Through the Wall Editor it is possible to import the floor plan of the space to serve as guide in the construction of the walls. Importing a floor plan as a reference can be done through a DXF file or an image:
Import DXF from floor plan
Only what is visible in the design at the time of import will be imported.
- Importing the file supports the following entities: ARC, LINE, CIRCLE and LWPOLYLINE
- The file to be imported must be saved in the 2007 version of AutoCad
- Promob does not read solid drawings and lines
1. Access the File - Import menu and select Import Reference Blueprint. Or, on the Wall Editor screen, select Import Reference Floor Plan.
2. Locate and select the DXF file to be imported and click Open.
3. Perform the settings:
Layers: just leave the layer you are going to import on, using the On and Off buttons. Each layer is specified with a unique color in the list, and that color is also displayed in the preview.
File: displays the location where the imported file is saved. You can select another file by clicking the Open button.
Preview: displays a preview of the plan used as a reference.
Scale: select the unit of measurement that was used to create the wall design in the 3D modeling software.
4. Click OK to view the plan preview in the graphics area of the editor.
5. Start building walls according to the imported plan.
Import Floor Plan Image
1. Go to the File - Import menu and select Floor Plan Image.
2. A message will appear Would you like to open the wall editor after importing the image?
- If Yes is selected, the Wall Editor will open.
- If No is selected, the floor plan image will open directly in the 3D Environment, referenced to the floor.
3. After the import process is complete, the message Import completed successfully will be displayed, along with the location where the reference image can be manipulated.
IMPORTANT: It is not possible to reference a Floor Plan or Reference File for walls or ceilings.
4. If an import has already been performed previously, the message A reference plan has already been imported for this project. Would you like to replace it? will appear.
Layer Visualization
In the 3D Environment, the layer for the Reference Plan can be controlled from the Layers menu, using the light bulb icon to "turn on or off" (show or hide) the layer.
It is also possible to hide and/or show the Reference Plan image in the Geometry Editor using the Layers menu within the Editor window.
1. The command to turn off the layer in the Geometry Editor does not affect the 3D Environment, meaning the layer will remain visible in the 3D Environment.
2. If a Floor Plan Reference image already exists in the project and is turned off in the 3D Environment, it will also be turned off when opening the Geometry Editor. To view it, activate it using the Layers menu within the Geometry Editor window.
In the Wall Editor, to hide and/or show the Reference Floor Plan image, use the Hide button.
1. To set the scale (the relationship between the size of the floor plan image and the size of the project environment in Promob), click on two points of a wall segment. Click the first point, drag the mouse to the second point, and click again. Then, click OK.
2. Use the Pan and Zoom tools to better view the reference plan image and start building the walls.