To start the execution of a project at Promob, it is necessary to identify the client through the Customer Data tool, which allows control and management of the client portfolio.
It is through the Customer Data that it is possible to maintain registration information, such as telephone, address, e-mail, and also information through which media the customer had the first contact with your store/office.
This tool is extremely important for controlling statistics regarding the progress of sales in your establishment, so the registration of this data will remain saved in the cloud, and you can reuse and edit when necessary.
This article contains the following sections:
Access and Edit Customer Data
Check below how to access and edit this data:
1. When requesting a new project, inform the customer data;
2. To edit the data, access the Customer tab;
3. Search by customer name in the search field;
4. Click on a client's project;
5. On the right side, access the Customer Data tab and change the required information;
NOTES: Changing the customer name, affects all designs linked to it, so when changing it, confirm the displayed message.
6. Add more data by clicking the Add button;
7. Click on Save.
Import of Customer Data
As of Connect version 2.0.101, when importing a project, when creating a new customer, the Customer Data is also imported if this data was previously registered. To do this:
1.Import the desired project, in Select Customer check Create a new customer.
2. Search for the customer's name, and complete the import.
3. When you access the Customer Data tab, the data for the referring customer is already filled in as it was previously.
- Customer Data from existing projects can only be changed when connected to the Internet, if not connected, you cannot edit or change information;
- However, this will not prevent you from creating new projects, or registering new data, as these will be waiting in a queue;
- When the connection is established again, the new customer data will be stored in the cloud.
Customer Data in XML
Through the project budget, it is possible to generate the Promob XML file, where, in addition to containing information about the project items, information from the Customer Data is displayed. That is, all information registered on the Customer Data screen is sent to XML. See how to access the XML file and how to identify each data in the file.
NOTES: the data shown below refer exclusively to Promob's standard data. If your Promob has a factory customized library (Promob Studio, Promob Start, etc.), it is possible that data with the rep_ initials will be displayed in the XML. These are data with IDs that have been customized by the manufacturer, which doesn't fit the following explanations.
1. Access the Budget - Generate Budget option;
2. Click Send to - XML file;
Check out how to identify each data in XML:
In the address group there are the following data: Country, referring to the country, City, referring to the city, State, referring to the state, Complement, referring to the address complement, Neighborhood, referring to the neighborhood, CEP, Number, referring to the address number and Street, referring to the street.
Addresses are displayed in the following structure: address+type+Number representing the address, grouping information + information that the field represents.
EXAMPLE: "address_Commercial_0_country": "United States"
United States corresponds to the commercial address number 0. If there is another commercial address, it assumes the number 1.
EXAMPLE: "address_Commercial_1_country": "United States"
That is, when there is more than one registered address, they are classified starting from the group number 0, which would be the first address, 1 which would be the second address, and so on.
First registered address:
Second registered address:
Contact phone
In the group of phones there are the following types of contacts: Mobile, referring to the cell phone, Commercial, referring to the business phone, Residential, referring to the residential phone.
The telephones are displayed in the following structure: telephone+type+Number that represents the telephone, grouping information + information that the field represents.
EXAMPLE "phone_Mobile_0": "5499999999"
As in the Address data, when there is more than one registered telephone number, they are classified into groups starting from the number group 0, which would be the first address, 1 which would be the second telephone number, and so on.
In the e-mails group there are the following types of e-mails: Both, referring to corporate or private e-mail, Private, referring to private e-mail, Corporate, referring to corporate e-mail.
As with other data, when there is more than one registered e-mail, they are classified into groups starting from the group number 0, which would be the first address, 1, which would be the second e-mail, and so on.
In the document group, the data is divided into two categories, individual or legal entity, where they are classified using the "customerType" field.
An example of documents relating to individuals are:
From the selected country, the options for documents compatible with it are enabled:
For individuals:
For legal entity:
As with other data, when there is more than the same type of document to be registered, they are classified into groups, starting from the group number 0, which would be the first document, 1, which would be the second document, and so on.
NOTES: after filling in the data and changing the type of person, the data already registered are deleted so that the correct data are filled in.
The registered tags are also displayed in the XML, separated with a semicolon ( ; ), limited to 100 characters.
Unique data
Unique data is data that does not fit into any of the above data groups.
The data is displayed as "corporateName" the customer's company name, "nickname" the customer's name, as a nickname, "codcliente", customer code, for registration and internal control of your customer portfolio, "observation", data referring to the Notes field and "dateOfBirth", the client's date of birth, or the company's foundation date, "uf", referring to the state. For Brazilian addresses, states are displayed in acronyms.