The Plus, Arch and Academic systems allow the customer to register, in his system, the prices used by him for the sale of products, making Promob, in addition to being a project creation tool, also a sales and negotiation tool.
As of revision 16.01 of these systems, it is possible to create plates with two finishes in the same piece, allowing that only one side of the plate has lamination or that two sides have different colors. These new plates are called “Special plates” and, because they have this particularity, they may have differentiated prices registered.
To register prices for these plates, do the following procedure:
1. Insert the plate in the 3D space and, through Tools - Models, change it to the colors you want to register price;

2. After color editing is complete, click on the Budget - Publishing of Prices - Blown icon:

3. On the Budget screen, there is a new column called Table Price, containing an editable field:

4. Locate the plate that is described in the Special Plate category. Click on the corresponding Table Price option:
5. In the Change Price window, enter the desired price for a piece 1000mm wide by 1000mm long, that is, 1m2 of plate:

6. When you click on the OK option, this price will be saved in your system and, for the next projects, it will be possible to just insert the plate in these colors, and the price will be loaded automatically.
TIP: if you prefer, you can insert several plates in the space and change each one to a set of colors you need. When opening the budget, it is possible to register the prices of each one of them. You can also save this design with the plates and, in the future, if there is a price adjustment, open this project and change the prices following the same procedure: