Promob provides a budgeting tool so that projects can be budgeted. In addition to generating a budget, it is also possible to generate Listings and Orders, assembled and or exploded, complete or summarized. In addition, it is possible to configure which specific libraries will or will not be budgeted in each budget, or how the items in the list should be arranged.
Usually, the systems are made available to the user with four types of budgets configured:
Listing: Displays a list of all modules present in the project, without displaying prices.
Budget: Issues a report on items in the environment, associated with their respective value.
Summarized Budget: Displays the total value of the project and the payment terms, without listing the modules or components.
Order: Issues a report of items in the environment and their values, without considering the budget margins, this being the report that will be used for the store to place an order with the factory.
These settings can be made and changed by the Catalog, in the Registry - Budget - Budgets menu.
Below are procedures related to budget settings:
- Register Budgets
- Configure Budget items
- Define non-budgeted modules
- Create Budget groups
- Configure some fields of Customer Data for been required when generating the budget
- Customize the customer data screen displayed when generating a Budget
- Configure the Budget to require a password
- Set up exploded budget with an operation
- Set up exploded budget without operation
- Activate and deactivate budget
- Enable automatic design saving when generate budget
- Redefine the dimensions of an entity for display in the budget
- Budget Steps
How to register budgets?
It is possible to create different types of quotes through the Catalog, considering that each type can have several specific configurations that differentiate them between one and the other.
To register budgets:
1. Access the Registry - Budget - Budgets menu.
2. Select the main Budget group.
3. Click New - Add Budget.
4. Fill in the ID and Name fields as desired. Remembering that the ID field does not support special characters.
5. Click OK
6. Select the created budget and make the settings as desired.
Password protected: Check this checkbox so that the budget in question requests a password when it is generated.
Group: If you want to group some type of budget, just fill in the name of the desired group in this field for the group to be created.
Required customer data fields: It is possible to configure which customer data fields are required in order to generate the budget.
7. After making the desired settings, it is necessary to configure the budget steps.
How to create budget groups?
It is possible to group budgets to facilitate understanding in the register.
To group budgets:
1. Access the Registry - Budget - Budgets menu.
2. Select the budget you want to group in the Navigation Tree.
3. In Group, fill in the name of the group you want to create.
4. A folder will be created with the name filled in the Group field
5. Then, select the other quotes you want to add to the group and fill in the same information in the Group field.
6. Budgets will be grouped.
7. Click the Refresh icon to apply the changes.
8. Below is an image of how the group created will be displayed in the Promob Budget menu.
IMPORTANT: To remove items from the group, access each of the budgets again, and clear the information in the Group field.
How to configure some fields of Customer Data for been required when generating the budget?
The Promob Catalog allows you to configure that certain fields of the Customer and/or Company Data are required as requirements so that the budget can be generated.
To perform this configuration:
1. Access the Registry - Budget - Budgets menu.
2. Select the budget for which you want to configure the fields required by the navigation tree.
3. Under Required customer data fields, click the Find icon next to the Description field.
4. In the window that will open, select the field whose filling you want to be required and click OK.
5. Repeat the procedure to add the desired fields.
6. After adding all the fields, click the Refresh icon to apply the changes
7. When generating the budget, if these selected fields are not filled out, a window will appear as follows:
IMPORTANT: You can configure the customer data screen specifically for this screen.
How to customize the customer data screen displayed when generating a budget?
In certain budgets, if any field is mandatory, it is possible to customize the customer data screen displayed when trying to generate the budget.
To customize this screen:
1. Access the directory where the customized System is located.
2. In the System\documents directory, copy the file and paste it in the same destination.
3. Rename the file to pt.data_requiredfields.html.
4. Then, make the desired customizations in the file that was duplicated and renamed (pt.data_requiredfields.html).
5. Start Promob and verify that, when generating the budget by filling in mandatory fields, a screen will be displayed with the mandatory fields.
How to configure the budget to require a password?
It is possible to configure that a given budget, when requested, must require a password to continue generating it.
It is possible to configure this password to be a ready password sent by the factory for all licenses and that it will be necessary to pass it on to tenants, or simply that a window is displayed asking for a password and such password can be configured by the tenant in his Promob.
To configure a budget to require a password:
1. Access the Registry - Budget - Budgets menu.
2. Select the budget for which you want to set the password via the Navigation Tree.
3. Check the Password protected checkbox.
4. Click the Refresh icon to apply the changes.
5. When opening the budget, the following window will appear.
6. If you want to define a specific password that should be standard for all licenses (and informed to the tenant), click Change Password. If the password must be registered by the users themselves, it is not necessary to perform the procedure mentioned below.
7. In the displayed window, fill in the Current Password (if any), New Password and Confirm Password fields. Then, select the Promob option and click OK.
By selecting the Promob option, the registered password will be sent together with the other data by updating the system in the users' licenses.
IMPORTANT: If a standard password is registered once, it will no longer be possible to delete the password, just change it. So, be aware of the real need to register a standard password for all licenses!
How to set up exploded budget with an operation?
When it is necessary to create a budget that, when generated, calculates all builder operations associated with the project components, the exploded budget with operation can be created.
This budget setting will only be useful on systems using Builder.
For the operations to come out in the budget, it is necessary to register them in Promob. More information.
To set up an exploded budget with the operation:
1. Create the budget.
2. Once the budget has been created, it is necessary to add the steps. Click New and select the Create dynamic structures step.
3. Invert the order of the steps, placing the Create Dynamic Structures step above the Engine, using the movement arrows.
4. Next, add the Process Automatic Insertion step.
This step places all the automatic functions in the 3D environment so that they are calculated in the budget.
5. Add the Clear Dynamic Structures step.
This step deletes all dynamic structures created in the first step.
6. Finally, add the steps Calculate Prices and Markups, Payment Conditions (optional), and Presentation Screen.
7. Refresh the registration and generate the budget
How to set up exploded budget without operation?
When it is necessary to create a budget that, when generated, does not calculate the builder operations associated with the project components but continues to calculate edges and cut plan information, the exploded budget without operation can be created.
IMPORTANT: This budget setting will only be useful on systems that use Builder.
To set up exploded budget without operation:
1. Create the budget.
2. Once the budget has been created, it is necessary to add the steps. Click New and select the Create borders and cutting plane step.
This step makes Promob create the borders and cut plan information for the items in the environment before the budget is generated so that they are budgeted correctly
3. Reverse the order of the steps, positioning the Create borders and cutting plane step above the Engine, using the movement arrows
4. Next, add the Process automatic functions step.
This step places all the automatic functions in the 3D environment so that they are calculated in the budget.
5. Add the Delete dynamic structures step.
This step erases all dynamic structures, edge information, and a cutting plan created in the first step.
6. Finally, add the steps Calculate Prices and Margins, Payment Terms (optional), and Presentation Screen.
7. Refresh the registration and generate the budget.
Activate and deactivate budget
In the budget register, in the Definition tab, it is possible to enable or disable the budget, through the Inactive checkbox.
When the check box is selected, the type of budget registered is unavailable and is not displayed on the Budget tab in Promob.
To do this procedure, it is only necessary to select a registered budget and select or deselect the Inactivate checkbox.
Enable automatic design saving when generating budget
In the Catalog, it is possible to define or not, if when requesting one of the registered budgets, the project will be automatically saved before the budget is generated.
To do this procedure, in the budget register, it is only necessary to select one of the registered budgets and in the Definition tab, select or deselect the Save before budget check box.
Check box checked
When the checkbox is selected, when making changes to the design and requesting the budget, the design automatically saves the last changes and after that, the budget is displayed. Therefore, when closing the design right after the budget is generated, it closes the design directly and does not request to save it, due to the changes saved when requesting the budget.
Check box unchecked
By keeping the check box unchecked, when making changes to the design and requesting the budget, it is generated directly, including the last items inserted in the 3D space. However, when asked to close the design, Promob asks if you want to save the changes to the design, before closing it.
Enable Negotiation in Manager
This option enables the generation of the negotiation on the budget presentation screen. For more details, access Manager - How to insert a new negotiation.