The crossbar editing tool allows crossbars to be inserted into sliding doors. The Editor will only be displayed for access after completing the insertion of sliding doors that have this feature. The Editor allows crossbars to be inserted, their position to be changed, to be removed and the type of panel to be changed for the door.
IMPORTANT: the Crossbar Editor tool depends on customization. Check with the manufacturer for the availability of the tool.
1. After inserting the doors in the cabinet, right-click and select the option Edit crossbars
2.The Crossbar Editor screen will be enabled. It is possible to insert crossbars on the doors and change the material of the door panel. To enable the tool, double click on the door that you want to edit.
IMPORTANT: Note that the option, Apply changes to all doors in the structure, is enabled. To apply the change to only one of the doors, clear the message.
3.After making the desired changes, click OK. The change can now be viewed in the 3D environment.