Inserts are modules associated with others in order to make them complete or present different behaviors and make the module more real. Internal options (wires, shelves, cutlery divider, etc.) or that are part of a product composition (bases, sides, tops, views, baseboards, feet, doors, etc.) are some examples of inserts.
Items that have different opening behaviors or that interfere with the budget (ironing board in the module, doors with two openings, etc.).
The inserts can be registered for groups, subgroups and modules, obeying hierarchies and inheritances. The inserts are registered through the Registry - Modules menu.
Below are procedures related to the inserts:
- Register Inserts
- Configure Inserts
- Group inserts
- Define visibility conditions for an insert
- Register repetitions of inserts
- Register inverted inserts
- Configure the repetition of drawers in a drawer
- Configure repeat shelves in a closet
- Unconformity Loading entity default inserts.
Register Inserts
1. Access the Registry - Modules menu;
2. Select the item in which you want to register inserts by the Navigation Tree;
3. Access the Inserts tab and click on New;
New Group Inserts
1. Click the Search icon;
2. Select the group you want to add to the module and click OK;
3. Fill in the Inserts ID and Description fields as desired and click OK;
New module inserts
1. Click the Search icon;
2. Select the module you want to add to the module and click Select;
3. Fill in the Inserts ID and Description fields as desired and click OK;
4. The aggregate will be added to the list of inserts.
5. Configure the aggregate as you wish. Click here and see how to proceed.
Configure Inserts
1. Access the Registry - Modules menu.
2. Select the item that has the aggregate. If you have not yet registered the aggregate, click here and see how to register aggregate.
3. Access the Inserts tab and select the inserts you want to configure.
4. In the Identification tab it is possible to configure:
- Module / Group ID: It is the ID of the item or group that has been added.
- Insert ID: It is the specific ID of this aggregate in the module.
- Description: It is the description of the item when selected in the design and the name displayed in the side tree of the aggregate editor.
- Group: Allows you to group the inserts. When filling in this field, a group will be created in the side tree of the aggregate editor.
- Allow to change model (Selection tab): The option can be deselected when an aggregate component of the module cannot have its model changed separately by the Selection tab. Example: the model of the components of a box cannot be changed separately. In this case, it is necessary to deselect the option for all aggregate components of the box.
- Hide drawing: Allows the item to be seen and selected in the Tools tab, however the drawing is not shown in 3D space, even when inserted.
IMPORTANT: If two aggregates have the same Module/Group ID, when changing the Hide drawing option for one aggregate, the other aggregate will also have this option changed. It is not possible to maintain aggregates with the same Module/Group ID and different Hide drawing options between them.
5. In the Positioning tab it is possible to configure:
- Width: The formula or value entered here will be obeyed by the width (X Axis) of the aggregate.
- Height: The formula or value entered here will be obeyed by the height (Z axis) of the aggregate.
- Depth: The formula or value entered here will be obeyed by the depth (Y axis) of the aggregate.
- Keep dimension changed: With this option checked, if the dimensions of the aggregate are edited, they will be kept in the saved project. With the option unchecked, the aggregate will not save the changed dimensions in the project.
- Validate changed dimension: With this option checked (default), when changing the dimensions of the parent of the aggregate, the aggregate validates the changed dimensions and tracks the changes according to its settings.
IMPORTANT: It is recommended to use formulas instead of fixed values, as fixed values do not follow the changes in dimensions of the parent item.
- X: The formula or value entered here will be obeyed in the positioning of the aggregate, in the X Axis of the parent module.
- Y: The formula or value entered here will be obeyed in the positioning of the aggregate, in the Y Axis of the parent module.
- Z: The formula or value entered here will be obeyed in the positioning of the aggregate, in the Z Axis of the parent module.
- Rotation: Sets the rotation of the item according to Normal.
- Inverted: When checking this option, the aggregate will be inserted mirrored.
- Normal: the positioning of the aggregate, which can be Base (0; 0; 1), Lateral (-1; 0; 0) and Rear (0; -1; 0).
- Keep position changed: By checking this option, if the aggregate has its position changed, it will be maintained even if the item is resized or moved.
IMPORTANT: It is recommended to use formulas instead of fixed values, as fixed values do not follow the changes in dimensions of the parent item.
IMPORTANT: There are pre-registered formulas ready to be applied. Simply click on the Edit Formula icon next to each field and select the desired option with a double click.
- Insertion: It must contain the number / quantity (through value or formula) of items that must be inserted when inserting the aggregate.
- Minimum: Minimum number of items in the repetition.
- Maximum: Maximum number of items in the repetition.
- Recalculate: When the insertion option contains a formula, by checking this option, when changing the dimensions of the module, the formula will be recalculated to suit the new dimension.
IMPORTANT: all inserts added through repetition when changing the module dimensions are inserted with the same model selected for those that were already in the environment.
Click here to view the procedures related to Repetition.
6. In the Automatic Function tab it is possible to configure:
- Function: Shows the automatic function to be used to insert the aggregate. By clicking on the Search button next to the field, it is possible to select from among the automatic functions already registered.
- Replace function: With the option checked, inserts from the same entity with the same role are excluded.
7. In the Concurrent tab, it is possible to configure the aggregate items with which the aggregate will compete.
Automatic concurrent by position: With this option checked, if an aggregate is inserted and, in the same space, another aggregate is already inserted, a message will appear stating that only one of the inserts can remain aggregated.
+: Enables you to add aggregate items with which the selected aggregate must compete.
-: It makes it possible to remove aggregate items with which the selected aggregate must compete.
Click here to view the bidding procedures.
8. In the Attributes tab it is possible to configure:
- Attribute: Shows the name of the applied attribute.
- Description: Briefly describe the purpose of the attribute.
- Value: Shows the value that the attribute has, which can be a value / true or false / formulas / etc.
- Visible: By checking this option, the attribute will be visible in the 3D space toolbar, when selecting the aggregate.
- Dynamic: When checking this option, if the attribute has a formula value, it will be recalculated when the module has any changed properties.
- Keep value when unlinking: By checking this option, if the aggregate is unlinked, it will continue to be applied to the item.
Click here to view the procedures related to attributes.
9. In the Opening tab, it is possible to configure the opening of the aggregate if it has an opening movement (door, drawer, slide, etc.).
Type: Shows the type of opening applied to the aggregate or allows selecting from standard options.
Click here to view the procedures related to Openings.
10. In the Positioning Service tab, the aggregate positioning can be configured, if it is a handle or group of handles, for example.
- Definition ID: Shows or allows to select the definition of placements registered in the aggregate.
- Standard Option: Shows or allows to select the positioning option that this aggregate must obey.
Click here to view the procedures related to Placements.
11. In the Insert Parameters tab, behaviors of the aggregate can be configured during its insertion, according to the options below:
- Repeat: By checking this option, the aggregate will be repeated in accordance with the proposed rule (Yes - Repeat; No - Do not repeat; Request - Displays a message asking the user for the desired behavior) when the aggregate does not have enough dimension alone.
- Adjust Height: By checking this option, the aggregate will be placed occupying the entire space of the module's height.
- Adjust Width: By checking this option, the aggregate will be placed occupying the entire space of the module's height.
- Adjust Depth: By checking this option, the aggregate will be placed occupying the entire space of the module's depth.
- Orientation: It allows selecting the orientation of the aggregate when inserting it: Vertical, Vertical Inverted, Vertical in the Plane or Horizontal in the Plane.
- Front: Value or formula of the frontal spacing that this aggregate must obey, considering the zero point of the module.
- Back: Value or formula of the rear clearance that this aggregate must obey, considering the zero point of the module.
- Left: Value or Formula of the left spacing that this aggregate must obey, considering the zero point of the module.
- Right: Value or formula of the right spacing that this aggregate must obey, considering the zero point of the module.
- Up: Value or formula of the upper spacing that this aggregate must obey, considering the zero point of the module.
- Down: Value or formula of the lower spacing that this aggregate must obey, considering the zero point of the module.
- Floor: Value or formula of the distance from the floor that this aggregate must obey, considering the zero point of the module.
- Plane: Value or formula of the deviation from the plan that this aggregate must obey, considering the zero point of the module.
Click here to view the procedures related to the Insertion Parameters.
12. In the Door Function tab it is possible to configure the doors that have sliding functions, according to the options below:
- Hot points number: Number of clicks that must be given to select the size of the port function to be used.
- Definition: Allows you to select which port function will be used in the item.
- Edit function: Clicking on this option will open the door function in the Door Editor, allowing editing.
Redefinition of variables:
- Variable: Shows the name of the applied attribute.
- Description: Briefly describe the purpose of the attribute.
- Value: Shows the value that the attribute has, which can be a value, true / false, formulas, etc.
- Edit: By checking this option, it is possible to edit the value of the attribute in the 3D space.
- Dynamic Update: When checking this option, if the attribute has a formula value, it will be recalculated when the module has any changed properties.
13. In the Crossbar Functions tab, it is possible to configure Crossbar in the module, as configured in the Crossbar Editor, according to the options below:
- Definition: Allows you to select which port function will be used in the item.
- Build: By clicking on this option, the structure for the new tray editor is generated, allowing it to be possible to build the Default model of the door using pre-registered sleepers.
- Edit function: Clicking on this option will open the door function in the Door Editor, allowing editing.
Redefinition of variables:
- Variable: Shows the name of the applied attribute.
- Description: Briefly describe the purpose of the attribute.
- Value: Shows the value that the attribute has, which can be a value, true / false, formulas, etc.
14. In the Layers tab, it is possible to configure a specific view by aggregate, configuring the options below:
- Description: Shows the type of opening applied to the aggregate or allows selecting from standard options.
- Application Type: Defines which item the layer will be applied to: None / Module / Inserts/ Child Modules.
- Filling Mode: Defines the type of fill that the item should contain: Default / Texture with Lines / Texture / Fill with Lines / Fill / Hide / Hide Black and White / No Fill / Outline Box.
- Line Type: Defines the type of line that will be applied to the item: Solid / Dashed.
- Thickness: Defines the thickness of the line that will be applied to the item.
Click here to view the procedures related to Layers.
15. In the Visibility Conditions tab it is possible to configure a condition for the insertion of items:
- Condition: Formula that defines the condition in which the item is to be shown.
- Example: $ PW $ == 400 - In this case, the aggregate will only be visible if the width of the parent ($ PW $) is equal to 400.
Click here to view procedures related to Visibility Conditions.
16. Click here, to learn more about the functionality of the Tags tab.
17. After configuring the aggregate settings, click on the Refresh icon in the header.
Group Inserts
In certain modules it is possible that there are several insertsof the same type. In these cases, it is possible to group inserts of the same type. To group inserts:
1. Access the Registry - Modules menu.
2. Select the item that has the inserts by the Navigation Tree.
3. On the Inserts tab, select all the inserts you want to group by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard.
4. Click New group.
5. Fill in the group name in the Description field and click OK.
6. The group with the previously selected inserts will be created.
Define visibility conditions for an Insert
Through this option it is possible to define that the inserts will only be visible and made available to inserts if the result of the formula registered there is true. To define visibility conditions:
1. Access the Registry - Modules menu.
2. Access the register of the module that has the aggregate you want to configure.
3. On the Inserts tab, select the aggregate and click on the Visibility Condition option.
4. In the Condition field, fill in the test to be performed. Tests should be done using comparisons:
IMPORTANT: The values VAR1, VAR2, EXPRESSION1 and EXPRESSION2 must be replaced by system variables, contained in the list of variables and proposed variables, in the Formula Editor.
Example 1: $PW$ == 400
The aggregate will only be visible if the width of the parent ($ PW $) is equal to 400mm.
Example 2: $PW$ == 400 && $PH$ > 350
The aggregate will only be visible if the width of the parent ($ PW $) is equal to 400mm AND the height of the parent ($ PH $) is greater than 350mm.
Example 3: $PW$ == 400 || $PW$ == 800
The aggregate will only be visible if the width of the parent ($ PW $) is equal to 400mm OR if it is equal to 800mm.
Click here to learn more about the operators.
Register repetition of Inserts
Some inserts can have variable quantities, being defined by the Promob user, but they must maintain positioning rules. Whenever it is necessary to use repetitions of inserts , we must use formulas to calculate the position of the inserts according to the quantity. To register repetitions:
1. Access the Registry - Modules menu.
2. Select the desired module from the Navigation Tree and access the Inserts tab.
3. Select the inserts to which you want to apply repetition and on the Repetition tab in:
Insertion: Set the number of items repeated in the insertion.
Minimum and Maximum: Set the minimum and maximum number of repeated items.
Recalculate: Check the option to recalculate the position according to the value informed in the positioning fields.
4. On the Positioning tab just above, enter the formula on the corresponding axis for the inserts in question:
5. After filling in the fields as indicated, click on the Refresh icon in the header.