One of the features available in Manager is the generation of Purchase Orders. After a sale is completed, or even manually, the user can generate and maintain Purchase Orders.
These Purchase Orders can be sent to the supplier in two ways: via email or via a direct communication platform between the store and the factory.
In order to facilitate communication between the store and the factory, the Supplier Portal was created. Through it, it is possible for the factory to have access to the Purchase Orders generated by the store, facilitating communication and automating the process of sending and responding to a Purchase Order. It is necessary to contact the factory to find out if it has access to this communication platform.
1. The registration of a new supplier can be done through the Adjustments - Manufacturing - Suppliers menu. After completing the requested data, it can now be linked to an item for the purchase to be made. On the vendor setup screen, the following options are available:
Supplier Data
It is the data of the supplier. It is possible to edit this data and maintain its registration.
On the information tab, it is possible to define tags that classify the supplier, define delivery data and contact information.
In the history tab, it is possible to follow the events related to the supplier.
On the transport tab, it is possible to inform whether this supplier offers transport services, as well as parameterize information related to freight.
In the items tab, it is possible to consult all the items that this supplier offers, as well as configure values and define whether it is the default supplier.
In the catalogs tab, it is possible to maintain the supplier's catalogs. The catalog serves as an item grouper and facilitates their management. When a catalog is added to a supplier, it is taken into account when generating purchase orders and items linked to the catalog are automatically added to the supplier.
External Access
In this region, it is possible to configure integration with the SupplierPortal platform of a given supplier. If the supplier in question has access to the platform, he can automatically receive the Purchase Orders generated for him.
Access and integration settings
In the Company account, in Manager:
1. Access Adjustments - Manufacturing - Suppliers;
2. Locate the supplier you want to configure access, under External access click Edit.
3. In the Identifier field, enter:
- If you are accessing through the Promob login: The supplier's tax identification number (CNPJ for Brazil, RUT for Chile, RUC for Paraguay, etc.).
- If you are accessing via login Manager: The supplier's email.
4. After inserting the document, the system will check if this document is valid and, if so, the name and some data of the supplier are displayed just below the field. Make sure that the data displayed is that of the supplier you want to grant access to. Confirm the change by pressing Save.
5. Now, the access is configured.
6. When releasing Purchase Orders, they can be accessed by the supplier. It is possible to release them through two different screens.
Release through the Purchase Order screen
1. Go to Manufacturing - Purchase Orders and select the purchase order. Then, in the Release/Situation option, change from Waiting Release to Released. On this same screen, it is possible to follow the progress of the Purchase Order at the factory, through the Supplier Status.
Release through Negotiation
1. Access the negotiation which has the Purchase Orders to be released and, in the Purchase Orders section, choose the order to be released and click Release.
IMPORTANT: If the supplier has not purchased the SupplierPortal or you have not configured access to this resource in the supplier register, the release button will not be displayed and only the option Send by E-mail is available.
2. The supplier receives an email informing that he can now access the Purchase Orders from his store.
Creation of the Deals tab within the Supplier Registration.
On the Deals tab, you can view all the deals in which there are items from the supplier in question.
The function, implemented in the deal flow, is designed to allow the user to generate a Future Delivery Order. The user creates or imports a deal, adds their environment, wins the deal and can then generate the Future Delivery.
However, to ensure correct operation, validations have been added:
You can only generate the Future Delivery order once, and it will be released automatically.
If other normal purchase orders have already been generated, it will not be possible to generate a Future Delivery order. In this situation, the button will be hidden.
The Future Delivery order does not interfere with standard deal behavior.
If the deal is reopened after the Future Delivery order has been generated, this order will not be deleted or canceled.
To access this functionality, you need to follow the standard flow for creating or importing a deal, adding the necessary environment. When you win the deal, you will have the option to generate the Future Delivery, provided you meet the conditions mentioned above.