This service runs in the cloud, in order to generate files for integration with machines.
See the latest news below:
▼ Release 630
Date: 12/03/2025
- Corrections
1. The validation that checks if the holes are inserted in the parts has been adjusted to ensure the generation of machine programs. (2208981)
▼ Release 628
Date: 03/10/2025
- Corrections
1. Adjustment made to the Nanxing NCG3021L machine for cases where the machining angle was inverted, generating a different line than designed. (2208933)
▼ Release 623
Date: 25/02/2025
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Adjusted irregular pieces that had internal machining in the incorrect position when generating the cutting plan. (2201943)
2. Corrected the situation so that all cutting plans are correct when the option Generate programs by tools is selected in the machine setup. (2201779)
▼ Release 612
Date: 02/04/2025
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Added tool code in the programs of the machine Alca AL FD1200 ECO T6. (2199573)
▼ Release 611
Date: 02/04/2025
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Adjusted so that the process tool is used only when the process is present in the operation. (2199472)
▼ Release 594
Date: 28/01/2025
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected the situation in which a unconformity was displayed when generating programs, which occurred when the option Merge programs from several rotations in the same program was used. (2197365)
2. Fixed situation where program codes B and C in .xml extension files were not displayed correctly in the Nesting columns. (2196577)
▼ Release 580
Date: 01/13/2025
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Adjusted to ensure that operations with two passes and a depth are prioritized in the Machine Programs. (2188406)
2. Adjusted the depth of the milling pass in Profile Machining for MPR Machine Programs. (2190022)
▼ Release 577
Date: 12/10/2024
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Adjusted the selection of the correct process tool when generating a Machine Program. (2178973)
▼ Release 573
Date: 12/03/2024
- Corrections
1. Adjusted the position of the holes on the Profile Faces of the Soph MSZ600C machine. (2183882)
▼ Release 570
Date: 25/11/2024
- Corrections
1. Adjusted the restriction that validates whether the hole is positioned inside or outside the part. (2181227)
▼ Release 566
Date: 11/11/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed an issue where cutting plans that used leftovers were generated without some parts.
Nanxing NCB612
1. Fixed an issue where the tool offset was incorrectly sent to the Nanxing NCB612 machine. (2179144)
2. Fixed an issue where some modules were not generated depending on their position in the Promob environment; this occurred due to the depth calculation for the Nanxing NCB612 machine. (2166037)
▼ Release 557
Date: 07/11/2024
- Corrections
Cutting configuration
1. Corrected the situation where small parts were overlapping others in some cutting configurations. (2177301)
▼ Release 549
Date: 10/22/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where, when starting contour machining at the corner of parts, operations were overlapping. (2172511)
2. Fixed the situation where holes converted into circular machining were not executed, even when the tool was compatible with the operation. (2170396)
▼ Release 541
Date: 10/07/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where a circular machining operation, which could not be processed, was being improperly executed by the system. (2164972)
▼ Release 537
Date: 30/09/2024
- Enhancements
Plugin Nanxing NCB612
1. Added the option Disconnect contour machining points which allows the machine to perform machining operations without the need for emptying. Learn more here. (2105952)
2. New options added to the Tool change function with magazine to modify the tool change command. Learn more here. (2105952)
▼ Release 534
Date: 09/19/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where through rectangular machining operations were not sent to the Nesting program when the Generate finished parts option was enabled.
▼ Release 533
Date: 09/09/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which rectangular angled machining operations were in the incorrect position in machine programs.
▼ Release 532
Date: 05/09/2024
- Corrections
Cutting plane programs
1. Corrected a situation in which, when using the setting Holes behave like machining operations, the cutting plane programs were generated incorrectly.
▼ Release 518
Date: 09/08/2024
- Corrections
Router Machine
1. Fixed the situation where not all cutting plans are output from Router machines. (2147769 and 2144960)
▼ Release 515
Date: 02/08/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where operations were not included in the Nesting program, even without having any restrictions for execution. (2135858)
▼ Release 511
Date: 07/23/2024
- Enhancements
1. Added cutter diameter to Nanxing machine programs. (2141077)
- Corrections
Rover 22
1. Adjusted the input and output of the milling cutters for the Rover 22 machine in .PAN format. (2133840)
▼ Release 493
Date: 07/08/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which the Nesting programs incorrectly rotated the parts when the cutting plane had different parts with the same dimensions.
▼ Release 492
Date: 27/06/2024
- Corrections
Rover 22
1. Adjusted the tool entry and exit when machining is not variable for the Pan format on the Rover 22. (2133840)
Nanxing NCG3021L
1. Adjusted the overcut sum of the Nanxing NCG3021L, so when there are pieces without operations, the overcut is added to the size of the sheet. (2133953)
▼ Release 491
Date: 25/06/2024
- Enhancements
Nanxing NCG3021L
1. Added the "Z" field to the Nanxing NCG3021L program that defines the depth of the operation. To fill in this field, the machining depth is subtracted from the thickness of the part. The EdgeGroup field was also added at the end of the program.
2. For Nanxing NCG3021L, the generation of emptying operations has been made available. (2128356)
- Corrections
Router Machines
1. The issue where through machining operations with a linked process were not displayed on the priority face of the Nesting program or in the Cutting Plan, on Router machines, has been corrected. (2113995)
SCM - Tecmatic Machines
1. Corrected the situation in which the minimum entry/exit radius configured on the milling was not used to calculate circular entry/exit on SCM - Tecmatic machines. (2131497)
▼ Release 478
Date: 06/18/2024
- Corrections
Plugin Biesse Rover 22
1. Corrected the situation that occurred in the tool input and output command in .PAN format on the Rover 22 machine. (2130047)
▼ Release 474
Date: 06/14/2024
- Corrections
1. Adjusted the face on which machining starts in the Skipper 100 and 130 machine programs. (2126481 and 2128747)
- Improvements
1. Added Profile Machining menu for machines that use .BPP and .CIX format.
2. Included option to generate individual part programs for Nesting with Cutting Plan. (2028714 and 2106629)
▼ Release 473
Date: 06/13/2024
- Corrections
Plugin Biesse Rover 22
1. Fixed the situation where machining with arcs had incorrect direction, angle, and file size .PAN of the Rover 22 machine. (2123082)
▼ Release 451
Date: 05/27/2024
- Corrections
Cutting Plan
1. Adjusted the issue where Nesting cut plan files were generated with missing pieces (Reversed changes related to Release 448). (2124102)
▼ Release 450
Date: 05/24/2024
- Corrections
Plugin Jaragua CNC Router Exclusive 28182
1. Fixed the situation where rectangular Pocket machining operations with the same cutter width were not generated correctly in the Jaragua CNC Router Exclusive 28182 plugin. (2116347)
▼ Release 448
Date: 05/23/2024
- Corrections
Cutting Plan
1. Corrected the situation in which Nesting programs improperly rotated parts when the cutting plane had different parts with equal dimensions.
▼ Release 445
Date: 05/10/2024
- Corrections
1. Adjusted the Tool output to PAN format. (2119002)
2. Adjusted the origin of the tear with a cutter on the Skipper 100 and 130 machine. (2112132)
▼ Release 442
Date: 05/06/2024
- Corrections
T NCG3021L
1. Removed the Outline mode.
2. Removed blank line within MACHINING mode.
3. Removed the tag CAMINHOETIQUETA, now it is the user's responsibility to manually include the option in the file list. (2113915)
▼ Release 436
Date: 04/23/2024
- Corrections
1. Adjusted the entry angle of the mill when it comes to Contour Machining. (2109186)
▼ Release 430
Date: 04/17/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected the contour command when the Nesting type selected is Rectangular on Morbidelli machines. (2110115)
▼ Release 425
Date: 04/09/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the clamp restriction of the Skipper 100 and Skipper 130 machines resulted in the invalidation of operations on the incorrect side of the part. (2101794)
▼ Release 420
Date: 03/28/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected a situation in which machining operations with arcs in the Nanxing NCB plugins had the angle inverted. Corrected plugins: (2100671)
- NCB612T
- NCB612FT
- NCB612DT
- NCB2412
- NCB612
- NCB612S
- NCB612DX
- NCB612D
- NCB612DP
1. Corrected offset calculation with options to add edge band offset and discount edge band thickness. For more information click here. (2100468-2102599)
Image above with zoom applied:
PGMX programs with parking:
1. Fixed situation where the head displacement type (Absolute and Relative) was inverted, following Maestro documentation. (2060954)
PAN Program
1. Fixed the depth dimension of the slot in Pan format on the Rover 22 machine. (2104970)
▼ Release 417
Date: 03/22/2024
- Corrections
Cut Planning
1. Adjusted the Ordering of Processes in Machine Programs. (2018138)
▼ Release 415
Date: 03/20/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the start point of machining was changed incorrectly to the corner. (2101805)
2. Corrected a situation in which the program's final depth was generated incorrectly when the depth of the pass was exactly the same as the machining depth. (2089431)
3. Fixed the situation where the overcut and edge thickness values were not added up correctly when necessary. (2063483)4. Adjustments were made to treat situations in which the conditions for tool selection presented more than two criteria. (1968543)
▼ Release 412
Date: 03/14/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation that caused slowness in the Machine Programs service. (2099007)
2. Fixed the situation where, when a cross occurs larger than the diameter of the cutter, an inconsistency was displayed. (2094671)
▼ Release 407
Date: 05/03/2024
- Corrections
1. Adjusted the situation in which the ADB100 and ADB250 machines did not consider the restriction Maximum drilling position and the insertion of vertical hardware from the edge. (2096190)
2. Corrected the situation in which holes that turned into circular machining operations were generated with the wrong depth. (2095709)
▼ Release 406
Date: 03/01/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the orientation of parts that were machined from the incorrect direction. (2090484)
2. Adjusted the tool alignment command to the .bpp extension. (2086308 and 2063483)
3. Fixed the situation where the direction of the arcs was incorrect when performing Nesting with the Cutting Plane. (2085204)
4. Fixed the situation where some Nesting files were not generated. (2092235)
▼ Release 395
Date: 23/02/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected a situation where drilling unnecessarily activated the through hole function in BiesseWorks. (2092190)
2. Fixed situation where machining operations were unlinked from their respective process in BiesseWorks. (2092641)
▼ Release 392
Date: 02/20/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where B programs were incorrectly generated in the Nesting folder instead of the Profile folder. (2091005)
2. The commands to identify the closest profile faces, C1 and C3, were inverted in the ABD250 Plugin. (2087734)
▼ Release 388
Date: 02/09/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation in which the content of program B displayed the code of program A. (2087430 and 2084317)
▼ Release 386
Date: 02/08/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected the restrictions of the StarTech CN Plus machine for the correct generation of top holes. (2087368)
▼ Release 384
Date: 02/06/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where arcs presented inverted angles in the IMA BIMA plugin. (2083615)
▼ Release 374
Date: 01/26/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where it was not possible to select/edit the lines of machining/slot with milling operations in BiesseWorks in programs with extension .bpp. (2081174)
▼ Release 367
Date: 01/18/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where an improper slot occurred when there was no tool selected on the SCX machines. (2079131)
▼ Release 366
Date: 01/12/2024
- Enhancements
1. The plate code is now displayed in the Nesting file name, separated by material. (2076131)
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where part orientation was incorrect on MSZ600C machine. (2070196)
2. Corrected the situation in which, when generating Nesting programs on the Rhino RMC 3000 machine, the message InternalServerError was displayed. (2076769)
3. Corrected the situation in which the cutter alignment was incorrect in emptying machining where the operation was smaller than expected. (2068100)
▼ Release 361
Date: 12/21/2023
- Enhancements
1. Updated the Machine Program Service to allow the generation of machining with variable depths. (2045909)
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation that occurred when commanding Holes on HOP system machines. (2073069)
▼ Release 360
Date: 12/19/2023
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where internal machining operations were not generated on machines with Weeke - Homag integration. (2071925)
▼ Release 359
Date: 12/13/2023
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where operations in the profile were not generated for machines with multiple heads. (2070131)
▼ Release 357
Date: 12/08/2023
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the input position of the edge head was incorrect. (2069047)
▼ Release 355
Date: 12/05/2023
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which when the BPP format was selected, the Tool name was searched for instead of the code, making it impossible for the user to select other tools. (2068685)
▼ Release 353
Date: 12/04/2023
- Corrections
1. Corrected a situation where a divergence occurred in the programs due to the inversion of values when the needDecreasingDepth property was activated. In this case, the depth value was higher than that of the pass, and the system incorrectly interpreted that it should perform more passes. (2068162).
2. Adjusted the maximum diameter restriction for the Imagic machine drilling. (2067219)
▼ Release 352
Date: 12/04/2023
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where, when the CIX format was selected, the Tool name was searched for instead of the code, making it impossible for the user to select other tools. (2028724)
2. Corrected the situation in which PGMX programs did not correctly generate the contour command when there were multiple passes in Maestro version 22 or higher. (2044665)
3. Corrected a situation where the outline of parts with an arc was drawn incorrectly on machines with .bpp and .cix integration (2060852)
▼ Release 348
Date: 11/27/2023
- Corrections
1. Adjusted the offset calculation for the IMA BIMA machine. (2058216)
▼ Release 347
Date: 11/24/2023
- Corrections
1. Adjusted milling slot control for operations on part profiles (2063171)
2. Corrected a situation in which, if the machining had lines outside the part, the entry and exit of the tool were incorrect, with the entry inside the part. (2061188)
3. The prioritized head was not considered primary for through operations. (2064346)
4. Adjusted bridge machining so that it comes out correctly in the machine program. (2040568)
▼ Release 345
Date: 11/20/2023
- Corrections
Nesting Machine
1. Corrected a situation in which, if the client had configured the depth of the passes on the Weeke machines, the program did not allow the option to invert the points, so the depth was inverted. (2057482)
▼ Release 343
Date: 11/16/2023
- Corrections
Nesting Machine
1. Made adjustments to the XML format in the Nanxing NCG3021L machine plugin. The direction of the vein is now displayed in the header. In addition, a new command has been added for arc machining, including information on the cutting direction. For more information, click here. (2061841)
2. Fixed the situation where the BIMA machine overcut was incorrect. (2058216)
3. Adjustments were made to the machining direction according to the settings registered in the tool. (2040610)
▼ Release 342
Date: 11/10/2023
- Corrections
Nesting Machine
1. Fixed the situation where the .csv file for Nesting machines was generated with missing items. (2053138)
2. Corrected situation where prioritisation was incorrect for the top head for the Imagic machine. (2060362)
▼ Release 338
Date: 11/03/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Fixed the situation where Programs B and C had a different rotation compared to Program A, even when it was possible to execute the program with the same rotation. (2050829)
2. Corrected the situation in which the Input Extension configured was not considered in machining/slots operations with milling cutters. (2055405)
3. Fixed the situation where Operations on the profile face were incorrectly displayed on the top face on machines that used .cix files. (2053879)
▼ Release 335
Date: 10/26/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Fixed the situation where an inconsistency occurred in opening programs with extension .pan, .bpp and .cix in BiesseWorks. (2053421)
2. Adjusted the depths of machining operations of Weeke machines. (2053718)
3. Fixed the situation where items of the same material with different vein directions were not listed in the same nesting CSV. (2053138)
▼ Release 330
Date: 10/16/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected the situation where the tool for process operations was not chosen correctly.
2. Corrected the situation where hollowing machining on the X200 Cell machine did not generate operations.
▼ Release 316
Date: 09/13/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected the situation where an inconformity occurred that resulted in the generation of Nesting programs and drawings without some parts. (2039401)
▼ Release 313
Date: 08/30/2023
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the heads of Ventures machines were not retracting from the last machining position. (2033082)
2. Fixed the situation in the BIMA Plugin where the tool's entry and exit extension value were not being considered in case of overcut on the part. (2017026)
3. Fixed the situation where operation variables were being incorrectly inverted. (2022828)
4. Fixed the situation in which the machine programs in the Usaberg ATC 2819 Router plugin were not generated.
▼ Release 311
Date: 08/23/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected the situation where machine programs were not generated in the BHX055 plugin. (2019090)
▼ Release 309
Date: 22/08/2023
- Enhancements
Security Service
1. Security package update to version 1.1.56. This update maintains acceptance of the Promob token and also adds acceptance of the Flex token.
IMPORTANT: Available from Builder version
▼ Release 305
Date: 08/03/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Fixed the situation where machine programs were not generated in the BHX055 plugin. (2019090)
▼ Release 297
Date: 07/14/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Fixed situation where operations could be duplicated if they had different links to each other in Ima Imagic. (2017457)
IMPORTANT: Correction number 2 included in version 297 on 28/07/23:
2. Adjustment made to the hardware insertion control of the ABD 100 machine, making sure that the hardware is inserted in the correct place.
▼ Release 296
Date: 07/12/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected a situation in the Venture 1M Plugin where through machining operations were incorrectly being treated as off-part machining operations, resulting in them not being executed. (2016515)
▼ Release 295
Date: 07/12/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected the situation on Alca 2030 3s and Weeke Venture 316 machines, where the contours were generated only in rectangular mode, without respecting the L-shaped corners. (2014170 and 2014171)
▼ Release 292
Date: 07/04/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected the situation where the Machine Program was not generated due to an inconsistency when generating the BHX 055 file. (2012246)
2. Fixed the situation where some Overcut settings generated in the Manufacture service were incorrect. Now the Overcut is generated correctly according to the documentation. (2000390)
3. Corrected the situation in which an inconsistency was displayed in the BIMA plugin, causing the generation of negative values in the border position in the Machine Program. (2008808)
▼ Release 281
Date: 05/17/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Fixed the situation where the Generate Finished Parts option did not work correctly in the Nesting settings.
IMPORTANT: Correction number 2 included in version 281 on 06/20/23:
2. Corrected the situation in the Machine Program of the AL2030B plugin, where the command to turn on the motor in Circular Machining was not being sent. (2007803)
IMPORTANT: Correction number 3 included in version 281 on 26/06/23:
3. Fixed the situation where when selecting a machining operation in the settings of the Pratika 315 plugin, the selected machining operations were not respected. (2009029)
▼ Release 279
Date: 05/12/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected the situation where no operations were generated on Nesting machines.
▼ Release 273
Date: 05/08/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected the situation where .inf files were generated on successfully generated parts.(1989086)
2. Corrigida a situação no Builder, em que a opção Gerar peças finalizadas, não era respeitada nas operações de perfil. (1989953)
▼ Release 272
Date: 04/28/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected the situation in the Morbidelli - Uniflex plugin, where the alignment tool on the underside of the part was incorrect. (1964141)
2. Fixed the situation where when generating the . csv Nesting file, via Promob ERP Integration, the amount of parts was improperly grouped. (1983671)
▼ Release 271
Date: 04/26/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Corrected the situation where when generating parts in the ERP Plugin, the quantity of items in the .csv file was duplicated. (1983671)
2. Corrected the situation where the B program for parts was not generated. (1988558 and 1976573)
3. Fixed the situation where when using the ERP Plugin, more programs were generated than necessary. (1983728)
4. Corrected the situation where the behavior of the slot in the execution of Nesting, considered the radius of the cutter, changing the initial/final position of the slot. With the correction the slot is generated according to the initial/final position set in the part. (1964901)
▼ Machine Programs - Change in Generator
Date: 04/06/2023
- Corrections
Machine Programs
1. Fixed the situation in which there were improperly two passes in the contour of the SCM machines. (1974546)