To see previous versions of Promob Worker, click here.
See below the latest news from Promob Worker:
Date: 20/03/2025
IMPORTANT: This version is compatible with Builder version1.60.30.0 or higher.
- Corrections
1. Resolved the issue that prevented the Worker from initializing if the user lost their Windows network credentials. This issue occurred specifically when, in the Worker Queue configuration, a network directory was set as the destination and the Windows user no longer had the necessary credentials to access it. With this fix, the Worker now handles the situation properly, ensuring that the application continues to function as expected. (2207002)
Design Processing
1. Fixed the issue where, due to a connection instability with the BuilderHub service, after a project exceeded the configured processing time limit, the Worker would not continue processing the next projects in the queue. (2211126)
Date: 02/26/2025
- Enhancements
Project Processing
1. Added the option to generate Builder processing logs, which can be enabled in the General Settings screen. Click here to learn more.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the Worker was performing a cyclic update between the Plugin Builder, Plugin Builder Budget, and Worker products. (2204781)
Date: 05/12/2024
- Enhancements
Design Processing
1. The validation message that appears when no label is linked in the integrator has been improved. (121463)
- Corrections
Design Processing
1. The issue that prevented project processing due to the absence of folders in the Worker queue has been fixed. (121621)
Date: 11/11/2024
- Enhancements
Processing Web Queue Designs
1. Added the option to Reprocess the design in web queue designs. For more information, click here.
2. Added the option to Remove the design from the processing queue in web queue designs. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
Validation of Requirements
1. Fixed the situation where the amount of VRAM was not displayed correctly in the minimum requirements. (2151800)
Date: 23/09/2024
- Enhancements
Design Processing
1. An option has been added in Settings to Allow processing of multiple versions of Program Promob, so the Worker can process projects with a version of Program Promob that is higher than the version installed on the Worker. Learn more here.
- Corrections
Design Queue
1. Fixed the issue where projects failing due to exceeding the processing time limit did not update the error status in the Web queue, which caused the project to be reprocessed in a loop.
Date: 07/09/2024
IMPORTANT: This version is compatible with Promob versions and Builder
- Enhancements
1. Adjusted the version validation message for Promob, where the version number was inverted between the project and the Worker.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where, when importing a .txt file with invalid content, a message informing about the invalid content was not displayed.
Date: 06/21/2024
Compatible with Builder version or higher
- Enhancements
ERP Integration
1. Added to the Promob ERP Plugin, an option to configure the sending of the XML file generated by the integration to a Focco API. For more information, click here. (107497)
Project Queue
1. In project processing, the Worker can now view and process projects from the parent configuration, along with all configurations linked to that account. (110406)
- Corrections
Project Queue
1. Fixed issue where web projects with the same name were not being added to the project queue. (109956)
Library Opening
1. Fixed library processing opening when the time format was not in the Brazilian standard format. (106612)
Date: 05/14/2024
- Enhancements
1. Created an option to activate Debug Logs during Worker execution. For more information, click here.
- Corrections
Web Queue
1. Fixed the situation where the project's processing status was duplicated in Connect.
1. Fixed the situation where Worker was not correctly identifying the 1KB .promob file.
2. Changed the way of obtaining Worker authentication data.
Date: 04/10/2024
- Enhancements
1. When started, the Worker creates a log for the queue configuration folders. (2102172 and 2104925)
2. The QueueERP service activation/deactivation is displayed on the main screen. (2102172 and 2104925)
3. Improvements to Promob/library version validation messages. (2102172 and 2104925)
4. Improvements to service validation messages when necessary. (2102172 and 2104925)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which an inconformity occurred when opening the Worker when there was no saved QueueProject configuration file. (2103095)
1. Fixed the situation where an interruption occurred, and the Worker was closed when migrating the processing logs. (2104711)
2. Fixed the situation where when using Library Configuration, a specific configuration was not applied correctly. (2105897)
1. Fixed the situation where Worker did not access the . promob files from a network folder with multiple subfolders. (2102172 and 2104925)
2. Fixed the situation where Worker was terminated unexpectedly when clearing ERP logs. (2102172 and 2104925)
Date: 03/20/2024
- Corrections
XML Processing
1. Fixed the situation where it was not possible to update and send the XML files to the ERP. Updates now take place every 30 seconds. (2100339)
2. Fixed the situation where, when there were one or more XML files in the input folder, only the number of files was displayed, without showing their names. (2100339)
Date: 03/14/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where the total number of xmls in the ERP queue was not updated in the ERP queue tab.
2. Fixed situation where when importing a .txt file, it was not displayed in the processing queue, it was only displayed if the Worker was reopened. (2099667)
Date: 03/11/2024
- Corrections
Progress at Worker
1. Adjusted the incompatible library versions message displayed when there are settings in the Library Versions tab. (103453)
Date: 03/04/2024
- Enhancements
1. Implemented configuration that allows not to use the ERP service. For more information, click here. (2011342)
Configurations and Processing
1. Implemented a feature that allows the Worker to process up to five different versions of the same library. For more information, click here.
Queue Worker
1. Implemented a new functionality for sorting and prioritizing design in the Worker queue. This addition resulted in significant changes to the Worker processing screen. For more information, see the following articles Worker Functioning and Project Ordering.
1. Removed from this version, the QueueProject service, eliminating the need for installation and configuration of the same.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the screen would become inoperable when trying to edit the IPs connecting to the services. (2062624)
File Generation
1. Fixed the situation where design names containing points resulted in incomplete generation of the XML name, causing unwanted overlaps. (2064497)
Date: 01/17/2024
- Enhancements
Worker Progress
1. Implemented in the Worker the resource in which the processing order of the projects is now visible in the Projects to be processed tab. With this, the prioritization of the projects will be determined by the order presented, in which the first of the queue will be processed initially, followed by the others, keeping the same sequence. For more information, click here.
2. Implemented the feature that makes it mandatory to activate the Plugin Catalog Configuration in Worker when starting a distribution in Maker. If it is not activated, Worker will not be initialized, resulting in projects not being processed.
Date: 12/07/2023
- Enhancements
Worker Progress
1. Implemented in Worker, the feature where it allows the processing of projects originated and created in Maker.