- The releases are made gradually, so it is possible that your Connect is not in the latest version. To receive it, please update your Promob.
- For more information about older versions of Connect, click here.
See below for the latest news from Connect:
Date: 03/04/2025
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation that prevented Connect from being updated.
Date: 02/26/2025
- Enhancements
1. Added compatibility with Promob
1. Updated Project Import process. Click here to learn more.
Date: 11/28/2024
- Enhancements
Project Import
1. Improvements were made to the import and conversion process for SketchUp files. Click here to learn more.
1. Added support for the Message phone type.
1. New functionality added that makes it possible to hide an option from the project options list. Click here to learn more.
Date: 10/03/2024
- Corrections
Saving Designs
1. Fixed the situation where, when saving designs, the upload service might not start correctly, resulting in the designs not being synchronized with the cloud. (2167370)
Date: 10/02/2024
- Corrections
Saving Designs
1. Fixed the situation where, when saving designs, the upload service might not start correctly, resulting in the designs not being synchronized with the cloud. (2167370)
Date: 09/30/2024
- Corrections
1. Implemented fix that resolves inconsistencies in the database during the process of updating the tool from the latest versions to version, impacting functionalities such as saving, opening projects and queries. (2162005)
Date: 09/19/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation of the origin type incident that occurred when regressing from Connect to Connect
Date: 09/16/2024
- Corrections
1. Adjusted Connect functionality so that login is requested automatically, eliminating the need for manual relogin.
1. Fixed a situation where, while keeping two Promobs open simultaneously and performing negotiation or package generation processes, one of the Promobs remained frozen in the Uploading design screen. As a result, the project identifier in some cases was generated based on previous saving, which caused inconsistencies in the production process. (2151122)
Date: 09/16/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed a situation where, while keeping two Promobs open simultaneously and performing negotiation or package generation processes, one of the Promobs remained frozen in the Uploading design screen. As a result, the project identifier in some cases was generated based on previous saving, which caused inconsistencies in the production process. (2151122)
Date: 09/10/2024
- Corrections
1. Adjusted Connect functionality so that login is requested automatically, eliminating the need for manual relogin.
Date: 07/31/2024
- Enhancements
Import Designs
1. Added functionality to import designs from SketchUp. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
Export Designs
1. Fixed the situation where it was not possible to export the design due to the presence of special characters. (2130490)
1. Fixed a situation where the design type in the queue was not compatible with the option's original design type. (2123281)
Date: 07/02/2024
- Enhancements
Design Gallery
1. Added functionality that allows the user to provide access to the design that originated the shared render in the gallery/ portfolio. For more information, click here.
Project Details - Project Origin
1. Implemented the possibility to view the version data of the source design for new design. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
Order Center
1. Fixed the situation where the order center did not certify that the project was up-to-date. (2122820)
1. Fixed the situation where the correct version was not opened in Connect. (2097354)
2. Fixed the situation where Connect was processing incorrect versions of projects (Worker x Connect). (2097967)
3. Fixed the situation in the responsible field when saving project in Connect. (2109879)
Date: 06/19/2024
- Corrections
Technical Assistance
1. Fixed the situation where, when sending a technical assistance request to the Worker queue, the request was not correctly identified as Technical Assistance.
Date: 05/23/2024
- Corrections
Project Saving
1. Fixed an issue where some versions might not be immediately processed and sent to the cloud during sequential saves.
Unexpected Shutdown
1. Fixed an issue with unexpected shutdown of Promob after completing project upload.
Project Opening
1. Fixed an issue with opening old projects that had not been migrated.
Date: 05/15/2024
- Enhancements
1. Implemented performance improvements in the initialization of negotiations.
Date: 05/23/2024
- Corrections
Project Saving
1. Fixed an issue where some versions might not be immediately processed and sent to the cloud during sequential saves.
Unexpected Shutdown
1. Fixed an issue with unexpected shutdown of Promob after completing project upload.
Project Opening
1. Fixed an issue with opening old projects that had not been migrated.
Date: 04/30/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which instabilities occurred in the integration between Promob and Infolytics.
Date: 04/24/2024
- Corrections
Project Saving
1. Corrected the situation where after saving, the project modification date was not updated.
2. Corrected the situation where after saving and sending the project to the cloud, the project key for export was not updated.
Project Tab
1. Corrected the situation where a project from the Projects tab remained locked for export and duplication, while in the Store tab the same project was sent to the cloud.
Store Tab
1. Corrected the situation where a project from the Store tab remained locked for export and duplication, while in the Projects tab the same project was sent to the cloud.
2. Adjusted situation in the Store tab, where the project being displayed only received the visual indication of being open after a new query was performed.
Unexpected Closure
1. Corrected the situation of unexpected closure of Promob after opening it.
Date: 04/16/2024
- Corrections
Promob Worker
1. Corrected the situation where the project version couldn't be located when using Promob Worker.
Saving Designs
1. Corrected the situation of Promob unexpectedly closing after saving a project or negotiation. (2109879)
Date: 04/10/2024
- Corrections
Saving Designs
1. Corrected the situation that occurred when saving designs. (2107373)
Date: 03/28/2024
- Corrections
3D environment
1. Fixed situation in which the 3D Environment was not loaded when opening Promob Catalog.
Store tab
1. Corrected a situation in which, when selecting a project in the Store tab, the Origin information was not displayed in the Project Details.
Date: 03/20/2024
- Enhancements
Importing Designs
1. Added functionality that allows projects to be imported from other accounts. For more information, click here. (2097354)
Recent Designs
1. Added a new option that allows finding designs with the most recent changes. This includes creating, opening, saving, generating an autosave, changing design data, changing the design customer and changing customer data. For more information, click here.
Account Settings
1. Implemented an improvement that now allows choosing the account's Visibility settings between Default, Private, Public and Public by group. For more information, click here.
Filter Designs tab Store
1. Implemented a new Filter Design screen in the Store tab for some versions of Promob Connect. On this screen it is possible to filter projects by Status, Name, Id, Client, Store and ID. For more information, click here.
Remove Designs
1. Added a new feature to Connect that allows removing designs from the main list to the garbage can screen. For more information, click here.
Export Designs
1. Added a button in Connect that allows designs to be exported from both the Store tab and the Designs tab. For more information, click here.
- Export designs in the Store tab.
- Export designs in the Designs tab.
Date: 03/20/2024
- Corrections
Export Designs
1. Fixed the situation regarding exporting designs in ConnectV2.
Date: 03/15/2024
- Corrections
Opening Designs
1. Corrected the situation where the incorrect version of the designs was opened. (2097354)
Date: 02/29/2024
- Corrections
Connect V2
1. Fixed the situation where the message Please wait for the saving process to complete before closing Promob was displayed. (2091866)
Date: 02/14/2024
- Corrections
Connect V2
1. Fixed the situation where the message Please wait for the saving process to complete before closing Promob was displayed. (2086528)
Date: 02/09/2024
- Corrections
Saving Projects
1. Corrected the situation where the system always opened the same version of the project, ignoring the other saves.
Date: 02/07/2024
- Corrections
Opening Projects
1. Fixed the situation where the message The specified blob does not exist was displayed when opening projects.
Date: 01/11/2024
- Corrections
3D Environment
1. Fixed the situation where the menu buttons were hidden for some monitor resolutions.