Promob Cut Pro offers a cutting plan with Nesting cutting parameter, where the cut is made on the surface of the plate. The cutting plan with Nesting is generated as a * .dxf file, so that the machine can establish the cut. Therefore, it is necessary that the Plugin DXF Exporter is active in Cut Pro.
In this documentation, we will see the following information about Nesting:
To select the Nesting parameter:
1. Access the Cut Plan;
2. Click the Cut Parameter button;
3. Clicking on Nesting will enable the following options:
1. Distance between parts (in millimeters):
- Defines the spacing that must be between the pieces arranged in the cut plane;
2. Orientation:
Defines the direction (none, horizontal or vertical) of positioning of the pieces on the sheet to be cut.
- None: the positioning of the pieces and the direction of creation of the leftovers will be defined by Cut Pro, according to the best use;
- Horizontal: prioritizes the positioning of the pieces and the creation of leftovers in the horizontal direction;
- Vertical: prioritizes the positioning of the pieces and the creation of the leftovers in the vertical direction.
- The selected cutting direction will only be prioritized, it does not mean that it will always be executed.
3. Group equal pieces into:
- It allows pieces that have the same dimension to be grouped in the Cut Plane.
- When pieces with the same dimension exist, the grouping generates the cut plane with the same parts grouped, optimizing the cut.
From version it is possible to define the grouping of parts in three categories:
- No plates: the grouping of parts will not occur on any plate.
- All plates: it will be considered pieces with equal dimensions, regardless of the model of the applied material, if it has vein or not.
- Plates with vein: the grouping will be considered only on the plates with a vein. If the project has white and wood material, but there is a need to maintain a sense of linear vein on the drawer fronts, for example, the grouping will be applied only on the plate with a vein. On the white plate, the position of the pieces will be defined by Cut Pro for better use of the material.
4. Parts optimization:
Functionality available from version:
- Standard: with this part optimization mode selected, Cut Pro will check all optimization options, and automatically find the best fitting solution.
- Larger to smaller: with this part optimization mode selected, Cut Pro will fit the larger parts before the smaller parts.
- Smaller to larger: with this part optimization mode selected, Cut Pro will fit smaller parts before larger parts.
- Random: with this part optimization mode selected, Cut Pro will arrange the parts randomly on the plate.
NOTES: The Pieces Optimization feature replaces the Fast and Optimized method function, which is no longer available as of the version of Cut Pro.
- For Saw cutting information, click here.