See below the latest news from Mooble:
- Enhancements
1. Updated button icon that switches 2D to 3D view. For more information, click here.
1. Changed the position of the Render button. It is now located on the main toolbar.
1. Renamed the catalog name from Partitions to Obstacles in the Layout library.
2. Renamed the subcategories of the Outdoor Areas catalog in the Decor library, to Gardening, Plants and Children.
3. Renamed the Color category to Materials.
- Corrections
1. Made translation adjustments.
- Enhancements
Analytics, Planner and Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use
1. Made available the registration of new links in the privacy policy, aiming at compliance with the GDPR/LGPD Law. For more information click here.
2. In order to comply with the rules of the GDPR/LGPD Law, the Cookie Configuration was inserted, so the user can allow or not its use. For more information click here.
- Enhancements
1. Improvement related to cloud storage of 3D spaces.
Users Management
1. Provided User Control functionality for admin users of Partnerships accounts (Custom Mooble Design). For more information, click here.
2. Available to admin users of Mooble Design, option to activate new users when they don't receive the account creation confirmation email. For more information, click here.
1. Mooble Inspire showroom platform made available. Through it, retailers publish the space designed as a showcase, enabling the user to customize or request a budget. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where when importing the product, was just loading the item in the importer and did not complete the import process.
- Enhancements
1. Changed rendering engine for better performance and rendering speed.
1. Converted Mooble Planner (creation space) to gltf file;
2. Available for Mooble Design, option to export designs to GLB format. For more information click here.
3. Provided new functionality, Guided Design, for the North American market. For more information click here.
1. Added new tags for searches related to Mooble, on the Google platform;
4. Changed the access address (URL) to the shopping cart.
- Corrections
Materials | Textures
1. Corrected the situation where when activating the Turn on Effects option with the new render engine, the textures were not localized. For this, an improvement was made to the textures of all materials, to guarantee the quality of the rendering.
- Corrections
Client GL Event
1. Fixed the situation where the Layers were not translated to the French language.
Render | Planner
1. Fixed the situation where the rendering unexpectedly stopped working.
1. Corrected the situation where no standard message was displayed at the end of the Budget.
- Enhancements
1. White sky option available in Cloud Render.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the login did not work when the page address (URL) had information about a brand (partner).
- Corrections
1. Corrected the translation of the Layout tab in Chinese.
- Enhancements
1. Configuration available for Partnerships e-commerce account administrators to define whether items out of stock will be displayed or not for use in the design. For more information, click here.
2. The Collaborative Design tool is available, which makes it possible to view design editions in real-time for users who are not linked to the Mooble account. For more information click here.
- Enhancements
1. Added support for fractional inch measurements.
2. Inserted the identification of products that are out of line in the design. For more information, click here.
- Enhancements
1. Inserted the option where the user can now change the account email.
2. Provided the configuration in which the manufacturer can choose to have all budget requests sent to the factory and not to nearby retailers.
- Enhancements
1. Provided the importer of plant floor for administrator users.
- Enhancements
1. Inserted the support to edit the height of each wall.
2. The Departments are no longer required in the material register.
3. Improvement in statistics achieved: divergences resolved and monthly consolidation (figures for the previous month are no longer changed).
- Enhancements
1. Registered promotions and vouchers.
2. Performed the unification of image, budget, and system settings.
3. Redesigned the Item Editor.
- Enhancements
1. Insert the double click to align the camera to walls or modules.
2. The option to add materials directly through the Mooble Revest tool is available.
3. Available the option for the subscriber storekeeper to display only the brands he works with.
- Enhancements
1. Implemented the new Mooble Design interface. IMPORTANT: subscribers can activate this option in the system settings.
2. Inserted the Radial menu, the new menu when selecting an item in the planner.
3. Implemented several types of applications in Mooble Revest.
- Enhancements
1. The horizontal rulers are available on the walls. IMPORTANT: Only available for subscribers - configuration on the dashboard).
2. Implemented support to the external space.
3. Inserted new options for lowering walls.
- Enhancements
1. Inserted support for block resizing.
2. The option to turn off a strong collision is available by default. IMPORTANT: dashboard / system settings - for subscribers only.
3. Button available to block the movement of items in the planner.
- Enhancements
1. Available Revest tabs for administrative users.
- Enhancements
1. Inserted the camera positioning for the 360 in 2D.
2. The floor builder is made available to all users.
- Enhancements
1. Available Mooble Reports. IMPORTANT: Only available to administrator users.
2. Inserted the automatic item grouper when importing Mobly.
- Enhancements
1. The floor builder is available. IMPORTANT: only available for administrator user.
2. Inserted the layer visibility control. IMPORTANT: Only available for administrator users, and depends on the publication of items with layers.
3. Provided panoramic rendering and interactive viewing.
4. Improvement in the mobile version for insertion and movement of items.
- Enhancements
1. Revest available. IMPORTANT: available for administrator users.
2. The floor builder is available. IMPORTANT: partial and only for administrator users.
4. Partnership signature available.
5. Inserted the tutorial on building dimensions using gif.
- Enhancements
1. Mooble Design Tools have been released to representatives.
2. Inserted monthly bonus credits for new subscriptions. IMPORTANT: for the first 6 months.
3. Improved visualization of external dimensions.
4. Inserted the option to add new materials via the planner. IMPORTANT: for the time being released only for administrator users.
5. Display of materials and colors applied to the walls, floor, and ceiling.
6. Wall lowering made available.
7. Print with caption available.
- Enhancements
1. Tag navigation now uses the brand menu when the user selects a brand or when in a manufacturer’s partner.
2. Removed the panoramic render until the viewer is available.
- Enhancements
1. Assigned new signature values:
- Shopkeeper R$ 59.90 per month for every two users and one brand and R$ 25.00 for each additional brand.
- Projector R$ 59.90 per month and 25 bonus credits at subscription time.
- Enhancements
1. Provided the option of Revised in the item editor.
- Enhancements
1. Inserted the option to generate and remove lines in the item editor.
2. Generating lines in the import of Mobly items.
- Enhancements
1. New subscription available, Mooble Design. For designers, the value is R$ 60.00. For shopkeepers R$ 60.00 for each 2 users and R$ 25.00 for each brand.
2. Assigned user control and permissions to the signature owner.
3. Inserted the dimension, rotation, and movement in the item panel.
4. Provided the movement of items by arrows.
5. Rotation of items in elevation mode.
6. Enabled dimensioning of items by arrows in 2D.
7. Render monitor improvements. IMPORTANT: for internal use only.
- Enhancements
1. Support for custom tag ordering.
2. Items that have drill no longer have a strong collision with walls, floors and ceiling.
- Enhancements
1. Available the choice of account after login, if there is more than one account.
2. Defined the support to render panoramic. IMPORTANT: Use Facebook to view.
3. Inserted active options by default. IMPORTANT: you no longer need to mark on /customizer.
4. In the module information, the first department-level will be displayed and mark, instead of the last one.
- Enhancements
1. Support for removal of aggregates (publisher).
2. Support joins substitute association (publisher).
- Enhancements
1. The 3-axis rotation tool is available to all users.
2. The arrow sizing tool is available to all users.
3. Support to render 360. IMPORTANT: only Promob.
4. Inserted to linear light.
5. Released the strong collision change for all users.
6. Remodeling the style of the My Projects page.
7. Support for different percentages in e-commerce collection, depending on whether the user came from the partner or from