- The releases are made gradually, so it is possible that your Promob is not in the latest version. To receive it, please update your Promob.
- For more information on older versions of Promob, click here.
- To consult the news made available on Decore Online, click here.
Date: 21/03/2025
- Corrections
Print Page
1. Fixed the issue where a unconformity was displayed when saving a print prototype. (2205154)
Date: 06/02/2024
- Enhancements
3D Space
1. A notification has been added to warn about the number of faces exceeding the recommended amount when inserting an item with more than 25,000 faces in the 3D environment. Learn more here.
2. It is now possible to add the reference plan in the 3D environment, with visibility controlled through the layers window. Learn more here.
- Corrections
3D Space
1. The issue where the module became unavailable when duplicated in a project started in another system has been fixed. (2126840)
2. The issue where the joint was not properly formed when repositioning the module in the repositioning window has been fixed. (2157762)
3. The issue where the item/model was incorrectly inserted due to having the same description has been fixed. (2165693)
4. The issue where changing the drawer model did not update or insert it into the environment has been fixed. (2168456)
Tab Documents
1. The issue where the Customer Data tab was incorrectly displayed in the Documents tab has been fixed. (2145527)
1. The issue where the message A Promob is already running. Do you want to open another? was incorrectly displayed behind other open windows on the computer has been fixed. (2171092)
Print Page
1. The issue where the listing was not generated on pages with the Viewport locked has been fixed. (2163204)
1. The issue where the search buttons were hidden in the new interface version of Promob on the Materials Screen has been fixed. (2149754)
1. The issue where Promob closed unexpectedly when changing the model of some modules on the Models Screen has been fixed. (2165907)
Layers Menu
1. Added translation to the identification of items in the Layers menu. (2187766)
1. Fixed the situation where when creating a Closets Builder item within an area it was not configured properly. (2120055)
Date: 05/02/2025
- Corrections
Manager Integration
1. Fixed the situation in which the incorrect budget was sent for integration with Manager.
Date: 04/02/2025
- Enhancements
1. Added compatibility for processing Operations in the integration stage with LeoPlan.
Date: 12/16/2024
- Corrections
Unexpected Closing
1. Fixed the situation where Promob, in certain scenarios, would close unexpectedly without displaying any warning. (2182786)
Date: 12/03/2024
- Corrections
Print Screen Listing
1. Fixed an issue where the Print Screen listing was not including all items in the scene. (2119168)
Cabinet Builder
1. Fixed an issue where, when duplicating cabinets, some parts were being incorrectly duplicated during the copy process. (2122631)
Movable Field for Geometries
1. Adjusted so that the Movable field in the properties is always displayed for items that are Geometries. (2182522)
Date: 10/30/2024
- Enhancements
Impressions Page
1. New buttons have been added to the print page that allow all viewports to be locked, either on the current page or on the entire design. This makes it easier to control and edit views.
2. Now, when panning (Pan function) or zooming on the print page, the viewports will be disabled until the movement/zoom is completed. This is done to optimize the usability time on the Print Page.
3D environment
1. The option to group linear kitchen tops has been implemented. (2137966)
- Corrections
Closet Builder
1. Fixed Promob closing unexpectedly when trying to change values from the Cabinet Builder screen. (2120711 and 2133966)
2. Fixed the situation where the cabinet was displayed disconfigured in the editor when inserted into a rotated panel. (2123553)
3D environment
1. Fixed the drilling depth of objects, where the default value was not 0. (2121829)
2. Fixed the situation where, when changing the position/height of the wall via the wall editor, windows, furniture and perforations were not repositioned correctly along with the wall. (2129413)
3. Fixed the situation where aggregates were not inserted during reprocessing. (2134008)
4. Correction implemented so that the height adjustment when double-clicking occurs until the next collision. (2135612)
5. Fixed the application of the template to all items when the user selected All. (2137808, 2146636, 2152060 and 2152166)
6. Corrected the visibility of the movable property so that it is available on the screen as configured. (2127961)
Impressions Page
1. Fixed the situation that occurred when trying to export the print page as an image. (2123544)
2. Adjusted the quota setting on the print page, which was not saved correctly. (2141648)
3. Fixed the display of prototypes on the print page. (2145518)
4. Fixed the situation where modules in the viewport were selected even when they were behind a wall. (2119168)
Date: 10/23/2024
- Enhancements
Print Page
1. Now, when panning (Pan function) or zooming on the print page, the viewports will be disabled until the movement/zoom is completed. This is done to optimize the usability time on the Print Page.
Date: 10/23/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where edge band were indicated on the wrong side.
Data: 16/10/2024
- Corrections
1. Correction made for discrepancies in values/items compared to previous versions.
1. Restoration of the behavior of Standard Aggregates completed.
2. Restoration of Reprocessing conditions completed to maintain compatibility with the System.
Date: 09/30/2024
- Corrections
1. Restored the Promob icon, which was displayed blank on some distributions. (2161242)
1. Adjusted the reprocessing of aggregates of collection type. (2163699)
Closet Builder
1. Added reprocessing treatment for some items from the Closet Builder that were not reprocessed correctly. (2122631)
Feature Configurator
1. When applying a new profile in the Feature Configurator, the choice of user’s active aggregates will be ignored during reprocessing. (2117849)
1. Fixed the situation where extra structures were unduly added to the budget. (2161020)
2. Adjusted the budget generation to issue empty values alert, as expected, when the alert option is active. (2163828)
Date: 09/30/2024
- Corrections
Module Browser
1. Fixed the situation where tabs in the browser were displayed improperly, even when they should be hidden. (2164687)
Date: 09/18/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which discrepancies occurred with the label. (2160042)
Date: 16/09/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which Promob was opened in 32 bits, thus generating a unconformity on opening. (2159845)
Data: 10/09/2024
- Correções
1. Adds compatibility with Connect for automatic relogin.
Date: 09/05/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where structures were not calculated correctly. (2155851 and 2154424)
Date: 04/09/2024
- Corrections
Builder Integration
1. Adjusted project identifier supply for Promob Builder. (2149902)
Date: 08/14/2024
- Corrections
Validation of number of faces
1. Fixed validation of very high number of faces in the Catalog distribution.
Date: 05/08/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed compatibility between Promob and Plugins.
Date: 01/08/2024
- Enhancements
Item Visibility
1. The option to control the visibility of library items via Tags has been made available. Find out more here.
- Corrections
Geometry editor
1. Fixed the situation where it was sometimes not possible to delete a geometry in the Closets Builder.
2. Fixed a situation where geometry was not updated correctly when adding a chamfer.
1. Fixed the situation where a red x was displayed when grouping items. (2096382)
2. Fixed the situation where when editing the indicator name it was no longer possible to change its size. (2106359)
3. Fixed the situation where Builder Parts items were not displayed in the listings. (2077012)
4. Fixed the excessive time that occurred when changing pages during printing. (2089939)
Closets Builder
1. Fixed the situation where decoration items were reprocessed when opening the Closets Builder. (2098444)
3D Space
1. Fixed the situation where aggregates were removed when changing the item layer. (2103367)
2. Corrected the situation in which the message stating that the inserted object has more faces than recommended was not displayed.
1. Fixed unconformity when trying to generate a budget. (2118306)
1. Fixed integration with infolytics.
Module browser
1. Fixed situation where the modules/materials browser had duplicate tabs (2127125 and 2136362)
Date: 29/07/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed budget integration with Promob for a specific client. (2144422)
Date: 24/07/2024
- Corrections
Automatic functions
1. Fixed the situation where some items were not inserted properly.
Date: 18/07/2024
- Corrections
3D environment
1. Fixed the non-conformity that occurred when inserting some specific modules into the 3D environment. (2126740)
Date: 06/11/2024
- Corrections
Integration 2020 Manager
1. Corrected the situation where incorrect ID was sent to 2020 Manager due to sequential saves.
Date: 05/31/2024
- Corrections
Opening the System
1. Corrected the situation in which an inconformity was displayed when loading system tags. (2124114)
Date: 05/24/2024
- Corrections
Project Opening
1. Fixed the issue where modules became unavailable after saving the project in the Catalog. (2117246)
Date: 05/08/2024
- Enhancements
1. Improvements were made to the process of inserting and reprocessing items in order to reduce processing time. (2104027, 2078762)
2. Improvements have been made to the removal option routines. (2047065, 2047065)
3. Improvements have been made to the process of opening designs in order to reduce processing time. (2093748, 2078784)
1. Improvements to the integration between Promob and 2020 Manager to reduce processing time.
3D environment
1. New alert window for when the programme is processing.
- Corrections
Opening design
1. Fixed the situation where Promob would close when opening the design. (2030889)
3D environment
1. Fixed the situation where the door became larger when resising the module. (2082240)
2. Fixed situation where ruler generated inconsistent values when changing distances. (2095282)
3. Fixed the situation where the default value was returned when reprocessing aggregates. (1568888, 1895062)
1. Fixed the situation where Catalog 3D did not show the preview of items. (2096392)
1. Fixed the situation where the wrong video memory value was displayed. (2080373)
Date: 04/30/2024
- Corrections
3D Space
1. Fixed the inconsistency when inserting sliding doors. (2116003)
Date: 04/29/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation in which instabilities occurred in the integration between Promob and Infolytics.
Date: 04/12/2024
- Corrections
Promob Opening
1. Fixed the situation where the Promob when was interrupted on the initialization screen (Splash Screen).
Date: 04/01/2024
- Corrections
Design Import
1. Fixed the situation in which when importing the design from another manufacturer, the settings of the original system were also imported. (2064167)
Date: 03/26/2024
- Corrections
Promob | Infolytics Integration
1. Fixed instability that occurred in the integration between Promob and Infolytics.
Date: 03/18/2024
- Enhancements
Saving Designs
1. Added an option in the Preferences to set the autosave interval. For more information, click here.
1. Improvements have been implemented to enhance Promob's performance.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where dashed lines on the print page were not displayed correctly. (2014407)
2. Fixed situation where model information was incomplete on the print page. (2060756/2009861)
3. Corrected a situation in which a unconformity occurred when changing a locked viewport on the print page. (2061982)
Closets Builder
1. Fixed situation where the $DrawerIndex$ assembler did not work in Cabinet Builder modules. (2022079)
3D Space
1. Corrected the situation where modules were shifted to the side after duplicating and joining a side panel. (2024809)
2. Corrected the situation where the undo action did not consider activities performed in the Wall Editor. (2026295)
3. Corrected a situation in which, when configuring a module via Properties with the Features Configurator open, the modules in the environment were not reprocessed. (2048823)
4. Corrected situation in which a unconformity was displayed when inserting modules into the 3D environment with empty attributes. (2060532)
5. Corrected the situation where in some cases, Promob would unexpectedly close during the opening of a large-sized project. (2059197)
6. Corrected an issue where there was a discrepancy when inserting certain Revest Kapazi modules.
7. Corrected the situation in which, when editing the width of one of the point-to-point door fronts, they lost their height configuration. (2068252)
1. Fixed situation where the List by areas message was displayed during budget processing in Worker. (2054145)
2. Corrected situation where some Catalog3D items were improperly sent to the budget XML. (2059860)
1. Fixed the situation where NUNO Reseller libraries did not open through the Catalog. (2052329)
2. Incorrect translations have been corrected. (2068308)
Task window
1. Fixed situation where some information recorded in the Tasks window was lost after opening a project. (2077083)
Transfer Assistant
1. Corrected the situation where the export process was not completed in the Transfer Assistant. (2085175)
Date: 03/04/2024
- Corrections
Promob Opening
1. Fixed the situation where Promob would not start until the Update login was made. (2090998)
Date: 02/20/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which Promob generated the list without any items. (2070692)
Date: 02/06/2024
- Corrections
Print Page
1. Fixed the situation where an inconformity occurred when editing the Viewport of duplicate pages. (2086234)
2. Fixed the situation where lines become unreadable when duplicating a page. (2085903)
Date: 02/05/2024
- Corrections
Print Page
1. Fixed the situation where thick lines were generated when duplicating a page. (2083806)
2. Fixed the situation where an inconformity occurred when editing the Viewport of duplicate pages. (2074251)
1. Fixed the situation where Worker did not process projects after the update of Promob to version 26.1. (2084981)
Date: 01/29/2024
- Enhancements
Print Page
1. Improved the behavior in which the line thickness returned to 1 when closing and opening designs. (2081854)
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where Promob had unexpected interruptions when displaying the Updating Viewport message. (2080906)