As of version of Cut Pro, an option was made available to enable the generation of cutting plans in a simpler and more agile way, called Simplified configuration or Simplified mode.
Starting from this version, the conventional mode that has always been used in Cut Pro, is called Complete mode or Complete configuration.
For this new possibility in Cut Pro, the layout and the way of registering items in the simplified mode, were different from the conventional way. Thus, it will be possible to choose which of the two configuration modes is the most suitable for your job.
Check below the main information to work in Cut Pro with Simplified mode:
When starting a new project, by default, the page will be loaded in Complete mode. To access the simplified mode, just click on the button Change to Simplified.
To return to full mode again, select Change to Complete.
Once the items are registered in Simplified mode and changed to Complete mode, it will not be possible to load the project in Simplified mode again. A message is displayed notifying you of this rule:
Note that in the Simplified mode, the way the items are registered is different from the Complete mode, as it is necessary to first define the material to be used, being able to choose more than one material.
In Simplified mode, items are not required to receive a description, because by default items already receive a unique ID, which will be displayed in ascending order in relation to the number of each line, such as: I1, I2, I3, I4. Where I is the initial of Item and the number refers to the line number where the item is.
To facilitate the registration of items, it is possible to navigate between columns and cells using the keys on your keyboard, such as:
- The right, left, up and down arrow keys to navigate between columns and lines;
- Space key to delete or activate cell information;
- Enter key to access the next column;
- Delete key to delete the cell information, or delete the item's line.
With the new possibility to work with Cut Pro, the editing buttons available in Simplified mode are:
Review the information of the edit buttons for Simplified mode here.
The availability of the Simplified mode, influenced the change of some procedures, such as edge band registration, leftover registration, printing, label image, cutting plan, changes to the project modules. To do so, review these procedures by accessing the Cut Pro main page here.