In this article, the latest 2020 Manager Pro and Manager updates and versions are discussed:
The new features are organized according to availability in each mode: 2020 Manager Pro, and Manager.
- To check previous versions 10.4.X and below, click here.
- To check previous versions 7.5.0 and below, click here.
See the latest news below:
▼ 15.5.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 03/19/2025
- Enhancements
Contacts - Documents
1. Improvement implemented in the names of document types in Contacts, adapting the nomenclature to French for Canadian users. Now, the names of document types will be displayed in French. Examples of display: (67534)
- Driver's License / Permis de conduire
- NKBA Member Number / Numéro de membre NKBA
- Passport / Passeport
- Photo ID Card / Carte d'identité avec photo
- Business Number (BN) / Numéro d'entreprise (NE)
- Other / Autre
- Corrections
Address Registration
1. Adjusted the alignment of the Clear button with the city registration field. (106182)
New Deals Screen
1. Corrected the alignment of the Ongoing Deals for this Contact table. (115274)
Sales - Dashboard
1. Corrected the display of fixed goals in the dashboard UI. Now, goals are loaded correctly when opening the page, if they are registered. (123416)
2. Corrected the display of values and percentages of goals in the dashboard UI. (123417)
3. Corrected the closing forecast dashboard. Now, only deals related to the month selected in the filter are considered. Deals with a closing forecast date are displayed in the chart, separated by the respective month of the forecast closing date. (123420)
4. Corrected the fixed funnel steps dashboard. Now, the filter by owner and date is applied correctly. (123420)
Deals - Expected Closing Date
1. Corrected the editing of the expected closing date for a deal. The selected date is now saved correctly and can be deleted. (123418)
Settings - Sales - Goals
1. Corrected the editing of the fixed goal value. Now, edits can be performed correctly. (123419)
▼ 15.4.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 03/10/2025
- Enhancements
Deals - Filters
1. Added a supplier filter to the list of deals. Deals can now be filtered by the desired supplier and combined with other filters. Click here to find out more about this enhancement. (119789)
Supplier Portal - Settings
1. Added a new screen for supplier settings. A new interface for supplier settings has been added. It can be accessed from the Supplier Portal, in the Settings section. Suppliers can now modify specific settings and save changes as required. Click here to find out more about this enhancement. (122043)
2. Added control of item editing permissions for suppliers. Suppliers can now manage item editing permissions. If editing is disabled, items will be in read-only mode and cannot be modified. Click here to find out more about this enhancement. (122048)
- Corrections
Deals - Spaces - Suppliers
1. Fixed the situation in project integration that prevented synchronization with the people microservice when the supplier was registered automatically. (118658)
Ornanogram - Shares
1. Fixed the header of the tree view component, ensuring that each column name corresponds correctly to its respective column. (120285)
Deals - Purchase Orders Generations
1. Fixed the situation where, after configuring the split tag, the separation of purchase orders by tag did not work correctly. (124730)
Deals - Specific Client
1. Fixed the situation that occurred when using the Optimize option in deals with multiple spaces, when one of the spaces was unchecked. (124789)
▼ 15.2.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 02/05/2025
- Enhancements
Supplier Portal
1. Available in the Identification of Purchase Order Inquiry Routes. The routes used by the Supplier Portal to search for purchase orders in Manager have now been updated. Instead of using the IdentityProviderAccountID as the identifier, the query is now based on the document (CNPJ or CPF). (122555 and 121903)
With this change, the route structure was modified from:
- Before: Accounts/{identityProviderAccountID}
- Now: Documents/{document}
2. Implemented new functionalities in the Supplier Portal UI, making it possible to retrieve, add and remove files in Purchase Orders from the Independent Supplier Portal. (123027 and 121903)
3. Improvements have been made to the creation of Purchase Orders, eliminating the need to specify the company's identityProviderAccountID. The system now automatically uses the identityProviderAccountID of the connected company. (123128 and 121903)
4. Improved the search for Purchase Orders, ensuring that the filters selected in the Supplier Portal panel are applied correctly. (123131 and 121903)
Purchase Orders
1. Improved the pre-order process, where it is now created automatically when the Deal is won. (122791 and 122790)
2. Improved performance in some parts of Purchase Orders, making the process faster. (123599 and 122601)
Deals - Purchase Orders
1. Improvements have been made to the Purchase Order card, with the implementation of the Model column and the removal of the Status column. (122797 and 122790)
2. The Purchase Order type is now displayed between the supplier and the creation date, and the delivery date has been renamed to Expected Delivery. (122797 and 122790)
3. Added the Future Delivery button to Deals. (122797 and 122790)
- Corrections
Purchase Orders
1. Fixed the automatic filling in of the e-mail for sending Purchase Orders. (123599 and 122601)
Deals - Spaces
1. Fixed the situation where the available date of the Promob version was incorrect. (123176 and 122601)
Supplier Portal
1. Fixed the situation when retrieving files via the Independent Supplier Portal UI. It is now possible to access Purchase Orders, as well as view, add and remove files. (123455 and 121903)
▼ 15.1.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 01/22/2025
- Enhancements
Purchase Orders - Files
1. Added functionalities to add, retrieve, and download files attached to Purchase Orders. (122548 and 121903)
The Store and Factory can attach files to a specific Purchase Order using the respective endpoints:
- POST /api/Accounts/{accountID}/PurchasesOrders/{purchaseOrderID}/Files
- POST /api/Factory/{accountID}/PurchasesOrders/{purchaseOrderID}/Files
- Corpo: Form-data com os arquivos a serem anexados.
The Store and Factory can retrieve the list of all files attached to a specific Purchase Order using the respective endpoints:
- GET /api/Accounts/{accountID}/PurchasesOrders/{purchaseOrderID}/Files
- GET /api/Factory/{accountID}/PurchasesOrders/{purchaseOrderID}/Files
The Store and Factory can download a specific file attached to a specific Purchase Order using the respective endpoints:
- GET /api/Accounts/{accountID}/PurchasesOrders/{purchaseOrderID}/Files/{fileID}/Download
- GET /api/Factory/{accountID}/PurchasesOrders/{purchaseOrderID}/Files/{fileID}/Download
Purchase Orders
1. Added the Model field to the purchase order table, filter, and screen. This field refers to the Purchase Order Type. (122805 and 122790)
- Corrections
Company Creation
1. When creating a company, the system now separates multiple emails registered on the Portal to allow login on the Manager. (121613)
Supplier Portal Translations
1. Added translation for the Purchase Type. (122720)
▼ 14.4.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 12/11/2024
- Enhancements
Sales - Dashboard
1. Added redirection to the deals screen in the sales widgets, funnel stages, and closing forecast. When clicking on the desired information, the user is redirected to the deals screen with the applied filter.
2. Removed redundant information from the cards. Now, the information displays only the total sales value.
▼ 14.3.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 11/27/2024
- Enhancements
Negociações - Ordens de Compra
Replication of Design Information to Purchase Orders (117085 and 116767).
1. Added GuidBuilder as an IntegrationDomain for each product when creating a deal.
2. Added Deal ID, Deal Number, and whether the deal is optimized or not as an IntegrationDomain for the Purchase Order.
3. Updated the IntegrationDomains of spaces and products in the deal. These are now transferred to the spaces and items in the Purchase Orders upon creation.
4. Removed the relationships between Purchase Orders and Deals in suppliers. Now, when any information is required, the Purchase Order retrieves it from its own IntegrationDomains.
5. The space in the Purchase Order is now treated as a list of spaces
Purchase Orders
1. Reduced the number of requests performed to improve performance. (118514 and 116774).
- Corrections
Deals - Add New Deal
1. Fixed an issue where, when selecting a contact, the project list was misaligned in the new deal screen. (119387 and 116774).
▼ 14.2.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 11/14/2024
- Enhancements
Deals - Enterprise Companies
1. Deals temperature. (118348 and 116763)
- Implemented a field to select the temperature of the deal (Hot, Warm, Cold), available only in the quotation phase. The temperature is now displayed next to the status icon in the trades table, and the option to filter by temperature has also been added to this table.
2. Stages of the Sales Funnel. (118348 and 116763)
- Implemented the option to define the stage of the funnel directly within the negotiations, applicable at any stage. When selecting a stage, it is automatically highlighted with the corresponding color.
3. Table of the Sales Funnel. (118348 and 116763)
- An update was performed that allows the registration of only one sales funnel at a time. In addition, when deleting a stage, it is now possible to select another stage to relocate the associated trades.
4. Restrictions by Permissions. (118348 and 116763)
- Implemented the temperature functionality limitation for versions with Dashboard permissions.
- Implemented the funnel stages functionality limited to versions with specific permissions for funnels.
- Corrections
Deals - Enterprise Companies
1. Adjusted in the Dashboards, the values displayed in the sales funnel, now including converted trades and lost totals. (118348 and 116763)
Promob - Focco Integration
1. Adjusted the situation when, upon making the connection to obtain the Trade opening URL from the Manager, the system returned an incorrect URL. Now the correct integration URL is provided. (118772 and 116774)
1. Fixed the situation where the Add button on the Add New Deal screen remained activated before loading projects related to the contact. Now, the button is disabled until the system completes charging. (118931)
Sales - Dashboards
1. Fixed the configuration of sales cards. Now, when selecting the value or quantity option, or applying a filter, the card is loaded correctly. (119162)
Deals - Add Spaces
1. Fixed the situation where trading environments were not being loaded. (119281)
▼ 14.1.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 10/31/2024
- Enhancementes
Supplier Portal
1. Added endpoint that returns the number of purchase orders generated, released and cancelled by all partners and individually for each partner in a specific period. The total of generated, released and cancelled purchase orders for each partner is obtained by adding up the generated, released and canceled orders from each client linked to the partner, respectively. (116792 and 116593)
Deals - Purchase Orders
1. Implemented improvement in loading of Purchase Orders. Now, it is checked whether the Supplier has the ProviderAccountID Identity in the database table, and behavior is adjusted to record this information only when the Supplier has an active Supplier Portal. This feature improves performance in obtaining purchase orders. (116774 and 116609)
Dashboards - Enterprise Companies
1. Implemented changes in the new user interface and functionality of the Dashboards. (116763 and 118347)
- Corrections
Sales - Dashboards - Enterprise Companies
1.Fixes and Changes to the Functionality of the Dashboards in the Enterprise Edition: (116599 and 116763)
- Fixed filters in the Commercial Dashboard.
- Updated the colors of the Commercial Dashboard.
- Removed the Activities Dashboard from the homepage.
- Added permission for the Sales Dashboard in the Enterprise edition.
- Fixed the filters in the Sales Dashboard.
- Removed non-essential dashboards from the Sales Dashboard.
- Adjustment made so that goals can only be defined with values. Quantity goals are no longer allowed.
▼ 13.5.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 10/02/2024
- Enhancementes
Purchase Order
1. An improvement was made to the creation of the purchase order; now it will be automatically released if it comes from a Maker project. (116602)
Supplier Portal
1. The dependency on table storage from the Manager was removed. Now, the Supplier Portal has its own table storage. (108574)
- The API keys generated at the path /integration-tokens are stored in the ExternalUserAccountData table in the Supplier Portal's table storage.
2. The Certificates and ExternalUserAccountData tables were created, respectively, to store token authentication certificates and generated API keys. (111566)
- Corrections
Supplier Portal
1. A validation was implemented to prevent the exchange of remote calls in the Supplier Portal. (116743)
▼ 13.4.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 09/19/2024
- Enhancementes
Review Flow - Integration with FoccoLOJAS
1. A new review flow has been implemented. Now, the new review flow does not use the reviewer user. (115477)
2. Two endpoints have been implemented in ExternalAccesses to change the review status
Changes the review status:
- PATCH /api/ExternalAccesses/Accounts/{accountID}/Negotiations/{negotiationID}/Revision
Changes the review status and creates a review option in Connect:
- PATCH /api/ExternalAccesses/Accounts/{accountID}/Negotiations/{negotiationID}/RevisionOption
3. The endpoint to change the status to reviewed has been modified. Now, it is only possible to change the status to reviewed when environments are updated. Once changed, the design is frozen and cannot be modified again.
- PATCH /api/ExternalAccesses/Accounts/{accountID}/Negotiations/{negotiationID}/Reviewed
4. Three endpoints have been implemented in ExternalAccesses to get, post, and delete reviewers for an AccountID in Connect:
- GET /api/ExternalAccesses/Accounts/{accountID}/Reviewers
- POST /api/ExternalAccesses/Accounts/{accountID}/Reviewers
- DELETE /api/ExternalAccesses/Accounts/{accountID}/Reviewers/{reviewerID}
Supplier Portal
1. New endpoints have been implemented. (115823)
- Update supplier status;
- Add observation;
- Get items;
- Files (throw exception);
- Shipping details.
- Corrections
Company Creation
1. Fixed the OccurrenceOperationTypeID when a company is created from another. Now, the ActivitiesTemplates from the source company are copied to the target company with the correct OccurrenceOperationTypeID. (115567)
Supplier Portal
1. Fixed token authentication on Supplier Portal and Supplier Portal Designs. Now the authentication works with tokens generated by internal requests and authenticated by the session handler in Security. (115973)
Promob/Manager Integration
1. Added validation for imported main items. Items must not have a quantity of zero. (116233)
Manufacturing - Suppliers
1. Fixed the system to prevent access to supplier information for users who are not manufacturers or do not have the SupplierPortal. (116318)
▼ 13.3.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 09/04/2024
- Enhancements
Promob Integration/Items
1. A change was made for the Manager to use the child items of the ghost items present in the Promob budget, which were not used until now. (115479)
- Corrections
1. Optimization was performed on item, supplier, and prospect queries to reduce delays in searches and filters. (110593)
Company Creation
1. The attribute name was changed from district to neighborhood in PromobAddressResponseContent to allow the retrieval of the neighborhood. (114447)
Supplier Portal Token
1. The account listing in the token generator of the supplier portal was fixed. (114949)
Supplier Portal
1. Validations were added to the endpoints to validate the account ID for the tokens. Now, only the orders allowed by the token can be requested. (114952)
▼ 13.2.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 08/23/2024
- Enhancements
Deals - Pending Actions
1. Added new controls to pending actions to ensure that project review is restricted. Now, in addition to the existing controls, viewing is limited only to converted deals and companies with the Pro Edition. (111530)
- Corrections
Deals - Files
1. Fixed the table of deals files. In deals with many files, when clicking on See more..., the files will be displayed normally. (111530)
Purchase Orders
1. Adjusted the Get method to only return purchase orders that have been released. (111532)
Purchase Orders - Connect
1. Fixed the supplier status change event. Now, when the supplier's status is changed, Connect is notified. (114339)
2. Added status release event to notify Connect when purchase orders are released. (114339)
▼ 13.1.0 | Manager - Manager Pro
Date: 08/07/2024
- Enhancements
Projects/Suppliers Integration
1. A functionality was implemented in the Manager to accept the Optimization Flow for all company types. This way, retailers who are not exclusive to a supplier can have different Negotiation Flows based on the supplier with whom the retailer works. Additionally, stores with multiple suppliers will also have their company type changed to the Generic Flow. (113652 and 113914)
- When creating a new negotiation, it is possible to select only designs that respect the same flow, whether Optimized or Generic. When selecting a design to add to a negotiation, on any screen, designs that are compatible and incompatible will be displayed.
- When creating a new negotiation, it is only possible to select designs if they are of the same type. There are two types of design: designs allowed for optimization and designs not allowed for optimization. When selecting a design, the system will show the designs and negotiations with which they are not compatible.
- It is possible to access both interfaces of the Deal tab, depending on whether it was optimized or not.
- And the Purchase Orders created from an optimized Deal cannot be viewed.
Purchase Orders
1. A functionality was implemented to indicate the type of payment responsible when creating the Purchase Order. In the request, the type must be informed through the ResponsiblePaymentType property. (111212 and 111096)
▼ 13.0.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 24/07/2024
- Enhancements
Project/Supplier Integration
1. Automated process in Maker so that when a Promob Maker project is negotiated, the supplier will be automatically registered and the catalogs will be linked. (112812)
▼ 12.5.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 26/06/2024
- Corrections
Supplier Registration
1. Fixed the situation where, when linking a supplier to an item, a new supplier was registered. (109283 and 105529)
Email Sending
1. Fixed the situation of sending an email that is too long to register a supplier. Adjusted the portal so that the system supports sending to multiple emails. (109304 and 105529)
▼ 12.4.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 13/06/2024
- Corrections
Deal - Buy Spaces
1. Fixed the situation where, when trying to buy a design created in an outdated version of Promob, the system would permanently display Busy. Now, the message Project Out of Date is displayed. (109285 and 105529)
Deal - Purchase Orders
1. Fixed the situation where, when using the Purchase Order by ID service, if the purchase order was canceled, the message Purchase Order not found for this deal was displayed. The system now returns the purchase order with the status Canceled. (109355 and 105529)
2. Fixed the situation that occurred when using the Search Orders service. The purchase order is now displayed with the status Canceled. (109355 and 105529)
Item Supplier
1. Fixed the situation where, when importing a project, the XML contained a tag indicating the supplier and its CNPJ. And in 2020 Manager, the CNPJ had no mask (00.000.000/000-00). Now, the system is checking and registering the CNPJ with the appropriate mask. (109383 and 105529)
▼ 12.3.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 29/05/2024
- Enhancements
1. Implemented improvement in the flow for purchasing of negotiations in companies of the Freemium type: (99542)
- When deals are purchased from freemium companies, the project must be marked as Reviewed and then the Purchase option must be selected in Connect.
2. New option to Freeze Designs during the conference has been implemented:
- New updates frozen in the design will be ignored.
- Designs will be set to Revised in Connect.
- This option cannot be deselected once Purchase Orders have been created.
3. New pending action implemented Not every design is reviewed:
- The message is displayed after the deal is won.
- The message disappears if designs are frozen or if Purchase Orders are created.
4. Implemented action to not display pending items in frozen designs:
- The Designs Outdated and Update Deal actions will not be displayed if the designs are frozen.
Deal - Endpoint de Revision
1. Improved the Deal Review process to deal with two different scenarios: (108120)
Scenario 1: The deal is not under review:
- The system will change the Deal phase to Review, add the Reviewer and send a notification to the Connect.
Scenario 2: Deals already under review:
- If there is a change in the Reviewer, the system will update the Reviewer's information using endpoint Connect. If the Reviewer has not changed, no action will be taken.
- Corrections
Manufacture - Items
1. Fixed the situation that occurred in the item listing. (108069)
2. Fixed the situation where items were not listed on the Adjustment - Manufacture - Items screen. (108069)
▼ 12.2.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 05/14/2024
- Enhancements
Purchase Orders - Specific Client
1. Implemented verification in the UploadedOn field, when the Purchase Order status changes to released and when environments are purchased. (105740) and (105529)
Help Bar - Specific Client
1. Added new nomenclature for the Help menu when the user is logged in with Company ID.
- Corrections
Company Information - Add Social Media
1. Fixed the situation where the Add Social Media button overlapped the document area. (107647)
Settings - Documents
1. Added horizontal scrolling in custom documents when options exceed the screen limit. (107836)
▼ 12.1.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 06/05/2024
- Enhancements
Purchase Orders - Specific Customers
1. Improvements have been made to the UploadedOn field to check when the purchase order status is changed to Released and when spaces are purchased. (105740)
- Corrections
Purchase Orders
1. Fixed the situation where the Purchase Order was not processed correctly due to missing data. (104149 and 99551)
Deal - Specific Customer
1. Created a validation to prevent the addition of environments through Pending Actions when using the interface of a specific customer. (106152)
▼ 12.0.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 04/18/2024
- Enhancements
Deal - Specific Client
1. Added some behaviors in the Spaces menu for integrating negotiations. Now, when trades are created, it will not be possible to edit the environments and the products will not be displayed. (99693)
- When there is an action that invalidates the value, the Reoptimize action is displayed.
- When the deals are correct, the purchase can be made. When you click on Buy Spaces, the Confirm Purchase Information screen appears to validate that the order can be placed.
- When the deals are finalized, there are no more actions for the deals.
Integration - Specific Customer
1. Implemented a function to save the optimization result. (105528)
- Corrections
Purchase Orders
1. Fixed the situation on the change flow of responsible for payment of the Purchase Orders. (104560)
Deal - Observations
1. Fixed the situation where a null value was displayed in the user's name in the observation message. (104613)
▼ 11.5.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 04/04/2024
- Echancements
Adjustments - Specific Customer
1. Changed permissions for a specific customer, and the chat menu has been updated to use the Installers permission. (103686)
2. Added missing permission on specific customer quotations. (104656)
Deals - Specific Customer
1. Buttons are now fixed at the bottom of client tabs and files. (104170)
- Corrections
Deals - Purchase Orders
1. Corrected the request to obtain Purchase Order data by ID. (104149)
▼ 11.3.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 03/06/2024
- Enhancements
Negotation | Layout
1. Created a new contract type and 2020 Manager interface for a specific client. (99692, 99732, 101517, 99731, 99733, 99916, 99693).
- Corrections
Supplier search filter
1. Fixed the situation where the search filter was not reset after the query. (99761)
▼ 11.1.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 02/07/2024
- Enhancements
Manufacturing | Supplier Item
1. Now the reading and creation of suppliers are based on the reference tag, so a new flow was created during the creation or modification of a space to receive data from the reference supplier through the Fornecedor_item tag. (96145)
- Corrections
FoccoLOJAS Integration
1. Fixed the situation where FoccoLOJAS was attempting to create a purchase order without a supplier. For this, a message was added to inform that there is no supplier for some products. (101157)
Item Supplier
1. The situation where the supplier was not defined in the import project has been corrected because the filter by company for individuals in the CRM was not being applied. (101199)
Purchase Order
1. Fixed the situation in which there were inconsistencies between negotiation and sales order. (101203)
2. Fixed the situation in which the purchase order was generated incorrectly, the calculation of the sales order when it came from a negotiation with adjustment was corrected. (101405)
▼ 10.6.0 & 11.0.0 | 2020 Manager - 2020 Manager Pro
Date: 01/25/2024
- Enhancements
App Installers
1. Improvements have been made to the page previously called Installation Details, now called Project Details. (94774)
2. Improved the Chat and Schedule buttons, which have now been moved to the Actions button. Files in PDF format will no longer display content, now a PDF icon will be displayed.
3. Added improvement to Customer information: when clicking on the Phone, Location or Email items, it will request the opening of the corresponding native app with the information (for example, Location will open the native maps app). (94774)
4. An improvement has been implemented on the page, where the Finalize Installation menu has been renamed to Finalize. (94780)
5. Implemented improvement where detailed project information is now presented in the Checklist and Finalization Attachments stages during the finalization process. (94780)
Item Suppliers
1. Created a new flow during the creation or modification of a space to incorporate data from the reference supplier through the Fornecedor_item tag. (96145)
- Corrections
App Installers
1. Made technical changes and cleaned up code in the system, thus removing the My Installations page from App Installers. (95798)
2. Fixed the situation where the header title was not updated when the user's language was changed. (95798)
Contact - Project Manager - Edit
1. Made adjustment in the system where it is now possible to identify the Participant even when only one letter is typed, and when entering other letters, the values continue to be located. (99722)
Deals - Purchases orders
1. Made adjustment to the See More functionality to include an automatic check of items after clicking. (96354)
2. Fixed the situation where the Item Counter was incorrect. (99722)