On the Connect customer screen, it is possible to manage the customer portfolio and view information registered about customers. When accessing the customers screen, the following information is displayed:
1. Customer list: all already registered customers are listed on this screen in an orderly manner.
2. Number of customers: on this screen we also have an indication of how many customers were registered in this account. These customers are the same for all Promobs contained in the same account on the Promob Services Portal.
3. Customer: on this screen we have the following customer information:
- When clicking on a customer, their information will be displayed on the right side for editing.
- Number of projects: click on the projects option, the screen with all projects already made for this client will be displayed.
4. Customer data: where you have all the information about the selected customer, as per the data below:
Name: by clicking on name you can edit the customer's name. The name must be composed of first and last name, not accepting room names (João Cozinha) and test-type names (João Teste);
Person: defines whether the customer is an Individual or Legal Entity.
Foundation or Birth: enter the company's founding date or the customer's birth.
Corporate Name: defines the client’s corporate name, if it is a legal entity.
Customer Code: enter a code for the customer, for registration and internal control of your customer portfolio.
Telephone: it is possible to provide some customer telephone numbers. To inform, it is necessary to click on the symbol (+) and select the category between: Residential, Commercial, Fax, Message, Cellular or Others.
E-mail: it is possible to enter the customer's e-mail. To inform, you must click on the symbol (+) and select the category between: Private or Commercial.
Documents: it is possible to provide some customer documents. To inform, you must click on the (+) symbol and select the category among: CNAE, CNH, CNPJ, CPF, State Registration, Municipal Registration, NIF, RFC, RG, Suframa, Electoral Title.
Address: it is possible to enter the customer's address, selecting the type of address between: Residential, Commercial, Delivery and Billing.
Origin: inform the origin of the customer's initial contact with the store.
Notes: Enter notes about the customer.