771070)
- Enhancements
Cut Managers
1. Felder's Format4/Felder PC7000 Plugin is now available. For more information click here. (1682518)
2. Added 6th phase in the Maximum CVL cut manager. For more information click here.
3. Added the Stacking maximium in the cut managers.
4. Added the item's Observation column on the Inmes Cut label.
1. Inserted the option to Export information from Cut Pro. For more information click here.
1. Added filter by thickness in the Edge Editor and Plugin Editor. For more information click here. (1583234)
Cutting optimizers
1. The option to replace blank spaces with characters in the columns of the cut optimizers was made available. (1761850)
2. The option to replace the standard decimal separator in the cut optimizer columns was made available. (1761855)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the minimum size registered in the Inmes Cut plugin was not validated. (1740564)
Document Generation
1. Fixed the situation where it did not generate the integration files for a project. (1751039)
1. Fixed the situation where the name of projects was not displayed in Print. (1750613)
Cut Managers
1. Corrected the situation where the information in the Editable Text field was not sent to cut manager labels.
Cut Planning
1. Corrected the situation where the message After processing the cut plan, some parts were not included due to the cutting parameters used, but the item that was included in the generated cut plan was not informed. (1755209)
2. Corrected the situation where the message Cutting plan cannot be generated for some plate(s) because the plate(s) were deleted. Go back to the project and review the red items, even if the project had already been set up correctly. (1749297)
3. Corrected the situation where the incorrect quantity of plates was displayed in the Purchase List. (1759155)
4. Fixed situation where Cut Pro unexpectedly stopped responding when saving leftovers. (1761646)
5. Corrected the situation where some plates showed the indication of the first cut on the plane with the incorrect size and positioning.
6. Corrected the situation in which the menu Grouping equal parts in did not display the translation into the Spanish language.
1. Corrected the situation where some labels did not print the Part field. (1760007)
- Enhancements
Plugin DXF
1. Option to configure layer with specific dimensions. For more information click here.
1. Option to edit the Parent Module label template is now available. It is now possible to change the size, information, and information layout. For more information click here.
Cutting Plan
1. New option for cutting optimization in Nesting made available. It is now possible to optimize the cut from the part sizes. For more information click here.
2. Performance improvement in the generation of leftovers in Nesting cuts.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which Parent Module Labels, images were displayed outside the label, that is, the margin of the label was not respected. (1722244)
2. Corrected the situation where the labels were not generated when using the Plate filter on the print page. (1730469)
Purchasing List Printing
1. Corrected the situation in which when requesting the printing of the Purchasing List, it was not displayed. (1731279)
1. Corrected the situation where a single project was not opened. (1740477)
Cutting Plan
1. Corrected the situation in which when moving the parts, saving the leftovers was unavailable. (1741837)
Printing documents
1. Corrected the situation in which some specific projects, when requesting the printing of some content, the print page would load infinitely or the requested content would not be displayed. The situation usually occurred when requesting the printing of the Purchasing List. (1742023)
Document Generation
1. Corrected the situation in which when Generating Documents, a message was displayed indicating that the cut manager plugin was not active/selected, even when the plugin was being used. The situation occurred with all cutting manager plugins. (1744243)
- Enhancements
Cutting Plan
1. Available to locate item in the cut plan from the parts list. For more information click here. (1318762 e 1504277)
2. Inserted the leftover code option for display in the Preview of the cutting plan. For more information click here and here. (1692843 e 1546800)
Registration of Panels
1. Inserted the setting for the refill pattern for the remainders, for more information click here. (1615113)
Labels Printing
1. Provided the option to print only labels of father modules. For more information, click here.
Plugin Editor
1. Inserted the possibility to create folders within the operation scheme editor. For more information click here.
- Corrections
Cut Plan
1. Fixed situation where borders were not displayed in the legend. (1719720)
2. Corrected the situation where the child items were not sent to the cutting plan. (1721596)
3. Corrected the situation where the number of cuts was displayed with zero when printing the cutting plan. (1727161)
CSV Import
1. Corrected the situation in which the correct validation of columns was not performed when importing .csv projects, and the message "Importation will not be performed. Import configuration incompatible with file". (1723937)
List of Items
1. Fixed the situation where when restarting Cut Pro, items were displayed out of order in the project item listing. (1725770)
Label Printing
1. Corrected the situation where the print page only displayed the quantity of 100 labels. (1725724)
2. Corrected the situation where only the option of All was displayed when choosing the plate when printing labels. (1730469)
Cut Managers
1. Corrected the situation where the cut manager images were overwritten. (1728871)
Purchasing List
1. Corrected the situation where the shopping list was not displayed.
- Enhancements
Technical Drawing | Label image
1. The dimensions of the part must respect the configured unit of measurement.
Cut Preview
1. Available the ID of the pieces in the Preview of the Cut. For more information, click here.
Cut Manager | Conductor Active Cut
1. Integration with the Maestro Active Cut cut manager available. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which the order change of columns in the Registries was not saved. The column order preference of all Cut Pro columns will now be automatically saved. (1515322 and 1566591)
Cutting plan printing
1. Corrected the situation where the printing occurred with an incorrect size when the letter size was configured in the printing. (1707148)
Cutting plan
1. Corrected the situation in which the removed child items were displayed on the section plane. (1707543)
Parts list | Move up and down
1. Fixed the situation where the Move Up/Down feature in the parts list did not work properly.
1. Corrected the situation where offset was not considered after importing a .csv project. (1709559)
1. Export of Cut Pro data for the translation of Cut Pro to the Chinese language was carried out. (1701952)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the labels were displayed in white in the Export to PDF option. (1654953)
2. Corrected the situation in which the printing occurred with an incorrect size when the letter size was configured in the printing. (1707148)
3. Corrected the situation so that the Print button of the File menu, is enabled only if any project has been opened.
4. Corrected the situation where the nesting percentage number was incorrect in the PDF file of the cutting plan. (1716288)
Moving the cut plan
1. Corrected the situation where, when enabling movement, the number of cuts was incorrect. (1696027)
Operations Editor | Template
1. Corrected the situation where the Plugin Editor Templates had incorrect operation positions. (17011596)
Production plan
1. Corrected the situation where the materials were duplicated in the production plan. (1703368)
Leftover label
1. Corrected the situation where the leftover code was not printed on the registration labels.
Project import
1. Corrected the situation where it was not considered an offset after importing a .csv project. (1709559)
- Enhancements
Integration with CNC machines
- Corrections
Cut Plan | Preview
1. Corrected the situation in which the cutting of parts with the same size as the plate was not generated. (1691015)
2. Corrected the situation where an Oops message was displayed when using the Nesting cut parameter. The situation prevented the cut plan from being updated. (1703337)
Printing | Cut Plan
1. Corrected the situation in which when printing the cut plan, the printing margin was not considered. (1697598)
Simplified Mode
1. Corrected the situation where when using the unit of measurement in centimeters in Simplified mode, some measurements were not considered in centimeters. (1700218)
2. Corrected the direction of the parts vein, when rotated, for simplified designs.
Item Registration | Ordering
1. Corrected the situation in which when reloading the project, the items were out of order. (1701496).
- Enhancements
Item Registration | Simplified Layout
1. Inserted the Invert option in the Simplified Cut. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
Cut Plan | Preview
1. Corrected the situation where the measures of the Preview of cut and legend were not displayed. (1690015)
Item Registration
1. Corrected the situation where the action buttons to register items were not working correctly.
Integration with cutting managers
1. Corrected the situation where two Additional Data that were inserted in the label layout were not printed. (1692601)
2. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating integration with MaestroCut | México. (1695078)
3. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating the documentation on Titanium. (1695749)
Projects Importing
1. Corrected the situation where the CNC codes were not displayed when importing the .cut file in another Cut Pro. (1690313)
2. Corrected the situation where the message "Error: Finishing the edge with excess size" was displayed when importing projects that had an edge tape finish named with a big name. (1697346)
Moving Plan
1. Corrected the situation where when selecting Remove all shapes, the display of the parts in the clipboard was disconfigured. (1696008 )
- Enhancements
Project exclusion
1. Included the option to delete empty projects. For more information, click here . (1577671)
- Corrections
Printing - Production Plan
1. Corrected the situation where the items were repeated in the Production Plan. (1686450)
Registration of Plates
1. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating materials that had the description "\" for the name. (1691997)
Label Editor
1. The remaining code field was not available in Label Edition.
1. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when saving the .cut file. (1694609)
- Enhancements
Simplified Mode
1. Available the import and export of files to the Simplified mode. For more information click here and here .
- Corrections
Registration of items | Raw Material
1. Corrected the situation in which the search for raw material was incorrect. (1679217)
Cutting Plan
1. Corrected the situation where some parts exhibited the mirrored operations in the Cut and DXF Preview. (1679216)
2. Corrected the situation where the cut plan in simplified mode was not generated when the Revised Items option was enabled.
Export DXF
1. Corrected the situation where the slot were displaced in the .DXF file. (1679215)
Generation Labels | Titanium Cut Managers
1. Corrected the situation where the editable image was generated corrupted in the Titanium plugin. (1680434,1687584)
Printing | Production Plan Summary
1. Corrected the situation where the Production Plan Summary was displayed without project information. (1684688)
Label Printing | Cut Managers
1. Corrected the situation where in the label printing the Additional Data information was printed incorrectly in the Company field. (1685538)
Item Registration | Ordering
1. Corrected the situation where it was not possible to order the project items in the columns. (1686637)
Registration of items
1. Corrected the situation in simplified mode, when changing the unit of measurement to cm, after restarting Cut Pro it was still in the unit of mm. (1687580)
Printing | Production Plan
1. Corrected the situation where when inserting Additional Data in the Gvision export configuration columns, unconformity was displayed when Generating Documents.
- Corrections
Generation of .DXF files
1. Corrected the situation where the .DXF file had the parts displaced. (1663968, 1678163)
Cutting Plan
1. Corrected the situation in which operations were moved in parts that had an offset. (1667922)
2. Corrected the situation where by changing the code of the leftover the cutting plan was invalidated. (1676208)
Production Plan
1. Corrected the situation in which the incorrect use of stacked plates occurred. (1677066)
- Enhancements
Update links
1. Updated the link to the main page of the Cut Pro User Guide.
Cutting Managers
1. Integration with cutting managers using the cloud service.
Simplified Data Entry
1. Added simplified configuration option. For more information, click here.
Stack plates
1. Added two plate stacking options. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
Loading Projects
1. Corrected the situation where low performance occurred when loading additional items into the project.
Backup before database update
1. Corrected the situation in which the database was not backed up before performing an update on the database.
Printing | Labels
1. Corrected the situation where labels were duplicated when the raw material was changed. (1645044)
Printing | Cut List
1. Corrected the situation where the pieces were duplicated in the cutting list. (1662147 e 1664000)
2. Corrected the situation where the information was overlapping in the cut preview. (1674480)
Cut Manager - InmesCut
1. Corrected the situation where the validation of commands with 1st vertical cut was not correct in the InmesCut cut manager.
Operations Editor
1. Corrected the situation where the opening time of the Operations Editor was longer than expected. (1664245)
Production Plan
1. Corrected the situation where the number of parts in the production plan was incorrect when the cutting plan was stacked.
Register of Leftovers
1. Corrected Oops message that was displayed when opening a project linked to a registered leftover. (1671271)
.CSV import Configuration
1. Corrected the situation where the Separator and Decimal Separator did not change when a new .CSV import configuration was created. (1672485)
Generation .DXF File
1. Corrected the situation in which the slot was displaced in the .dxf files. (1659363)
Purchasing List
1. Fixed the situation where Cut Pro unexpectedly closed when accessing the Shopping List. (1668388)
- Corrections
Generation of the cutting plan
1. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating the cutting plane. (1649762)
2. Corrected the low-performance situation that occurred when manually changing the project items. (1649926)
Layers DXF
1. Fixed situation where the layer name in the .dxf file used two decimal places.
Purchasing List
1. Corrected the situation that incorrect items were displayed in the Purchasing list. (1655437)
Printing the cut preview
1. Corrected the situation where the Cut Preview was printed without the lines of the pieces. (1655568)
Label Printing
1. Corrected the situation where thermal labels were not printed by selecting the "Other Printer" printer option. (1658556)
- Corrections
Opening the system
1. Fixed the situation where Cut Pro did not open.
Operations Editor - Performance
1. Fixed the situation where Cut Pro unexpectedly stopped responding when accessing the Operations Editor. (1643478)
Generation of Labels
1. Corrected the situation where the print filter did not display the changes made to the label prints. (1644671)
2. Corrected the situation where Program A was displayed incorrectly on the labels. (1648899)
3. Corrected the situation where the edge band information did not automatically update on the labels. (1650209)
Generation of technical drawings
1. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating technical drawings. (1645636)
Cut plan
1. Corrected the situation where the cut plan stopped responding after the part was moved. (1648976)
2. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when saving the movement with stacked plates. (1650339)
Moving Shapes
1. Corrected the situation where the cutting plan stopped responding after the part was moved. (1648976)
2. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when saving the movement with stacked plates. (1650339)
Export Project
1. Corrected the situation where the .lote file was without leftovers code. (1650171)
Import Project
1. Corrected the situation where the project was imported without raw material. (1650562)
1. Corrected the situation of the thickness value of the vertical external trimming in MaestroCut. For more information, click here.
Cutting Managers
1. Corrected the situation where the measures of the leftovers were incorrectly displayed in the .lote file. (1650896)
2. Corrected the situation where the labels were printed incorrectly in the Maestro Cut Manager. (1652759)
- Enhancements
1. Available the consumption area in the production summary. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when inserting a new item in the project. (1638474)
2. Corrected the low performance situation when excluding projects. (1640419)
3. Corrected the situation where the preview of the cutting plane was displayed without some parts. (1640857)
4. Corrected the situation where the description of the parent item was displayed incorrectly in the PDF. (1643404)
5. Corrected the situation where the irregular parts were rotating differently from the operations.
- Enhancements
1. Added the possibility to inform the print order of the fields for the integration labels with InmesCut. For more information, click here.
2. Implanted the visual identity of the Cut Pro with the identification A 2020 company.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where unnecessary plates were generated at Nesting. For more information click here. (1615490)
2. Corrected the situation where it was possible to rotate the label image in the label editor.
3. Corrected the situation where circular parts were not imported. (1628454)
4. Corrected the situation where Cut Pro stopped responding to commands when opening the Operations Editor. (1629581)
5. Corrected the situation in which when enabling Movement in the Cut Plan, the visualization of the plates is displayed small. (1629723)
6. Corrected the situation where a cut plan was not generated for some specific projects. (1630552)
7. Corrected the situation where single hardware was separated in the Purchasing List. (1619403)
IMPORTANT: Also correction in Plugin Cut Pro ( for total correction of this situation.
8. Corrected the situation where the plates were duplicated in the Cut Plan in a specific project. (1631015)
9. Corrected the situation in which, after moving the parts, the number of plates = 1 was displayed in the updated purchasing list. (1631146)
10. Corrected the situation where in the cut plan the external refill quota was displayed in leftovers that had no external refill.
11. Corrected the situation where leftovers were not available for use in the cutting plan. (1615150)
12. Fixed situation where it was not possible to insert .png format image in label editor. (1632853)
13. Corrected the situation where the image on the Father Module label was not rotated. (1634145)
14. Corrected the situation where importing the file .csv file that was generated in the ERP did not distinguish between projects. (1634636)
15. Corrected the situation where labels were printed in duplicate. (1631797)
16. Corrected the situation where files with vertical cuts were not opened in MaestroCut. (1630641)
17. Corrected the delay in sending the Promob Plus project to Cut Pro. (1636108)
18. Corrected the situation where the number of cuts was incorrect when the Cut Pro was with the decimal measurement of inches. (1636291)
19. Corrected the situation where operations on the lower side were imported as if they were from the upper side.
20. Fixed the import of edge band with .cut.
21. Corrected the situation where the purchasing list was at odds with the cut plan. (1636871)
22. Corrected the situation where the measurements were divergent between the part and the label at GVision. (1635592)
23. Corrected the Oops message that was selected Remove all parts when enabling Movement. (1637219)
24. Corrected the situation of divergence of parts between the Cut Plan and Labels. (1638100)
25. Corrected the situation where Slot was not displayed in the Court Preview. (1638117)
26. Corrected the situation where Operations were positioned incorrectly in the Cut Preview. (1638120)
27. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when Editing Borders. (1638141)
- Enhancements
1. Available label printing with stacked parts in MaestroCut.
2. Separation of Plates and Leftovers in the Purchasing List. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where, when generating a Purchasing List, the same items in the project were displayed individually, instead of displaying their total quantity.(1626123)
2. Corrected the situation where the label images generated for cutting managers, were not printed on the cut machine. (1629561)
3. Corrected the situation in which, when changing the thickness of the saw to a value higher than the outer trimming of the panel, the Cut Plan was not generated. (1627186)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where when changing the project name, the change was not displayed in the project list. (1615125)
2. Corrected the situation where the Cut Plan was not generated, when the project had a large number of items. (1616141)
3. Corrected the situation in which when generating the Cut Plan, the percentage of use of the plate was not displayed. (1623893)
4. Corrected the situation where some pieces were not shown in the Cut Plan, when using specific materials. (1625981, 1626024 e 1626069)
5. Corrected the situation where the decimal separator, configured when importing CSV, was not considered in all numeric fields. (1626092)
6. Corrected the situation where the labels were displayed differently from the configuration made in Cut Pro, when printed from WinCut. (1627641)
7. Corrected the situation where the project description was not displayed on the labels when printed from InmesCut. (1628050)
8. Corrected the situation where, in the cut managers, some labels were printed without images of the pieces. (1625595 and 1628093)
9. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when using the Fit option, when moving parts. (1628834)
10. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating documents for CADmatic. (1624220)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the unconformity that was displayed when generating files for Cyflex S. (1619594)
2. Corrected the situation where, when printing the Cut Plan, the print was outside the print page. (1622736)
3. Corrected the situation in which when generating images for the cutting managers, they were generated with an invalid format. (1625055)
4. Corrected the situation in which, when generating labels from cutting managers, the description of the piece was different from the image of the piece. (1624924)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where projects were sent duplicates when importing to the production plan.
2. Corrected the situation in which, when generating the Purchasing List, the plates were displayed duplicates. (1616792)
3. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating documents for MaestroCut, when had an accentuation in the plate description. (1617695)
4. Password entered to change the version of the cut manager Inmes Cut.
5. Updated the piece description information and included the code of the parent module, for labels of the cut manager Inmes Cut. (1618199)
6. Corrected the situation where, when duplicating a plate and editing only one plate, the change was applied to the two plates. (1618889)
7. Corrected the situation where, in the Cutting Plan, the pieces were not rotated when the movement of the parts was enabled. (1620734)
8. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating documents for cutting managers. (1621024)
9. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when requesting the printing of specific pages. (1621079)
10. Corrected the situation in which when enabling the movement of parts, the plates were duplicated. (162198)
11. Corrected the situation where the Purchasing List did not add the screws that were attached to the Promob hardware. (1621556)
12. Corrected the situation in which, when using the Offset tool, Cut Pro stopped responding. (1622321)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which, in the plate registration, when selecting the option Open the Project to Use Leftover, through a registered leftover, the information of the last open project was loaded, even when the project did not have the leftover in the cutting plan. (1609952)
2. Corrected the situation where when importing * .csv file, the geometry points were loaded incorrectly. (1610926)
3. Corrected the situation where the option to search the labels was unavailable. (1612519)
- Enhancements
1. Improvement made available in which it is possible to view the Cut cost in the summary of the production plan, on the print page. For more information, click here. (1306578 e 1511737)
2. Biesse OSI Plugin Available for Biesse Machine Cutting Managements. For more information, click here. (1306578 e 1511737)
- Enhancements
1. Available Operations Editor box insertion, in the Label Editor.
2. Improvement available in which it is possible to import edge for profile handles, from projects imported from Promob Plus. (1600098)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which, when registering operations in the Operations Editor, the values were zeroed. (1609943)
- Enhancements
1. Improvement made available in which it is possible to view the number of pages when generating reports.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where, in the * .csv file referring to the cut optimizers, the position of the edge tapes was generated incorrectly. (1606928)
- Enhancements
1. Improvement available in which it is possible to generate manually registered leftover labels. For more information click here.
2. Configuration has been made available for Inmes Cut with up to 6 phases. You can now configure for the version of Inmes Cut you are using. For more information click here.
- Corrections
1. Corrigida a situação no plano de corte em que não era gerado a barra de rolagem quando utilizado o Zoom. (1598817)
2. Corrigida a situação em que não eram exibidas novas chapas quando o projeto era importado do Promob. (16011848)
- Enhancements
1. Improved image printing available for Argox printer. Some images were printed in black.
2. Adjusted text limit for vertical print for Argox printer.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation when moving parts Cut Pro would close the system. (1596949)
2. Corrected the situation where changes made to the project were not saved. (1599327 and 1601126)
3. Corrected situation where projects created in Promob Studio Start were not imported when Cut Pro was open. (1600205)
4. Corrected the situation where the external trimming was not applied to the cutting plane as soon as it was inserted. (1601103)
- Enhancements
1. Performance enhancement available to simplify database searches.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the message that was displayed when generating documents for cutting managers when there were external refills. (1593767 and 1595365)
2. Corrected the situation where some items were not sent to the cutting plan. (1595296)
3. Corrected the situation where the Cut Plan was incorrectly generated when there was external refilling. (1590477, 1554400, 1587766, 1588680 and 1597787)
4. Corrected the message that was displayed when saving leftovers when moving parts. (1596226)
5. Corrected the message that was displayed when generating technical drawing while loading the logo. (1596480)
6. Corrected the situation where enabling plates to move, the plates were not generated. (1598311)
- Enhancements
1. Available improvement where multiple projects can be deleted. Improvement has influenced how projects are opened, that now can be done with more than one command. For more information click here. (1444246)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where when creating new projects and inserting new items, 100% of the machine processing was reached and Cut Pro closed. (1585660)
2. Corrected the message translation relative database backup and optimization to English. (1591300)
3. Corrected the situation where when integrating with Gvision, the cutting plane parts were displayed incorrectly when they had labels and the part was without description. (1593461)
4. Corrected the situation where not all cutting plane plates were displayed in the Purchasing List. (154378)
5. Corrected the situation where the bold was not only applied to editable label text. (1595176)
6. Corrected the Missing Raw Material message that was displayed when using the Titanium cutting manager. The message prevented the cutting plane from being generated on the sectioning machine even when the settings were correct and raw material was available. (1595585)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where changes were not saved.
2. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating documents. (1591266)
3. Corrected the situation where part label models did not appear in cut manager configurations.
4. Corrected the situation where fields for Gvision cut manager label configuration did not load.
- Enhancements
1. Was availabled new indication of changes in the projects. When you change a value, a yellow rectangle appears indicating the specific value that has changed in the item. For more information click here.
2. Was availabled option to insert logo when printing technical drawings. For more information click here.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when saving * .cut project when it had labels. (1582568)
2 Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating the cutting plane. (1581922)
3. Corrected the situation where plates and leftovers were not saved. (1584587)
4. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when accessing Operation Editor for some items. (1587279)
5. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when filtering plate and edge search.
6. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when selecting Generate Documents option. (1589463)
7. Corrected the situation where when generating print label PDF, shopping list print was displayed. (1590082)
8. Corrected the situation where printing was not generated when using the Cannon printer. (1588741)
9. Corrected the situation where an exclamation mark was displayed on the label even when using a correct setting. (1590573)
- Enhancements
1. Improved option to edit leftover labels. For more information, click here. (1306578 e 1511737)
2. Improved cutting plan update performance. The update now only occurs on plates where items or materials have changed.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the cut order was displayed incorrectly in the DXF. (1585073)
2. Corrected the situation where drill or slot information was displayed incorrectly in DXF. (1575354)
3. Corrected the situation where someone columns on the main screen of Cut Pro did not allow scaling. (1584592)
4. Corrected the Oops massage that was displayed when closing Cut Pro. (1585849)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the Oops massage that was displayed when deleting projects together, when they had the same version.(1581680)
2. Corrected the situation where it was not possible to print labels when used the WinCut cutting manager.
IMPORTANT: For label print correction is necessary to make specific settings of WinCut manager , one for version 6 and one for version 12. For more information, click here.
- Enhancements
1. Improved in the Entries tab and Print menu, option to generate report of leftovers, plates and ribbons of edges that were registred. For more information, click here. (1485555)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where cut manager settings were not saved. (1582645)
2. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when importing project. (1582984)
- Enhancements
1. Improved overall performance of the tool. (1542814)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when deleting items. (1577458)
2. Corrected the situation in which some items were sent rotated to the DXF. (1580567)
- Enhancements
1. Implemented integration with the CNC machine INMES IF-8500. For more information click here. (1568591)
2. Changed the angle setting of the label images:
2.1 Removed the angle setting from the label configurations and made available in label image settings;
2.2 The registered rotation is applied to the label image and no more in the label field. For more information click here.
IMPORTANT: Rotated image fields have been repositioned to the position for angle 0. Since the X and Y positions of the rotated image fields have been recalculated, when you return to the system version this field will be deconfigured.
3. Changed default values of frequency and keep last referring to backup settings. For more information click here. (1579571)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where it was not possible to remove duplicate leftovers. (1573338)
2. Corrected the situation where there were incorrectly displayed plates with vertical vein in the generated DXF. (1575985)
3. Corrected the situation where the changes to the projects were not saved. (1577348)
4. Corrected the Oops message that was displayed when generating cut list documents. (1577421)
5. Corrected the situation where it was not considered the repetition of the project when generating information for the plugins optimizers. (1577674)
6. Corrected the situation where the number of projects was incorrectly displayed when deleting them. (1577663)