Check out the latest news from Real Scene 2.0 below:
▼ 2.0.37
Date: 03/24/2025
- Enhancements
1. Compatibility with Promob version has been available.
▼ 2.0.36
Date: 03/10/2025
- Enhancements
Credit Calculation
1. Correction made to the credit calculation.
1. Compatibility with Promob version has been available.
▼ 2.0.35
Date: 02/26/2025
- Enhancements
Internal URLs
1. Updates have been made to the internal URLs.
▼ 2.0.34
Date: 12/02/2024
- Enhancements
Credit Calculation
1. Correction made to the credit calculation.
1. Compatibility with Promob version has been available.
▼ 2.0.33
Date: 10/09/2024
- Enhancements
Real Scene IA
1. The rules for using credits for Studio distribution have been updated. Learn more here.
▼ 2.0.32
Date: 02/09/2024
- Enhancements
Real Scene IA
1. The Real Scene functionality with AI has been made available. For more information, click here.
▼ 2.0.31
Date: 01/08/2024
- Enhancements
1. Added compatibility with Promob version
▼ 2.0.27
Date: 05/14/2024
- Enhancements
1. Available compatibility with Promob version
▼ 2.0.26
Date: 04/23/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where rendering was interrupted when closing the window of other finished renders. (2088876)
▼ 2.0.24
Date: 11/25/2023
- Enhancements
Rendering of Promob Free Subscription
1. In the free Promob subscription, limitations on the use of functionalities were implemented, meaning it is possible to render up to three projects. Upon reaching the maximum number of uses of the free subscription, all rendered images are displayed with the Promob watermark. For more information, click here.
▼ 2.0.23
Date: 09/27/2023
IMPORTANT: This version is only compatible with Promob or higher.
- Corrections
1. Adjusted compatibility with Promob in version
▼ 2.0.22
Date: 08/14/2023
- Enhancements
1. Compatibility with the Portfolio functionality has been made available, with Promob in version
▼ 2.0.21
Date: 07/10/2023
IMPORTANT: This version is only compatible with Promob or higher.
- Corrections
1. Adjusted compatibility with Promob in version .
▼ 2.0.18
Date: 04/24/2023
- Corrections
1. Fixed a situation where when starting the render, only the image loading screen was shown and the render was not completed. (1986206)
▼ 2.0.17
Date: 04/19/2023
- Corrections
1. Adjusted compatibility with Promob in version
1. Fixed situation where rendering in Orthogonal plane mode did not occur correctly. (1704035)
▼ 2.0.16
Date: 11/18/2022
IMPORTANT: This version is only compatible with Promob or higher.
- Corrections
1. Adjusted compatibility with Promob in version
▼ 2.0.15
Date: 10/13/2022
IMPORTANT: This version is only compatible with Promob or higher.
- Corrections
1. Adjusted compatibility with Promob in version
▼ 2.0.14
Date: 04/07/2022
IMPORTANT: This version is only compatible with Promob or higher.
- Corrections
1. Adjusted compatibility with Promob in version
▼ 2.0.13
Date: 06/29/2022
IMPORTANT: This version is only compatible with Promob or higher
- Enhancements
MCodes favorites
1. t is now possible to register MCodes as favorites. For more information click here.
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where MCode was not applied to tops generated by automatic insertion. (1736878)
▼ 2.0.12
Date: 02/08/2022
IMPORTANT: This version is only compatible with Promob or higher
- Enhancements
1. Compatibility with Promob version or higher made available.
▼ 2.0.10
Date 07/27/2021
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the MCode was applied to the wrong component, even when selecting a specific component, the MCode was applied to another random component, and the selected component was displayed without any MCode.
▼ 2.0.9
Date 08/18/2021
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where the rendering quality was incorrect on projects that had ambient light.
▼ 2.0.8
Date 07/27/2021
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where rendering crashes at step 3/5 in projects with Catalog 3D modules that had very long file directory length. (1779572)
2. Fixed situation where it was not possible to apply MCodes by double-clicking. (1708967)
▼ 2.0.7
- Enhancements
1. Linear light is diffused and no longer dotted, for all rendering qualities. For more information on linear lights, click here.
2. The intensity of the linear light now has less influence on the color. For more information on linear lights, click here.
3. Performance has been improved when rendering linear lights.
4. Improved light representation in library items with light points. Now the representation respects the color and light intensity configured in the Properties panel.
Before | After |
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where textures were not displayed in rendering when making design changes during Render Queuing.
2. Corrected the situation where, even when they had the Hide Drawing attribute registered, the aggregates were displayed in the rendering.
▼ 2.0.2
- Enhancements
1. Included in Dimension, the option Keep aspect ratio, with this feature enabled the resolution will have the proportion maintained. So when the height is manually changed, the width will automatically be displayed according to its proportion and backwards too. For more information, click here.
▼ 1.2.10
- Enhancements
1. Optimized rendering speed when using linear light in Professional mode.
2. Provided improvement in the quality of linear light in Professional mode. For more information click here.
3. Reduced image noisy in Final and Professional mode.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which when starting the render queue and minimizing the Promob screen, only the first rendering of the queue was finished. (1704111)
2. Corrected the situation where unconformities were displayed when performing the rendering at the same time in two different instances of Promob. (1644758)
3. Corrected the situation where items in geometries, with hidden layers, were not displayed in rendering.
▼ 1.1.17
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the rendered image was displayed with noisy (pixelated aspect) in some projects.
▼ 1.1.15
- Enhancements
1. Optimized the speed of the lighting rendering process with many emitters.
▼ 1.1.13
- Enhancements
1. Improvement availabled where it makes it possible to render embossed textures (Bump Mapping).
2. Improvement available performance in the selection of Mcodes.
3. Render Queue option available.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the uncoformity that was displayed when applying a Mcode on a module, when there were no components selected. (1614466)
2. The Real Scene icon will be disabled while a rendering occurs, correcting the situation where it was possible to generate simultaneous renders, and these were left in purple. (1628573)
▼ 1.0.54
- Enhancements
1. Improvement availabled where it makes it possible to render embossed textures (Bump Mapping).
2. Improvement availabled where it makes it possible to make zoom the rendered image using the mouse scroll.
3. Availabled in the Emitter tab, MCode Light source with Matte, Glossy, Glass, and Standard options.
▼ 1.0.51
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the color assigned to the linear lights was not rederised.
▼ 1.0.50
- Enhancements
1. Available support option for rendering professional quality linear lights.
2. Modified display of Mcodes selection window, changed from tab level to image list.
3. Added functionality where the 360° render will be saved with the proper properties to be automatically imported as 360° file in viewers.
4. Changed the rendering icon view 360º, it will be displayed in the render settings.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the render area window size did not match the configured size.