Assemblers are used to register inserts, modules, references, removal options, events, and many other Promob functionalities.
Below are the specific assemblers for each use:
Environment Assemblers Insertion Dimension Assemblers Door Editor Assemblers |
Junction Assemblers Budget Assemblers |
Below are guidelines on the main Promob Catalog assemblers:
Opening Assemblers | Checks whether the entity is selected in the door editor. | |
Search for information from a particular group or entity. | ||
Search for desired information from an aggregate.
Ex: Door width: %kit_doo_fro_doo_inf.door.$W$% kit_doo_fro_doo_inf – id of the module in the library. door – id of the household on the counter. $W$ - assembler. |
Checks whether the aggregate is active (checked) or not. | ||
Returns true/false if it contains the child entity. |
Aggregates Assemblers | Search information from models, attributes of the searched item. Returns the following value: Filter (entity or group), ID (id of searched item), assembler (everything that assembles, attribute, model, etc.). | |
Searches for information from models and groups this information by returning multiple values. Ex: The width of partitions is searched for in a given module with 3 partitions, in this case, the widths of the 3 partitions will be returned, separated by the Separator parameter. | ||
$ambient.max.x$ or $a.Max.x$ |
Maximum X position in 3D space. | |
$ambient.min.x$ or $a.Min.x$ |
Minimum X position in the 3D environment. | |
$ambient.max.y$ or $a.Max.y$ |
Maximum Y position in 3D environment. |
$ambient.min.y$ or $a.Min.y$ |
Minimum Position in Y in the 3D environment. | |
Space Assemblers | $ambient.max.z$ or $a.Max.z$ | Maximum Z position in 3D environment. |
$ambient.min.z$ or $a.Min.z$ | Minimum Z position in 3D environment. | |
$ChangedDepth$ or $cp$ | Checks when the depth measurement was changed. | |
$ChangedHeight$ or $ch$ |
Checks when the height measurement was changed. Value 1 when changed, value 0 when not changed. |
$ChangedWidth$ or $cw$ | Checks when the width measurement was changed. Value 1 when changed, value 0 when not changed. | |
Assemblers Insert Dimensions |
$ChangedDimension$ or $cd$ |
Checks when any insertion measure has been changed. Value 1 when you have, value 0 when you haven't. |
$InsertDepth$ |
Check the insertion depth. |
$InsertHeight$ |
Check the insertion height. |
$InsertWidth$ |
Check the insertion width. |
$MaxDepth$ |
Returns the maximum depth for insertion. |
$MaxHeight$ |
Returns the maximum height for insertion. |
$MaxWidth$ |
Returns the maximum width for insertion. | |
$MinDepth$ |
Returns the minimum depth for insertion. | |
$MinHeight$ |
Returns the minimum height for insertion. | |
$MinWidth$ |
Returns the minimum width for insertion. | |
$LeftLateral.W$ | Left Side Length Dimension. | |
$LeftLateral.H$ | Left Side Height Dimension. | |
$LeftLateral.D$ | Left Side Depth Dimension. | |
$LeftLateral.EnityID$ | Returns the Left Side Id. | |
$RightLateral.W$ | Right Side Length Dimension. | |
$RightLateral.H$ | Right Side Height Dimension. | |
$RightLateral.D$ | Right Side Depth Dimension. | |
$RightLateral.EnityID$ | Returns the Id of the Right Side. | |
$UpperTrack.W$ | Upper Rail Length Dimension. | |
$UpperTrack.H$ | Top Rail Height Dimension. | |
$UpperTrack.D$ | Top Rail Depth Dimension. | |
$UpperTrack.EnityID$ | Returns the Upper Rail Id. | |
$LowerTrack.W$ | Lower Rail Length Dimension. | |
$LowerTrack.H$ | Lower Rail Height Dimension. | |
$LowerTrack.D$ | Lower Rail Depth Dimension. | |
$LowerTrack.EnityID$ | Returns the Id of the Lower Rail. | |
$UpperFinishing.W$ | Top Finish Length Dimension. | |
Door Editor Assemblers | $UpperFinishing.H$ | Top Finish Height Dimension. |
$UpperFinishing.D$ | Top Finish Depth Dimension. | |
$UpperFinishing.EnityID$ | Returns the Top Finish Id. | |
$LowerFinishing.W$ | Bottom Finish Length Dimension. | |
$LowerFinishing.H$ | Bottom Finish Height Dimension. | |
$LowerFinishing.D$ | Bottom Finish Depth Dimension. | |
$LowerFinishing.EnityID$ | Returns the Bottom Finish Id. | |
$FrontPosition$ | Returns the sliding front order value. | |
$FrontTrack$ | Returns the value of the sliding front rail. | |
$FrontTrack()$ | Turns the selected front into Sliding Front. | |
$Front().W$ | Front Length Dimension | |
$Front().H$ | Front Height Dimension. | |
$Front().D$ | Front Depth Dimension. | |
$Front().EntityId$ | Returns the Front id. | |
$Front.W$ | Returns the sliding front order value. | |
$Front.H$ | Returns the value of the sliding front rail. | |
$Front.D$ | Turns the selected front into Sliding Front. | |
$ROOTGROUP$ | Front Length Dimension. | |
$PROPOSEDWIDTH$ | Front Height Dimension. | |
$PARENTWIDTH$ | Front Depth Dimension. | |
$INSERTWIDTH$ | Returns the Front id. | |
$MAXWIDTH$ | Front Length Dimension. | |
$MINWIDTH$ | Front Height Dimension. | |
$PW$ | Front Depth Dimension. | |
$W$ | Front Depth Dimension. | |
$UW$ | Front Depth Dimension. | |
$PROPOSEDHEIGHT$ | Returns the proposed height value. | |
$PARENTHEIGHT$ ou $PH$ | Check the height of the father. | |
$PARENTDEPTH$ ou $PD$ | Check the depth of the parent. | |
$H$ |
Check the height of the aggregate. |
$UH$ | Height of the aggregate in the Promob measure unit. | |
$PROPOSEDDEPTH$ | Returns the default value of depth | |
$D$ |
Checks the depth of the aggregate. |
$UD$ | Verifies aggregate depth in Promob unit of measure. | |
$N$ |
Check the total number of repetitions. |
$NI$ |
Checks the item's position on the repeat. |
Entity Assemblers | $PARENTX$ ou $PX$ | Returns the X-axis value of the entity's parent. |
$X$ | Returns the X axis value of the entity. | |
$PARENTY$ ou $PY$ | Returns the Y-axis value of the entity's parent. | |
$Y$ | Returns the Y axis value of the entity. | |
$PARENTZ$ ou $PZ$ | Returns the Z-axis value (module to floor) of the entity's parent. | |
$Z$ |
Returns the Z of the item. |
$PARENTREFERENCE()$ ou $PR()$ | Returns the reference value of the entity's parent (reference_name). | |
$REFERENCE()$ | Returns the value of the Reference (reference_name). | |
$R$ | Returns the rotation value of the entity. | |
$RX$ | Returns the X rotation value of the entity. | |
$RY$ | Returns the Y rotation value of the entity. | |
$RZ$ | Returns the Z Rotation value of the entity. | |
$ParentWallHeight$ | Checks the height value of the parent wall. If there is no parent wall, returns the maximum height limit of the room. | |
$PWH$ | Height of the parent wall. | |
$PositionFromZeroZ$ | Returns the Z position of the parent's Base Point. | |
$PositionFromZeroX$ | Retorna a posição X do Ponto Base do pai. | |
$PositionFromZeroY$ | Returns the Y position of the parent's Base Point. | |
$PositionFromZero.Z | Returns the Z position of the entity's Base Point. | |
$PositionFromZero.X | Returns the X position of the entity's Base Point. | |
$PositionFromZero.Y | Returns the Y position of the entity's Base Point. | |
[Aggregate_ID.Selected] |
Tests whether the item is entered True or False |
[Aggregate_ID.W] | Returns the width of the item if not entered returns 0 | |
[Aggregate_ID.H] |
Returns the height of the item if not entered returns 0 returns the height of the item if not entered returns 0 |
[Aggregate_ID.D] |
Returns the depth of the item if not entered returns 0 |
$EntityProposedDepth$ | Proposed Entity Depth Dimension. | |
$EntityProposedWidth$ | Proposed Entity Length Dimension. | |
$EntityProposedHeight$ | Proposed Entity Height Dimension. | |
$G.HasItem()$ | Checks if there is an Item(ID) in the span(G) of the structure. | |
$SW$ ou $S.W$ | Width of the structure. | |
$SH$ ou $S.H$ | Height of structure. | |
$SD$ ou $S.D$ | Structure depth. | |
$S.HasItem() | Checks if the item (id) is inserted in the structure. | |
$S.TopNeighborDivision$ | Returns the first top shelf found. | |
$S.LeftNeighborDivision$ | Returns the first left shelf found. | |
$S.RightNeighborDivision$ | Returns the first right partition found. | |
$S.BottomNeighborDivision$ | Returns the first bottom shelf found. | |
$S.TopDivisionOrComponent$ | Returns the first upper part or component found. | |
$S.BottomDivisionOrComponent$ |
Returns the first shelf or lower component found. | |
$S.LeftDivisionOrComponent$ | Returns the first shelf or left component found. | |
$S.RightDivisionOrComponent$ | Returns the first tab or right component found. | |
%PlanType% | Used in Expression that takes the type name of the entity's "Father" Element. | |
$S.Top.NeighborDivision.W$ | Returns the width of the neighbor above the divider. | |
$S.Top.NeighborDivision.H$ | Returns the height of the neighbor above the divider. | |
$S.Top.NeighborDivision.D$ | Returns the depth of the neighbor above the divider. | |
$S.Top.NeighborDivision.ID$ | Returns the id of the neighbor above the partition. | |
$S.Top.Division.W$ | Returns the length of the inner tab above the item. | |
$S.Top.Division.H$ | Returns the height of the inner tab above the item. | |
$S.Top.Division.D$ | Returns the depth of the inner tab above the item. | |
$S.Top.Division.ID$ | Returns the ID of the inner tab above the item. | |
Structure Assemblers | $S.Multiplicity$ | Returns the number of external spans of the structure. |
$S.MultiplicityIndex$ | Returns the index of the item's outer span. | |
$S.ItemCount(id_do_item)$ | Returns the quantity of a given item inserted in the structure. | |
$S.DivisionQuantity(id_da_divisoria)$ | Returns the amount of a given divider inserted into the structure. | |
$PRZ$ | Returns the relative Z position of the Parent relative to the zero point of the structure. | |
$PRX$ | Returns the relative X position of the Parent relative to the zero point of the structure. | |
$PRY$ | Returns the relative Y position of the Parent relative to the zero point of the structure. | |
$RZ$ |
Returns the relative Z position of the Item, relative to the zero point of the Parent. IMPORTANT: EXCLUSIVE for use by the Closet Builder. |
$RX$ |
Returns the relative position in X of the Item, relative to the zero point of the Parent. IMPORTANT: EXCLUSIVE for use by the Closet Builder. |
$RY$ |
Returns the relative Y position of the Item, relative to the zero point of the Parent. IMPORTANT: EXCLUSIVE for use by the Closet Builder. |
[component_id.W] |
Returns the width dimension of the given component.
[component_id.H] | Returns the height dimension of a given component. | |
[component_id.D] |
Returns the depth dimension of |
[component_id.Selected] | [id_do_componente.Selected] | |
[component_id.CEDV] | Returns the editable dimension of the component if it is selected. It can only have one editable dimension, this dimension is configured in the advanced component options. |
[component_id.EDV] | Returns the editable dimension. It can only have one editable dimension, this dimension is configured in the component's advanced options. | |
$DivisionOrder$ |
Returns an index of the shelf in relation to the others, left to right, bottom to top. | |
$DivisionOrder.Inverted$ | Returns an index of the shelf in relation to the others, right to left, top to bottom. | |
$SelectedFront.W$ | Returns the dimension of the selected front width. Context is a drawer. |
$SelectedFront.D$ | Returns the depth dimension of the selected front. Context is a drawer. |
$SelectedFront.H$ | Returns the dimension of the selected front height. Context is a drawer. |
$S.IsUpperGap$ |
Tests if it is the top panel, returning true or false. | |
$S.IsBottomGap$ |
Tests if it's the bottom panel, returning true or false. | |
$S.IsLeftGap$ |
Tests if it's left panel, returning true or false. | |
$S.IsRightGap$ |
Tests if it's right panel, returning true or false. | |
$S.Panels.AnyVarEquals(id_da_variavel, valor)$ | It searches all the structure's panels if the variable with the informed ID and value exists in any of them, returning true or false. | |
$D1$ | Returns the value of the depth of Entity 1 (join context). | |
$D2$ | Returns the depth value of Entity 2 (join context). | |
$W1$ | Returns the width value of Entity 1 (join context). | |
$W2$ | Returns the width value of Entity 2 (join context). | |
$H1$ | Returns the height value of Entity 1 (joins context). | |
Junction Assemblers | $H2$ | Returns the height value of Entity 2 (join context). |
$X1$ | Returns the Z-axis value of Entity 1 (join context). | |
$X2$ | Returns the value of the X axis of Entity 2 (joins context). | |
$Y1$ | Returns the Y-axis value of Entity 1 (join context). | |
$Y2$ | Returns the Y-axis value of Entity 2 (join context). | |
$Z1$ | Returns the Z-axis value of entity 1 (junction context). | |
$Z2$ | Returns the Z-axis value of entity 2 (junction context). | |
$MATERIALID$ | Returns the material id. | |
Material Assemblers | $MATERIALREFERENCE$ | Returns the material reference. |
$MATERIALUSERCODE$ | Returns the material code of a texture. | |
$MATERIALUSERDESCRIPTION$ | Returns the material description of a texture. | |
$SameChildModel() | Returns 1 if children have the same model, 0 otherwise. | |
@Model_ID(ID_INFORMATION)@ | Returns the information of the Type Model where ID_INFORMATION is the ID of the information registered in the type model. | |
@Model_ID@ or @Model_ID(REFERENCE)@ |
Returns the Model Type reference. |
Model Assemblers | @Model_ID(NAME)@ | Displays the model set in the item description. |
@Model_ID.N@ | Returns the N-level reference of the Type Model. Used when there are associated models. Just change the N for the level you want to access. Ex: @MODEL_ID.2@. | |
$BudgetDepth$ | Checks the entity's depth in the budget in millimeters, regardless of the user's measurement configuration. | |
$BudgetDepthUser$ | Checks the entity's depth in the budget, in the user measures configuration. |
$BudgetHeight$ | Checks the entity's height in the budget in millimeters, regardless of the user's measurement configuration. |
$BudgetHeightUser$ | Checks the entity's height in the budget, in the user measures configuration. |
$BudgetQuantity$ | Check the quantity of the item. |
Budget Assemblers |
Searches for a specific reference of the item, where the budget rule is applied. |
$BudgetRepetition$ | Checks for repeating the item. |
$BudgetWidth$ | Checks the entity's width in the budget in millimeters, regardless of the user's measurement configuration. |
$BudgetWidthUser$ | Checks the entity's width in the budget, in the user measures configuration. |
$TablePrice$ | Item list price. | |
$UnitPrice$ | Item unit price. | |
TablePrice_ | Item list price. | |
UnitPrice_ | Item unit price. | |
$ABBREVIATION$ | Checks the abbreviation of the selected unit of measure. | |
Returns the description of the option used by some child that has a positioning service. |
Returns value 1 when the module is inverted, value 0 when it is not. |
Reference Assemblers | $ENTITYNAME$ | Returns the name (abbreviation field) of the item. |
$INVERTED$ | Obsolete variable, use $I$. | |
$I$ | Checks if the item is inverted. | |
$REFERENCE(NOME_DA_REFERENICA)$ | Search the value of a reference. | |
$UNIQUEID$ | Returns the unique id of the item. | |
$P.UNIQUEID$ | Returns the unique id of the parent item. | |
contains(texto, valor) |
Checks if the item/module has the informed value. |
startsWith(texto, valor) |
Tests whether the variable starts with a specific value. |
substring (texto, startIndex, lenght) |
Determines which start character and end character (3 + 3) |
Text Assemblers | endsWith(texto, valor) |
Tests whether the variable ends with a specified value. |
substring(texto, startIndex) |
Remove cuts the given index from a string. |
length(texto) |
Returns the number of characters a given string has. |
replace(texto, oldText, newText) |
Searches the old text and replaces it with the entered value. |