V.12 R.1.35
Date: 01/18/2023
- Enhancements
Cabinet Builder
1. It is available in the Kitchens, Bedrooms, and Offices lines, the option to insert Drawers - Internal Without Front, making it possible to set the gaps in the Dimension Configurator, available in Assembly - Gap Fronts / Doors - Internal Drawers.
1. Reorganized the partner Greenplac lines:
- Toccare Line: Divided into two lines, Toccare Colore and Toccare Texture;
- Essenziale Line: Moved the Bali and Freijó Amazonas materials from the Essenziale line to the Natural Line;
1. Updated the reference of the item Amort. p/ dob MODUL to 31021531, referring to the Blum hinge Amort+Modul from Blum partner.
1. Available new configuration options for VB 35M and VB 36M fittings, available in Feature Configurator - Hardware - VB. It is possible to adjust individually, according to plate thickness, depth, diameter, and positioning of all holes of the hardware described.
Plugin association
1. All parts of the library have been associated with the Homag Weeke Venture 230M Plugin. (1940712)
- Corrections
Feature Configurator
1. Corrected the situation in the Bedrooms, Offices and Kitchens lines, where the configurations of amounts, in Assembly - Structure - Drawer Separator, the configuration N - Back Crossbar, was not represented in the image of the legend. (1934376)
2. Corrected the situation in the Kitchens lines, where when building Cabinets Inferior Base in the Cabinet Builder, the configuration of top gap of the fronts, was considered the configuration for inferior modules instead of inferior base modules. (1941451)
3. Corrected the situation where in Dimensions Panels/Tops/Tamponade - Tamponade - Structure, the name and description of parameter K did not match the action performed. Thus, the name was changed to K - Direction of Internal Beam Shaft, and the description to Defines the direction of the vein of the internal batten. (1944307)
4. Corrected the situation where in Dimensions Panels/Tops/Tamponade - Height Tops Composite/Composed panel, when changing the maximum thickness of the Top and resizing the top in the environment, the measure was not applied, and the repetition of the sheets was incorrect.
5. Corrected the situation in the Offices and Bedrooms lines, where the internal drawers followed the thickness of the external drawers.
1. Fixed the situation where when generating Budget - Mounted or Listing - Mounted, the item was displayed in XML. (1943814)
Cabinet Builder
1. Corrected the situation in the Bedroom line, where when building drawers with Amount Model 2, the left front separator was not inserted in the closets with external sliding doors.
2. Corrected the situation in the Bedrooms line where it was impossible to build closets with more than 2 sliding doors. To do this, it was necessary to keep the default port insertion value as 1, and it was necessary to manually enter the value of the amount of ports needed. (1942445)
1. Corrected the situation in the Bedroom line, where the L Corner modules were limited to a maximum height of 2700 mm instead of 2750 mm. (1942021)
2. Fixed the situation where when redimensioning the Chamfered and Diagonal Left geometries, the red outlines did not follow the drawing. (1933345)
3. Corrected the situation in the Kitchen line, in which the Pantrys and Tower modules were limited to a maximum height of 2700 mm instead of 2750 mm.
4. Corrected the situation in the Bedrooms line where Bottom and Side Base fixings were not generated when using closets with Sliding Doors.
5. Corrected the situation where when removing the against front, and resizing the drawer bottom advancement parameters in the Dimension Configurator, configurations of Internal Drawers without fronts were not correctly considered.
1. Corrected the situation in the Kitchens line, where the drilling of the against front was not generated, when using screws in the fixing of the drawers. (1946001)
2. Corrected the situation where the value of the distance between the holes, was different from the registered value when using Uniblock fixture. (1937783 e 1942726)
Cutting plan
1. Corrected the situation where the overcut applied to the structure and front panel of the drawer, was not considered as in the register. (1945086 e 1944324)
1. Fixed the situation where the item register of the partner Blum used the default system materials instead of the partner materials. (1946898)
V.12 R1.34
Date: 11/30/2022
- Enhancements
1. Changed the default insertion value from 720 mm to 760 mm, in all modules of the Kitchens, Bedrooms, and Bathrooms line (1932889 and 1932861)
IMPORTANT: The change made aims to enable the availability of all models of fronts on drawer modules. Still, for some modules that have different structures, the models may become unavailable when inserting them with this standard measure. To enable, just resize the module, or check configurations that interfere with gaps and heights of the fronts.
2. New modules made available, Niche for Built-in Stove w/ Baseboard and Niche for Built-in Stove without Baseboard, in the Kitchens – Lower – for Electrics line. The niche without plinth has a base and allows machining configuration, the niche with plinth does not have base, therefore, it allows the circulation of the air of the stove. For the two niches, the configuration of machining on the upper base, on the front panel and on the rear vent is available.
Features Configurator
1. Reorganized the attributes of sliding systems for better identification in Dorms – Assembly – System of Sliding Doors.
2. Available option to register the machining advance of the Cava handle on the sides of the module of the Cava Kitchens line in Kitchens - Cava Kitchens - Milling Cava Handle. (1926579)
3. Information provided in the description of attribute F - Minimum Height of the Drawer in General Assembly – Drawers - Drawer Structures.
4. Configuration to set the drawer slide advance in relation to the drawer body depth, as well as set the drawer body indentation, is available under Hardware - Invisible Slide - General.
IMPORTANT: The default size of the slide feed is 10 mm. This enhancement does not impact changing the runner dimension when generating budgets or generating integration files. The runner is displayed with the default dimensions, relative to the drawer body size in the project.
5. Diameter and depth settings for screws of slides, hinges, drawers and front of drawers are available. In addition, in the configuration, you can set the description of the screw dimensions and customize the code to be displayed in exported documents (1867611, 1868820 and 1836988)
- For the accounting and display of the screw of hinges and slides to occur in the material reports and budget, it is necessary to set the configuration of the screw budget to Set instead of Kit in Hardware - Hinge Budget/Hinge Budget.
- For displaying and accounting of the screw in the budget and report, the system respects only the information registered in the configurator (Reference - Code - Diameter x Depth), therefore, when registering the screw dimensions, it is important to consider the sheet thickness to be used. Otherwise, the system defines another compatible measure and the screw is not accounted for in the material report or budget.
1. New option of piston with reverse force has been made available for overhead doors of the Kitchens, Kitchens Cava, Dormitories and Offices lines. With this option, when generating the budget and integration documents, it will be possible to differentiate the conventional piston, PIST, and the piston with reverse force, PISTINV.
1. New materials from our partner Guararapes are available: Fog and Night from the Aris line, Tropical Pine from the Madeiras do Brasil line, Dual Blanc and Porto from the Dual Touch line, Oliva from the Metalic line, Carvalho Terrazo, Cioccolato, Nairobi and Nogal Gris from the Naturale line, Jeans and Papyrus from the Comfort line.
Closets Builder
1. New construction option available, External Sliding Doors w/ Baseboard w/ Closing w/ Partitions in the Bedroom and Bedroom internal side line. This option makes it possible:
- Use closure on external sliding door closets.
- Configure the closure and sideboard types in the Dimension Configurator, in attribute K.
Product Guide
1. Added slide with the specifications of the invisible slide settings.
2. Updated slides about Door models, for all lines, where there is now a note about models for Built-in drawers.
3. Slides about Fronts for internal drawer models of the Dormitory line have been updated, removing models with unfeasible profiles for them and adding an observation about Shoe Rack models and the use of the Close - Tip On model.
4. Added remarks about using pistons in tilters, on slides 101, 117, 125, 126, 162 and 171.
5. Updated the images on slides 192 to 195, regarding the slider options in the Closets Builder.
Plugin association
1. All parts of the library have been associated with the Usikraft Evoque 2030 ATC Router Plugin. (1940712)
- Corrections
1. Corrected a situation in which the Straight Corners of the lower modules of the Kitchen line had descriptions in English. (1934328)
2. Corrected a situation in which when inserting thickened tabletops, Vertical and Horizontal, of Lower and Upper Modules, in the Top/Tops - Tabletops line, the crossbars were inserted without face. (1934339)
3. Corrected the situation in which the positioning of the back crossbar of the upper module with two overhead doors in Base Kitchens was incorrect. (1934344)
4. Corrected the situation where the invisible runners were only available in drawers above 300mm. This model is now available from 250mm upwards (1930556)
5. Fixed the situation where the body of the Separate Drawer was not inserted in the environment when the Without Front model option was selected. (1937342)
6. Fixed situation where when opening drawers with runners of the Hafele line, the body of the drawer advanced over the front of the drawer. (1924108)
Features Configurator
1. Corrected the situation where, on bedside tables, the fasteners did not follow the values of the maximum distance between fasteners attributes. (1934365)
2. Fixed the situation in which the configuration parameter of heights of edge tapes available in Features of Dimensions - General Assembly - Edge Tapes - Heights Edge Tapes - A to J, did not accept values entered manually, only the ones that were already proposed. (1934319).
1. Corrected the situation in which the Lagrabox runner model of the Blum line was enabled only when using sheet thickness 16 mm. Therefore, it was adjusted to be enabled when using 15 mm thickness. For 18 mm plates, the model is incompatible. (1926715)
Technical Drawing
1. Corrected the situation in which when using the Lagrabox runner model from the Blum line, the slot of the runner was generated at the back instead of the bottom of the drawer. (1926715)
2. Corrected the situation where the hardware in split bases and shelves, in Corners of all rows, was incorrectly positioned. (1936336)
3. Corrected the situation where the right side of the drawer boxes available in the library, was not correctly generating the positioning and application of edge tape when generating the technical drawing. (1901253)
Closets Builder
1. Fixed the situation where an unconformity was displayed when building Towers, in the Inner Side Kitchen line, in the Cabinet Builder. (1880278)
2. Fixed the situation where when building shoe racks, they were inserted without the front. (1933181)
3. Corrected the situation where when removing the crossbars from the L corners of Cava Kitchens the handle and the crossbars would not reprocess. (1933164)
4. Corrected the situation in which, when building Cabinets, from the Offices line, the funds were inserted in an inverted vein. (1933150)
5. Corrected the situation where, when building towers for electrical appliances, there were items without registration information available to add to the tower. The situation was causing the items not to be inserted in the tower, because they had no drawing.
6. Corrected the situation where when building built-in drawers, in the Bedroom line, there was no insertion limit on the number of drawers, even when there was not enough space in the gap.
7. Fixed the situation where the Hafele runners were not available in the built-in drawers option available in the modules of the Dorms line in the Closets Builder.
Cut Pro
1. Corrected a situation in which when sending channeled or ripped panels with a thickness of 18 mm to Cut Pro, the 25 mm plate cutting plan was generated. (1931146, 1934281 and 1933022)
2. Corrected the situation in which the groove joints were sent to the cutting plane with the dimensions inverted.
3. Corrected the situation where when generating integration files with the cutting plan, of the thickened panel, its dimensions were sent with larger values.
4. Corrected the situation in which the edge band applied to rear crossbars of the lower modules available in the Kitchen line did not have an applied edge structure, causing the lack of information on the applied material, which made it impossible to send the file to the Cut Pro Plugin.
1. Corrected the situation where in the Separate Machining registration, there were machining operations added to the machining operations themselves. (1927820)
1. Fixed the situation where the hardware position settings on L corner bases of Dorms were not respecting the insertion and maximum distance settings of the fasteners. (1934367)
2. Corrected the situation where the central fixing hardware (Minifix) of shelves and bases divided into L-Corner modules available in the library was not provided correctly according to the sheet thickness of 15mm and 18/25mm. (1937057)
3. Corrected the situation where the fittings on split bases and shelves, in Corners of all rows, were incorrectly positioned. (1936336)
4. Corrected the situation where drawer fittings were inserted incorrectly and did not respect the distance and insertion quantity settings of the fasteners. (1935973)
V.12 R1.33
Date 11/04/2022
- Enhancements
1. New aggregate available for central support in curved coat racks, named Support Central Coat Rack 02. It does not generate any technical information, but is sent to the budget and CSV.
1. Available 6 new models of handles for Straight doors, Stem 37, Stem 38, Stem 39, Point 15, Point 16 and Point 17, following the order from left to right as shown in the image:
Closet builder
1. Enabled the default and automatic insertion of the Top View of Sliding Cabinets.
Product Guide
1. Added slide 203, which indicates the use of Shoe Racks with internal structure only. It is not possible to build shoe racks with an external or built-in structure.
2. Updated slides 53 and 55, regarding the addition of new handles.
Features Configurator
1. Minimum height configuration available for the chest of drawers.
IMPORTANT: The minimum height configuration of the drawer body is considered over the other configurations, such as the position of the fasteners, standard distance between them (32 mm) and values of clearances between fronts. As well, it considers the minimum insertion measures of the different types of models of slides and fronts, therefore, be aware that the measure informed may disable models of fronts and slides. 2 fasteners on each front and rear side.
Plugin association
1. All parts of the library were associated with the Usaberg ATC 2819 Router Plugin.
2. All library parts were linked with the ETools Pro ATC 12 2030 Router Plugin.
1. Removed option Send to – XML File, for better integration with other Plugins.
IMPORTANT: Only removed for new serial numbers from this version.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation in the Kitchen and Cava Kitchen lines, in which when applying tape on the front edge, in the boxes of Islands, the tape on the right side was done on the back edge and not the front edge of the piece.
Features Configurator
1. Fixed the situation where when keeping active the configuration for applying the edge on the top of Gola doors, only the top edge fitting was considered. The other edges of the part were not generated.
2. Fixed the situation in Dorms - Assembly - Shoe Rack, where the attribute B - Lower Clearance, was not considered when building Shoe Racks. To correct the situation, attribute B - Lower Clearance Shoe Rack w/ side batten was made available, for shoe racks with side batten. (1924161)
1. Fixed the situation in which when generating the budget for the Single Drawer item, in the Compositions line, the edge tape thickness was displayed as 1 mm, even when another thickness value was configured in the Features Configurator. (1917221)
1. Fixed the situation in the Panels row, where when inserting single panels, one of the faces was not displayed. (1924119)
2. Fixed the situation where, when using the unit of measurement as CM and using slatted panels, the number of friezes informed in the Number of Friezes field was not respected and the number of friezes in the environment was doubled. (194200)
3. Fixed the situation where the edge tape was not applied or was applied incorrectly on L corner and oblique corner bases, with or without back clipping. (1924446 and 1925122)
Hardware - Operations
1. Fixed the situation where the position of fixing the hardware of mobile shelves was incorrect, where it was inserted above the shelf, instead of below the shelf. (1924210)
Technical documentation
1. Fixed the situation in which even when using drawer sides with a thickness greater than 15mm, the slots in the partner Hafele's runners were not generated in the technical drawing. (1916973)
Cut Pro Integration
1. Fixed issue where Uniblock and Screw fasteners would not be forwarded to Cut Pro and would not be displayed in the Purchase List or Purchase List Report. (1922101)
Closet Builder
1. Fixed the situation where when using Uniblock as a fixed shelf fastener, the through hole was not generated correctly. Uniblock position was incorrect.
2. Fixed the situation where, when building shoe racks with Amount 3 model, the telescopic slide conflicted with the lower crossbar of the chest of drawers
3. Fixed situation where by default Front View of Internal Sliding Cabinets were not inserted.
4. Fixed the situation where when building Kitchen modules and using Tops, the junction did not occur when associated with another module with top. (1915385)
5. Fixed the situation where when building Towers, from the Kitchens line and using mobile top shelves, the bottom was split, even when the shelf was set back from the bottom. (1930006)
6. Fixed the situation in which, when Build Sliding Cabinets of the Internal Side Bedrooms line, the same models of sliding doors of the Bedrooms line were not available. Only the Generic Internal Sliding door was available. (1929688)
Product Spreadsheet
1. Fixed the situation where the screw references for Uniblock 15 mm and 18 mm were the same. In the table, the reference was adjusted and registered for each thickness, PAR.UNI15 and PAR.UNI 18. (1920178)
2. Fixed the situation where the references of some Blum line hinges, shock absorbers and Kits were incorrect. (1915546)
V.12 R1.32
Date: 13/10/2022
- Enhancements
1. Updated Greenplac partner library. (1917149)
- Enhancements
Features Configurator
1. Corrected the situation in the Bedrooms line, where the attributes for edge banding on the bases of L Corner Cabinets, were not considered. (1911540 and 1911951)
2. Corrected the situation in the Kitchens line in the Cabinet Builder, in which the back crossbar of the Lower Counter module, did not consider the value of the variation of the registered plate thickness, it was considered a value greater than that registered in General Assembly - Adjustments – A- Variation in Sheet Thickness. (1920220)
3. Corrected the situation in the Dimensions Configurator, where there were empty folders referring to Ripped and Channeled panels, in Dimensions/Panels/Tampos/Tamburatos.(1922959)
4. Corrected the situation in the Offices line, in which the thickness of the back front of External drawers were not considered, and the thickness of 1 mm was displayed. (1923022)
5. Corrected the situation in Bedrooms - Edge Ribbons - Batten - Rear - Benches, in which the caption image and the description of the attributes were incoherent. (1912970)
6. Corrected the situation in the line Tops / Capping - Vertical, in which when inserting the Vertical Thickened Capping, the profiles were displayed with inconsistency. (1919138)
7. Corrected the situation in the line of Cava Kitchen, items from Pantrys, in which the front setback of the shelves, were not considered. (1912982)
1. Corrected the situation where when generating the Ripped panels budget, the amount of edge tape was zero.(1919044)
1. Corrected the situation in the Bathrooms line, where it was not possible to resize the Upper Slider module with broken values, only being able to select the values proposed by the system. (1916980)
2. Corrected the situation in the line of Kitchens and Cava Kitchens in the lower modules, in which when using the automatic insertion of the toe kick, they were inserted with incorrect positioning.
3. Corrected the situation in the Bedrooms line, where when using the automatic insertion of toe kick in all closets in the line, the back toe kick were inserted correctly. Therefore, the default value for inserting rear plinths was changed to NO, requiring the configuration of the value YES to insert the toe kick in the environment, in General Assembly - Toe Kick - Bedrooms Back Toe Kick\Toe Kick.
Hardware - Operations
1. Corrected the situation where the position of the toe kick fasteners were generated on the wrong face.
Technical Documentation
1. Corrected the situation in which when generating technical documentation for the Composite Top item, a nonconformity was displayed. (1911405 and 1896913)
2. Corrected the situation where when building Internal Drawers of amount Model 1 and 2, and generating technical documentation, the description of all the rear, front, right/left and separators, right/left battens were the same. With the correction, each type of batten and retractor are generated with their respective descriptions, being front, back, right, or left. (1920200)
Cut Pro Integration
1. Corrected the situation in the Bedrooms line, where when using the Internal Sliding Light item (7915), from Doors/Fronts - Sliding, the Door Pulley System was not forwarded to Cut Pro, and was not displayed in the Items and Accessories. (1918691)
V.12 R1.31
Date: 29/09/2022
- Corrections
Features Configurator
- Fixed the situation in which the distance between the rails and the doors, attribute C - Distance Between Doors and D - Position of the first rail, did not respect the value informed in the Features Configurator, in Kitchens - Assembly - Sliding Doors. (1905066)
- Fixed situation in which the parameters for removing the edge tape from straight doors were not available, in the Features Configurator in General Assembly – Edge Tapes – Edge Tape Straight Door. (1905858)
- Fixed the situation where the caption image was inconsistent with the description of the attributes in the Features, in Bedrooms – Assembly – Stretcher. (1915537)
- Fixed the situation in which the default value of attribute D - Rear Separators rear batten, in Features Configurator - Bedrooms - Assembly - Structure - Upper Cabinets, was not zeroed, causing a conflict between the drilling of the transom hardware and the tear in the bottom.
- Fixed the situation where in Straight Drawers w/ Recess, the attribute to apply the value of the gap between the fronts was incorrect and the gaps were not applied. (1915601)
- Fixed the situation where when changing the thickness of Rear Battens, in the Kitchens line, in Kitchens - Thickness - Boxes - With Doors/Without Doors, the values entered were not applied in the Larder modules of the Closets Builder. (1918103)
- Fixed situation where on single doors with Super Curve hinges, hinge kits were shown in the quote as Curved Hinges Kit. (1908108)
- Fixed a situation where a nonconformity was displayed when building shoe racks and changing the slide model from Telescopic to Invisible. (1915533)
Hardware - Operations
- Fixed the situation where the profile of fasteners in in Back of the Bedroom line were inverted. (1909654)
- Fixed the situation where, in the Wall Ends modules, in the Bedroom line, more fasteners were inserted than necessary. The situation caused the drillings to overlap.
V.12 R1.30
Date: 09/15/2022
- Enhancements
Features Configurator
1. New attributes of maximum height and minimum height for tamburatos made available in the Features Configurator in Dimensions Panels / Tops / Honeycomb Sandwich/ Honeycomb Sandwich - Height; (1827716)
2. A new option has been made available to define whether the internal crossbars of tamburatos will be horizontal or vertical, in Dimensions Panels/Honeycomb Sandwich/ Honeycomb Sandwich - Structure.
3. A new attribute of maximum thickness for Thickened Tops has been made available in the Features Configurator in, Dimensions Panels/Tops/Honeycomb Sandwich / Heights Composite Top / Thicken Top. (1831363 e 1854044)
Note: The maximum thickness must always be a multiple of the thickness of the top and the transoms. Check more information in the Product Guide, attached at the header of this page.
4. Created an option to define, through the Features Configurator in Dimensions Panels/Top/Honeycomb Sandwich - Honeycomb Sandwich -Structure, if the internal core of the Honeycomb sandwich will apply the raw MDF finish or, if they will follow the model applied to the Honeycomb sandwich. For more information, see the Product Guide at the header of this page. (1801782 and 1801870)
1. The Honeycomb Sandwich Wall and Base Honeycomb Sandwich items of the Tops and Tamponade line now have the option of applying edge tape, through the Properties panel, on the Production tab. (1859105)
2. The Lower Composed Panel and Upper Composed Panel of the Buffer line now have the option of applying edge tape, through the Properties panel, on the Production tab.
3. The option of a Top Wall Vertical is available, in the Tamponade , where the rails come by default, positioned vertically, and their dimensions adapt to the maximum thickness of the worktop.
4. Automatic repetition of the horizontal crossbars is available for the horizontal thickening top, according to the maximum thickness of the top.
5. Treated all items in the Tamburatos and Tamponamentos library to correctly integrate with machines. (1805920 and 1790660)
6. Adjusted the default value from 2 to 0 of the advance of the External Drawer, of the Composition catalog, in relation to the selection box.(1914007 and 1903059)
Plugin association
1. All parts of the library have been linked with the Plugin Jaragua CNC Mobile TAF Router;
2. All parts of the library have been linked with the Plugin ETools Pro ATC 12 2030 Router.
- Corrections
Features Configurator
1. Removed the attribute H – Front Setback – Internal Sliding Cabinets, in the Offices line, under Assembly – Front / Door Clearances – Drawers, in the Features Configurator. The attribute was incoherent, as there are no sliding systems in the Offices line.
2. Corrected the situation in which there was a discrepancy between the caption image and the attributes in the Dorms line, in Assembly - Sliding Door System, in the Features Configurator.
3. Fixed the situation in which it was not possible to apply the value of 7mm in the register of thickness of the backgrounds in the lines of Kitchens, Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Offices. (1911891)
4. Fixed the situation where there was the term Created instead of the term Bedside Table in the Dorms line.
5. Fixed the situation where the drawer front setback attributes were not applied in the shoe racks and did not respect their respective parameters. (1908710)
1. Corrected the situation where, when using modules with plate thickness different from 15mm, with Uniblock fasteners, the Uniblock reference displayed in the budget was divergent from the reference registered in the Price Configurator. The situation caused the item to be without price (1905896)
2. Corrected the situation where, when budgeting Composition line items, the M² was displayed in double. (1908256)
1. Corrected the situation in which the Tulha module of the Kitchens line had a minimum width of 300 mm registered, where it caused a collision between the basket and the sides of the module. The minimum width has been reverted to 400 mm.
2. Corrected the situation where in the hinged doors, there was a Pulley as an aggregate of the doors. (1908258)
3. Fixed the situation where when inserting the Ripped or Channeled panel, the item calculated the measure of the environment so that its measures were adjusted to it, which caused a delay in the loading of the item. (1909752)
4. Fixed the situation in which in Corner L modules of the Dorms line, when resizing the height to a value above 1850 mm, the background did not follow the change and showed a gap at the top. (1909975)
5. Corrected the situation where, when using L Corner Kitchen modules without back crossbar, the bottom was incorrectly positioned. (1910592)
6. Corrected the situation where when accessing the Funds tab in the Compositions line, the fund item was unavailable for insertion and an inconsistency was displayed. (1914342)
7. Fixed the situation where when inserting Cabinets with Internal Sides of the Dorms line, the baseboard fixings were inserted in the front baseboards and not in the side baseboards.
Closets Builder
1. Fixed the situation where when building the Sliding Upper Cabinet with external sides, from the Dorms line, the base fasteners were duplicated.
1. Corrected the situation where, when using backgrounds with feed on the sides, bases and on other backgrounds, slot were not generated. (1909472)
V.12 R1.29
Date: 18/08/2022
- Enhancements
1. Added a new Lift up Module + Drawer module, in the Bathroom - Lower - Drawer line.
2. Added a new Shoe Rack with Invisible Slide to the system. Settings are available at:
Features Configurator - Bedrooms – Assembly – Shoe Racks – D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M.
3. Added new settings for Background items, available in all library modules.
IMPORTANT: Improvement removed due to incompatibility with old projects.
4. Changed the maximum depth dimension measure to 1000mm of the modules of the Kitchens line in the Closet Builder. (1899463)
Kitchens and Interior Side Kitchens:
- Lower Counters Base from 850mm to 1000mm.
- Lower Balconies w/ Sliding Doors from 850mm to 1000mm.
- Lower Balconies from 850mm to 1000mm.
- Lower Counters Sink 850mm to 1000mm.
- Tower from 650mm to 1000mm.
- Electro Counters from 650mm to 1000mm.
5. Created two new panel models were created in the library, Ripped and Grooved, both have two different configuration possibilities:
- Through the dimension of the ripas/canaletas in relation to the dimension of the panel.
- Through the dimension and quantity of ribs.
Panel configuration attributes are available from the Properties menu.
Grooved 01:
Grooved 02:
Ripped 01:
Ripped 02:
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the Lower and Upper Straight Corner modules available in the Cave Kitchens line did not correctly follow the settings applied in the Features Configurator. (1898221)
2. Fixed the situation where the maximum opening of the bin basket available in the Kitchens line was set to 350mm, now the value has been adjusted to 400mm. (1899042)
3. Fixed the situation where movable shelf hardware available throughout the library did not change to through hardware when using two shelves at the same height divided by amount. (1902300)
4. Fixed the situation where the drawers available in all library lines could receive any value in depth without considering the slide measurements. (1903921 and 1903710)
5. Fixed the situation where the positioning and rotation of the vertical back crossbar available in the top three door module of the Kitchens line was not entered correctly. (1905084)
6. Fixed the situation where the distance of the rails and the doors available in the sliding system of the closet builder modules did not respect the value informed in the Features Configurator. In addition, the adjustment of the second rail was made available in the features configurator, through parameter F. (1905066)
7. Fixed the situation where the slot in the backgrounds of the comps tab would not generate. Inserted the options for its configuration in Features Configurator - Composition - Backgrounds. (1905076)
8. Fixed the situation where, in the Offices line, the configuration of Clearances between fronts for built-in drawers was not available to configure. For this, configuration E was included to configure internal and recessed drawer clearance. In addition, the description of the configuration that adjusts the clearance between external units has been adjusted, so that it is clear that the clearance refers only to the external units.
Features Configurator - Offices - Assembly - Front/Door Clearances - Inferiors.
Atributo A_Inferiores
Features Configurator - Offices - Assembly - Front/Door Clearances - Drawers.
Atributo E_Gavetas
9. Fixed situation where Hafele's hinges were being represented superimposed on doors in 3D environment. (1905078)
10. Added a description to the item Loox LED 2043, from partner Hafele to avoid misinterpretation in relation to the budget unit registered in the item. It is allowed to adjust the size of the item in the 3D environment for aesthetic reasons (because it generates a visual lighting effect in the renders). (1904790)
11. Fixed the situation in which the backgrounds available in the upper modules of the Kitchen tab of the Closet Builder had the incorrect positioning when they were inserted into the 3D environment. (1903369)
12. Fixed situation where in the Closet Builder in Kitchens - Straight Corners, the doors were the wrong size and the handles of some doors were incorrectly positioned. (1903369)
1. Adjusted the situation in which when using the library with the Spanish language option and generating a budget with the Assembled option, it was not possible to view the finalized budget.
V.12 R1.28
Date: 28/07/2022
- Enhancements
Features Configurator
1. New parameter for shelf height configuration available in Features Configurator. (1897375)
1. Added three new library feet options in the Kitchens and Cave Kitchens lines. The feet are inserted into the environment by Auto Insertion. Through the Features Configurator it is possible to define where to use the feet options on the Models tab. (1803689, 1814584, 1869445)
Features Configurator - General Assembly - Feet
2. Added the option of to be or not the vertical back beams of the modules divided by the vertical dividers that divide the bottom, in the Features Configurator. (1864444)
3. Included the options of Drawers and Avents from partner Blum in the Bathroom, Bedrooms and Offices lines. (1883786)
4. Included in the library in the Hardware line, the Door Straightener hardware, applied to all doors in the lines: Doors/Fronts, Kitchens, Cava Kitchens and Bedrooms.
IMPORTANT: The Straightener can be applied to all doors, except for: Lift up Module and Fronts. (1816157, 1869438, CSJT)
Features Configurator - Hardware - Staightener
5. Updated the naming of the parts that make up the item Internal Drawer Retractor available in the modules in the Bedrooms tab in the Closet Builder. (1893247)
Side piece - Retractor
Front and back piece - Batten
Side piece - Side Drawer
Front and back piece - Retractor
Plugin association
1. All parts of the library have been associated with the Flexdrill 612KS Plugin.
2. All parts of the library have been associated with the Flexdrill 612M Plugin.
3. All parts of the library have been associated with the OMNI CNC 1325 Plugin. (1896626)
4. All parts of the library have been associated with the Vetor Opus 2030 FR Plugin.
5. All parts of the library have been associated with the Vetor Opus FR 3020 SP Plugin.
6. All parts of the library have been associated with the Asia Robotica CN1325-ATC Router Plugin.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the doors of the L corner modules of the Cava Kitchens line were colliding. (1898277)
2. Fixed the situation where the 1400 2P Right/Left Corner modules in Kitchen were not changing the measure of the outer separator in Properties. (1897308)
3. Adjusted the situation where corner modules in Bedrooms were inserted with the height of the fixed shelf different from the other cabinets. (1897375)
4. Fixed the situation in which the back hardware of the angle modules in all the lines were positioned inverted. (1898193)
5. Fixed the situation where an unconformity was generated when inserting a two-door module in the Bedroom line. (1894093)
6. Fixed the situation where the upper bases of the Closets Builder modulation displayed the description of lower bases. (1894608)
7. Fixed the situation where the left door of the 2 Upper and Lower Doors Cabinet module available in the Bathroom line was not positioned correctly. (1892581)
8. Fixed the situation where the MDF toe kick of the modules available in the Bedrooms of the Library and the Closet Builder were inserted incorrectly positioned. (1892593)
V.12 R1.27
Date 07/06/2022
- Enhancements
Features Configurator
1. Included in the Office line the option to configure the edge banding on the Sides of the Lower and Upper Cabinet modules through the Features Configurator - Offices - Edge Banding - Side - Lower Cabinets/Upper Cabinets. (1682734)
2. Updated in the Features Configurator so that the following parameters only use the default values:
Features Configurator - Kitchens - Assembly - L/ Oblique corners - B
Features Configurator - Fasteners - Bedrooms - Closets - D
Features Configurator - Fasteners - Bedrooms - Cabinets - G
Features Configurator - Fasteners - Bedrooms - Countertops - G
Features Configurator - Fasteners - Bedrooms - Bedside Tables - D
Features Configurator - Fasteners - Bedrooms - Bedside Tables - G
Features Configurator - Fasteners - Offices - Drawers - C
Features Configurator - Fasteners - Offices - General - G
3. Updated in the Features Configurator the following images:
- Compositions - Thicknesses
- Fasteners – Kitchens:
- Fasteners - Bathroom:
- Fasteners – Bedrooms– General:
- Fasteners - Bedroom – Cabinets:
- Fasteners - Bedroom – Closets:
- Fasteners - Bedroom - Nightstands:
- Fasteners - Offices:
- Fasteners - Compositions:
1. Updated the English translation of the item Tips from End Cap to Side Cover or Closed Side Cover.
2. Included new modules for refrigerator with options 1 door and 2 lower doors, as already available in the Plus system. The height of the upper span can be set using the parameters available in the item properties tab. (1778016)
3. Enabled the option to change the drawer model without front through the fronts options in the module Single Drawer available in the Composition - Single Drawer tab. (1876173)
4. Included are the options Y-Profile Handle with Partial End Cap and Y-Profile Handle with Full End Cap. These items can be configured through the Features Configurator - General Assembly - Handles / Profiles - Profile Y. (1843261)
5. Added new parameter for setting the depth of the Versatile handle tip available in Features Configurator - Assembly - Handles / Profiles - Versatile Handle - C. (1843261)
6. Added new parameter for setting the depth of the Udine handle tip available in Features Configurator - Assembly - Handles / Profiles - Udine handle - B. (1843261)
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the Uniblock device was not available for shelving on the Composition tab. (1889363)
2. Adjusted the situation in which the top of the internal drawer available in the modules of the Bedrooms - Closets - External Side - 2P w/ Cab+Internal Cab and 2P w/ Cab was not correctly positioned when inserting the module in the 3D environment. (1884569)
3. Corrected a situation in which when inserting a drawer + tilt module side by side, the fronts were misaligned and did not respect the dimension configurations of the modules. (1886251)
4. Corrected the situation where the doors of the L Corner modules available on the Kitchens tab, were being inserted without one of the doors. (1889642)
5. Fixed the situation where some parts were not associated with the Giben Flexdrill 1000 Plugin. (1889102)
Price Sheet
1. Adjusted the situation where the codes for the Versatile handles available in the price sheet were not correctly described as made available in the system library. (1884841)
2. Removed the item Straight Corner Hinge from the price sheet, as the item was no longer available in the library. (1825024)
V.12 R.26
Date 06/20/2022
- Enhancements
Feature Configurator
1. Updated image information available in Feature Configurator. (1872398)
- Feature Configurator - Kitchens - Assembly - Corners / Diagonal:
- Feature configurator - Kitchens - Cava Kitchens - Blind Corner:
- Feature Configurator - Bedrooms - Assembly - Corners - Blind Corners:
2. Added a new option for customizing the code and description of screws for boxes and false fronts, through the Feature Configurator in parameters D and E, available in Feature Configurator – Hardware – Screws. (1689527)
3. Added a new parameter option to choose height insertion measure for 3, 4 and 5 hinged doors.
Association with Plugin
1. All parts of the library have been associated with the Plugin RouSer Inspire 3S Router. (1880400)
1. Added the option of External Sliding Doors to the Internal Sliding Door modules, from the Bedroom line. In this option, the available door is above the locks. In addition, the following parameters were also added for customization by the Feature Configurator:
- Top filler depth;
- Bottom filler depth;
- Height of the filler bar;
- Clearance between the outer side and the filler;
- Definition of the sides, whether they will have the depth of the module or the filling, individually for left and right;
- Definition of the top, whether it will have the depth of the closure or the depth of the module;
2. Added a new inline machining option for bottom and top panel, in the back cutouts and shelves of L-Corner, Oblique Corner and column modules, for all available lines in the library. (1742075)
3. Added new top modules of Left and Right Blind Corner, in the Kitchen and Bedroom lines available in the Cabinet Builder. (1811093, 1811097, 1809053 and 1844631).
4. Updated the dimensioning of the maximum height in the Corner modules, from 900 mm to 2750 mm, available in the Dorms line. (1872584)
5. Updated the description of the attribute that determines the measure of the discount for the door panel when using the Profile Gola Handle, Aluminum Door Profile Gola Handle and Gola Handle Tip. The attribute was with the handle size description and not with the panel discount description for the handle fitting, which was not consistent with the function. (1851786)
6. Updated the attributes of thickness settings of the edge band of the parts, so that when exporting to Plugin Cut Pro it does not generate inconformities. (1735393)
7. Checked the use of the attribute referring to thickness variation in all formulas available in the library. (1723098)
8. Added a Shoe Rack category in the Cabinet Builder Bedrom line. Closet Builder - Bedrooms - Drawers - Shoe Rack. (1811555)
9. Updated the minimum width measurement to 300 mm in the Kitchens - Larders 2P module.
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where fillers did not generate holes. (1881345)
2. Fixed the situation where the internal drawers available in the modules with hinged doors, from the Cabinet Builder, from the Bedroom tab, generated machining in the back parts of the modules. (1881962)
3. Fixed situation where when inserting the Drawer + Flap Doors module in the 3D space and associating it to the Drawer module, from the Kitchens line, the fronts were misaligned. (1883758)
4. Fixed the following situations: (1882793)
- The upper bases of the Blind Corners Cabinet, from the Cabinet Builder of the Kitchens line, were described as Lower Base.
- The bottom panel hardware of the Blind Corners Cabinet, from the Cabinet Builder of the Kitchens line, were overlapping.
- The top panel of the Cabinet Builder's Blind Corners Cabinet of the Kitchens line, were without Alignment Face.
5. The upper base of the Cabinet Builder's Blind Corners Cabinet of the Kitchens line, were without Alignment Face. (1877672)
6. Fixed the situation where the Column modules, available in the Bedroom line of the Cabinet Builder, did not have the option of Internal Drawers. (1823129)
V.12 R.1.25
Date: 05/25/2022
- Enhancements
Product Guide
1. Added suggestion for registers of machinery and tools in the Product Guide. (1851312)
2. Updated the content related to the Handles available on the system in the Product Guide. (1875984)
1. Updated the materials available on the Greenplac Material Partner tab. (1872398)
2. Updated the materials available on the Eucatex Material Partner tab.
Association of parts with Plugin
1. All library parts associated with the Alca ATC Plugin. (1876633)
2. All library parts associated with the Inspire 3S Plugin. (1876630)
1. Added the Individual Drawer option in the Composition tab of the library. The item is available for configuration in the Features Configurator – Compositions – Individual Drawer.
2. Added Uniblock hardware option for shelves. The option is available on every line in the library. In the features configurator, the option of Uniblock hardware can be selected in fixed and mobile shelves. (1815530 and 1843262)
3. Adjusted the minimum depth and width measurements of the Oblique Corner modules available in the Superiors tab of the Kitchen and Cave Kitchen lines from 750mm to 300mm. (1870739)
4. Added option to define if laminated composition (edge tape) will be treated as a productive item. Option available in the features configurator. (1873195)
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where when generating a report, the descriptions of handles with aluminum profiles were with different sizes from the final handle size. (1870504)
Features Configurator
1. Performed the translation of the name of the Grain Formation attributes folder.
1. Fixed situation in which the visibility condition of the slot generated on the sides of the Tandem and Movento drawers of the Blum partner did not correctly respect the registered conditions. (1872319)
2. Fixed situation where the doors available in the L Corners of the entire library were not resizing their width correctly when changing the model option from MDF to Aluminum and vice versa. (1861573)
3. Fixed situation in which the end caps and central reinforcement added to the Coat Hanger item, available in the Accessories tab, had no material applied. (1869137)
4. Fixed situation in which the position of the fasteners available on the front corssbar of the Base Cabinets module with Sliding Doors in the Builder Closet of the Kitchens line were not positioned correctly, not generating the drilling of the hardware. (1872301)
5. Adjusted the holes on the back of the Invisa GT230 drawer. (1872318 and 1875200)
V.12 R.24
Date 05/04/2022
- Enhancements
Closets Builder
1. Updated the image available in the item Invisible Shelf for all modules available in the Cabinet Builder.
2. Updated the minimum size of the Shoe Rack from 300mm to 250mm. (1868853)
1. Updated the materials available on the Berneck Materials Partner tab.
2. Updated the materials available in the Sudati Materials Partner tab.
Association of parts with Plugin
1. Association of all library parts with the AL2030B Plugin
2. Association of all library parts with the Exata Vertical 1200 Plugin
3. Association of all library parts with the Flat (Selexx - Professional Line - Stratos) Plugin
4. Association of all library parts with the KN3710 (Nesting) Plugin
5. Association of all library parts with the Point 2 Plugin
6. Association of all library parts with the Sabre IS Series Plugin
1. Added handle options brought from Promob Plus to Start.
2. Updated the maximum insertion quantity of aggregate shelves from 1 to 5 in the Straight Corners modules available in the Kitchen tab. (1858919)
3. Updated the maximum height to 900mm for the countertop modules available in the Bedrooms tab. (1869908)
4. Updated the maximum height to 1850mm for the upper modules available in the Kitchens, Kitchens Cave, and Bedrooms tabs. (1850771)
1. Realizado a exclusão de atributos que estavam inativos do sistema. (1857621)
- Corrections
Closets Builder
1. Corrected the situation where it was not possible to change the size of the external spacers available in the Flat Corner modules in the Cabinet Builder. (1865474)
2. Corrected the situation where the Upper Modules of the Kitchen line available in the Cabinet Builder were missing the option to insert 2 doors. (1865823)
Purchasing Report
1. Fixed the situation where the Material Purchase Report could not be generated when creating parts from the Parts Builder plugin when using items from the Composition tab. (1845555)
Printing | Listing
1. Adjusted the situation where the text entered in the Remarks field of the Panel tab items was not displayed when generating a Printout/Listing. (1831991)
1. Corrected the situation where the distances between the available fasteners in the Corner modules of the Bedroom tab were not respected when configured with a distance less than 70mm, since only the insertion of 5 repetitions for the fasteners was allowed. (1865094)
2. Corrected the situation where the sides of the modules available in the Cava Kitchen line had no alignment face. (1864512)
3. Fixed the situation where some library items did not have the integration with the CNC FlexDrill1000 plugin. (1868636 e 1866678)
4. Adjusted the situation where the items Lower Thickness and Upper Thickness available in the Top/Tops - Tops tab allowed the change of thickness from the Item Properties tab, not following the setting made through the Features Configurator. (1868483)
Product Spreadsheet
1. Corrected the situation where the formulas for assembling references and product descriptions were incorrect in the Product Spreadsheet made available to customers. (1862679 e 1853409)
V.12 R.1.23
Date 04/13/2022
- Enhancements
1. Updated the Minimum Height dimension to 100mm, of the module of the Kitchen/Cooking Basement – Lower – Drawers – 1 Drawer line. (1822883 and 1854150)
2. Added new configuration parameters referring to Straight Corner modules in the Kitchen, Basement Kitchen and Bedrooms line.
- C - Attribute to define the direction of the retractor (perpendicular or parallel to the blind front);
- D - Attribute to define if the front separators is used or not;
- E - Atributo para definir o tamanho mínimo do afastador;
- Features Configurator – Kitchen – Assembly – Corners/ Diagonal – Blind Corners.
- Features Configurator – Kitchen – Cava Kitchen – Blind Corner;
- Features Configurator – Bedrooms – Assembly - Corners – Blind Corners.
3. Association of all library parts with the Plugin ARTISAN 408 Router Mach 2-3. (1862577)
4. Association of all library parts with the Plugin Mach CNC Elite Super Drill 2819.
5. Association of all library parts with the Plugin HG HG2030 Master.
6. Association of all library parts with the Plugin Jaragua CNC – Mobile.
7. Association of all library parts with the Plugin Jaragua CNC - TAURUS 2818.
8. Made the dimension adjustments in the following items: (1846621).
- Bottom
- Corners
- 1000 Oblique1D (2009) – from 750mm to 700mm
- 1000 Oblique 2D (2010) – from 750mm to 700mm
- Drawers
- 300 1Drawer + 1Drawer Can Holder (2207) – from 550mm to 500mm
- 400 Ironing Board(2208) – from 550mm to 500mm
- Pantrys
- 300 1D – from 250mm to 200mm
- 600 1D Arm (2902) – from 250mm to 200mm
- 600 2D (2903) – from 250mm to 200mm
- Fechamento (2905) – from 250mm to 200mm
- Upper
- Corners
- 950 Oblique1D1D (3505) – from 750mm to 700mm
- 950 Oblique1D 2D (3506) – from 750mm to 700mm
Cava Kitchen
- Lower
- Drawers
- 300 1Drawer +1Drawer Can Holder (2205) – from 550mm to 500mm
- Pantrys
- 300 1P Left Handles (2901) – from 250mm to 200mm
- 300 1P Right Handles (2902) – from 250mm to 200mm
- 300 1P Central Handle(2903) – from 250mm to 200mm
- 300 1P w/o Handle (2904) – from 250mm to 200mm
- Countertops with Toekicks
- Corners
- 1000 Obliquo 1D (5103) – from 750mm to 700mm
- 1000 Obliquo 2D (5104) – from 750mm to 700mm
- Countertops w/o Toekicks
- Corners
- 1000 Oblique 1D (5303) – from 750mm to 700mm
- 1000 Oblique 2D (5304) – from 750mm to 700mm
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which the internal side fixings, available in Cabinet Builder – Internal Side Kitchen - Upper Cabinet, did not correctly respect the frontal clearances registered in the Features Configurator. (1860230 and 1854793)
2. Corrected the situation in which, when selecting the Amount 3 option in the Features Configurator and inserting the available modules in the Cabinet Builder, from the Dorms - External Sliding with Drawers options, the upper crossbars of the amounts did not correctly respect the dimensions limitations and also, when removing one or both of the separators, the sides of the uprights were not inserted. (1860855)
3. Adjusted the situation in which the Straight Corner and Drawer modules, available in the library, were inserted with different measures from the other modules when using increments in the Features Configurator. (1846584)
4. Fixed the situation where in the Straight Corner modules, available in the library, the depth of the module's contour box (red box) was displayed incorrectly. (1857272)
5. Fixed the situation in which the Drawers, available in the Bathroom, Bedrooms and Offices line, did not allow their depths to be changed individually, only through the calculation of the module depth. (1843125)
6. Corrected the situation in which the RO21 Sliding System did not generate the holes in the door panels correctly, according to the supplier's technical manual. (1854386)
7. Adjusted the situation where it was not possible to individually edit the dimensions of the Drawers, available in the Bedrooms and Offices line. (1861758)
V.12 R.1.22
Date 03/31/2022
- Enhancements
1. Updated the Arauco partner library.
2. Updated the Guararapes partner library.
3. Updated the Duratex partner library.
4. Updated the following dimensions:
- Maximum height of 1500mm for modules from the Kitchen/Cava Kitchen line – Base – Cabinets/Corners; (1804255)
- Maximum height of 1500mm for modules from the Kitchen – Peninsulas – Base – Cabinets/Corners line; (1804255)
- Maximum height for 1800mm of the Cabinets Builder modules – Kitchens - Counters; (1804255)
- Maximum height for 2750mm, from the Bedrooms - Cabinets - Internal Side without Toekick and Cabinet Builder - Dorms - Cabinets - Internal Side without Baseboard; (1804255)
- Maximum height for 2750mm, from the Bedrooms line - Cabinets - Internal Side w/ Toekick and Cabinet Builder - Bedrooms - Wardrobes - Internal Side w/ Baseboard; (1804255)
- Maximum height for 2750 mm of modules from the Bedrooms line - Cabinet - External Side w/ and without Toekick and Cabinet Builder - Bedrooms - Cabinets - External Side w/ and without Toekick . (1804255)
NOTES: for modules with toekicks, their final measurement is given by the sum of the module height plus the toekick height. For modules with internal sides, when applying the maximum height measurement, automatically, the final value of the module height is displayed with the discount of the lower and upper base thickness of the modules.
5. Updated the Maximum Height dimension to 2700mm, of the Broom/Pantry modules, from the Kitchens and Cabinet Builder - Kitchens - Stewards line. (1849084)
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the available backgrounds of the modules of the Kitchens line, of the Cabinet Builder, did not have the attributes of slots, of the Builder tab, applied correctly. (1851624)
2. Fixed situation where doors enlarged by 1.1mm when uploading to Cut Pro. (1853259)
3. Fixed the situation where the Composite Top modules were sent to Plugin Cut Pro without applying an edge band. (1850631)
4. Corrected the situation in which the back and back crossbars, available in modules with top, from the Kitchens and Cava Kitchens line, did not work correctly when the rear setback was configured for the module top and the background advance over the top was zeroed. (1838941)
5. Fixed the situation where the overcut and the thickness of the door edge bands generated incorrect information. (1853259)
V.12 R.1.21
Date 03/17/2022
- Enhancements
1. Updated to the Minimum Height dimension for 900mm of the Kitchen line module - Lower - Cabinets - 300 1G. (1841464)
2. Updated to the Minimum Depth dimension for 250mm of the Cabinet Builder – Kitchen – Pantry module. (1850181)
3. Made by associating all the parts of the library with the Plugin HG 2030 Master and Plugin Machpro ATC plugins. (1850617)
4. Updated the slides available in the models of slides from 64x64 to 124x128. (1843021)
5. Made with the association of all the parts of the library with the Plugin SCM Pratika 1000.
6. Performed removal of some files that were no longer in use within the system. (1843017)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which the external lateral hardware of the drawer, available in the Headboard module, in the Bedroom line, resulted in incorrect positioning when the drawer was configured without facing the front. (1839614)
2. Corrected the situation in which the Variation of Sheet Thickness attribute, specific to slides, was not applied to structures related to slide pieces. (1839614)
3. Corrected to a situation in which the Non-Cutting Dividers item, you have no Wardrobe Builder - Bedrooms - Superior, divided or founded two modules. (1839614)
4. Corrected the situation in which the front two modules of Diagonal Angle Left and Right with doors, available in the Kitchens line, do not respect the registered values in the Features Configurator. (1828585)
5. Fixed the situation where the Drawers, available in the Cabinet Builder, were not removed when exceeding the maximum allowed width. (1842966)
6. Fixed the situation where the removal of fasteners occurred on the opposite side of the Cutting Shelves item, available in the Cabinet Builder modules. (1842777)
7. Fixed the situation in which the Profile 50 Door option was not available for Cabinets with Swing Door, from the Cabinets Builder Dorms line. The option of Profile 60 Door, an exclusive model for Sliding Doors, was provided incorrectly. (1842835)
8. Fixed the situation where the edge bands of the 6mm and 9mm panels were displayed as transparent in the 3D space. (1843215)
9. Fixed the situation with drawer side hardware, available in library and Cabinet Builder. Some hardware was not inserted into some drawers, some were inserted as external hardware and some were inserted as internal hardware. (1842946)
10. Corrected the situation where fronts for internal drawers with touch closure were not available, in the Dorm and Office lines. (1842946)
11. Fixed the situation in which the internal sides of the cabinets, from the Office line, did not look for the correct attributes in their positioning formula. (1847578)
12. Fixed the width limit of Straight Corner modules with internal sides, available in the Kitchens and Bedrooms tab. (1848768)
13. Fixed the situation where the function of mirroring doors did not work correctly in some modules of the library. (1849772)
14. Fixed the situation where in the Straight Corner modules, available in the library, the module contour box, displayed when selecting it (red box), had a greater limit on the depth than the module depth. (1846561)
V.12 R.1.20
Date 02/17/2022
- Enhancements
1. All parts of the library have been associated with the following plugins:
- Plugin SCM Startech CN Plus
- Plugin Biesse Rover A1532
- Plugin Giben KN3710 CNC
- Plugin SCM X200 Cell - Nesting
- Plugin Format/Felder - Profit H80
2. Updated the measurements of the following modules: (1822883)
- Kitchens - Lower - Counters - 1P: maximum width increased to 700 mm and minimum width decreased to 100 mm;
- Kitchens - Lower - Counters - 2P: minimum width reduced to 200 mm;
- Builder - Counters: minimum height reduced to 100 mm;
- Kitchens - Drawers - 1G: minimum height reduced to 100 mm.
3. Updated the measurements of the following modules: (1817766)
- Increased the maximum width of Straight Corners modules of all library lines to 1200 mm;
- Increased the maximum width and depth of the Corners L modules of all library rows to 1500 mm.
- Increased the maximum width of Telescopic drawers and Invisible drawers to 1850mm for the drawers available in the Cabinet Builder.
4. Association of all library parts with the following plugins: (1835929)
- Plugin Homag ABL210B
- Plugin Homag BP195T
5. Changed, for a better view, the value of the opening angle of Bi-Party Tilting Doors from 145° to 115°.
6. All parts of the library were associated with the Plugin Jaraguá CNC Mobile Router 2818. (1839527)
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the hardware profiles of drawers with height less than 80 mm, were displayed out of adjustment, in conflict with other profiles. (1822883)
2. Corrected the situation in which the crosspieces of the internal drawer spacers did not respect the measurement settings registered in the proposed values of the Dimensions Configurator. (1835321)
3. Fixed the situation where the position of drilling and machining of the shell handle was incorrect. (1834379)
4. Fixed the situation where the measurements were not changed from Millimeters to Fractional Inch 1/16 in the measurement register, in the Dimension Configurator. (1832937)
5. Resolved the situation where the holes of the bases and split shelves of the line Bedroom L Corners modules were not showing in the technical drawing. (1828960)
6. Fixed the situation in which the attribute of composition thickness was used in the attributes of doors, available in all lines of the library, instead of the specific attribute of the line. (1834928)
7. Resolved the situation where in the Tilting module + Drawer of the Kitchens tab, when using vertical front crossmember and adding top clearance, the tilting door was not resized correctly and projected into the front of the drawer. (1834712)
8. Adjusted the situation of the Sliding Doors module, available on the Internal Side Bedroom tab of the Cabinet Builder. When applying a front setback to the baseboard, the doors followed this setback. For this, the incorrect positioning of the hardware between the side and the bottom of the module was also adjusted. (1835220)
9. Resolved the situation in which the Upper Cabinet module of the Cabinet Builder's Bedroom line was associated with the Kitchens line's doors. (1834925)
10. Fixed the situation in which the edge tapes on the Y handles with tip did not have the 1.5 mm discount on each side, referring to the discount of the tips. (1838150)
11. Corrected the situation in which the central toekick was inserted in duplicate, overlapping one another, in the Cabinet Builder module - Internal Side Bedroom - Internal Sliding Door - Box with 2 openings. (1835821)
12. Fixed the situation where the library doors with the Y Handle model were wrongly displayed in the reports as the Gola Handle model. As well, the representation drawing showed the Gola Handle. (1838703)
13. Corrected the situation in which it was not possible to use the models of Gola and Y profile handles, in the 100mm high drawer module of the Kitchens line. (1839023)
14. Fixed the situation where it was not possible to use telescopic runners in the 100mm high drawer module of the Kitchens line. (1839024)
15. Fixed the situation in which the ITEM_BASE attribute, necessary for the ERP configuration, was not registered for all drawer format models, in all the lines in the library. (1839012)
16. Fixed the situation in which the partitions of the 2-Door Tilting modules available in the Kitchens and Basement Kitchens line did not resize correctly when registering rear setback values for the part. (1838921 and 1838949)
V.12 R.1.19
Date 27/01/2022
- Enhancements
1. Associate all library parts with the SCM X200 CELL-Nesting Plugin. (1827756)
2. Reviewed and adjusted the attributes that were duplicated in the system.
3. Reorganized the door model codes available on the Doors/Fronts tab of the library. (1824525)
4. Updated the finishes of Arauco partner materials.
- Corrections
1. Adjusted the positioning of the hardware on the profile in the drawer body with telescopic runner option. (1822057)
2. Adjusted the available hinge group concerning the Straight Corner modules. (1825024)
3. Corrected the situation where the drawer models of the Hafele - Invisa line, presented an improper retreat in the drawer body. (1825563)
4. Adjusted the situation where the rear retreat of the bottoms of the bedside table modules available in the Bedside line were not working properly. Also corrected the issue that hardware was not available for the bottoms of these modules. (1831581)
5. Changed the measurements of the Corners L Modules in Bedrooms and Lower Kitchens to: (1776750)
• Minimum Width and Depth:: 500mm
• Minimum Width and Depth:: 1500mm
Alteradas as medidas dos Módulos Cantos L superiores de cozinhas para:
• Minimum Width and Depth:: 500mm
• Minimum Width and Depth:: 1500mm
• Maximum height: 1850mm
6. Adjusted the default value of the insertion measure of the drawer front of the Cans Drawer Counter and Lift up module + Drawer, available in the Kitchen line, so that it is aligned with the fronts of the other modules that have drawers. (1821628)
7. Corrected the situation where edge band were budgeted as a unit and not in lengths. (1831353)
8. Corrected the situation in which the hardware on the upper and lower fixed shelves and on the support shelf of the modules of the Towers tab of the Kitchen line were incorrectly positioned, and thus did not generate the necessary drillings of the parts. (1831033)
9. Corrected the situation where the rear retreat of the shelves of the Straight Corner module of the Bedrooms line in the Cabinet Builder was not working correctly. (1830300)
10. Changed the maximum measurements of all upper modules of all library lines to 600mm. (1826527)
11. Corrected the situation where the drawer of the Drawer + Lift up module of the Kitchen line was not centered in the module. (1829425)
12. Corrected the following situations in the Lower Counter with sliding doors: (1827061)
• Bottom counter with sliding doors available in the Bathroom line had no hardware available on the bottom base of the module.
• Lower counter with sliding doors available in the Kitchen line in the Cabinet Builder, where the hardware collided with the door tracks.
13. Changed minimum value of width and depth of Composed Panel items to 50mm. (1828404)
14. Corrected the situation where the setting available in Features Configurator - Kitchens - Kitchen Cava - Lower - E - Use of Front Crossbar was not working correctly for the construction of the Island tab modules and the 3-Door Counter module of the Kitchen Cava line. (1832096)
15. Corrected a situation where the backof the Bedside Table modules available in the Bedroom line did not follow the settings made in the Features Configurator. (1832118)
16. Fixed situation in which the back and rear shelf retreat of the modules of the Islands tab of the Cava Kitchen line were not standardized according to the Island tab of the Kitchen line. (1832107)
17. Fixed situation where internal drawers available in Closets Builder did not resize correctly after deleting uprights. (1830051)
18. Corrected the situation where when using the Minifix fastener on the Fixed Shelves, the drilling was not performed correctly. (1828949)
19. Fixed a situation where a nonconformity was displayed when inserting the Straight Corner modules available in the Dorm tab in the Closet Builder.
V.12 R.1.18
Date 04/01/2022
- Enhancements
1. Adapted the library for integration with Builder.
2. The contents and layout of the system's Product Manual were updated.
3. All library parts were associated with Alca Router CNC AL-2030-3S machines, 02 spindles and Alca Maquinas AL2030B – Router. (1823826)
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where Update fetched the same update every time it was started in Start Labs. (1719260)
2. Corrected the situation where the Y-Profile handle's Edge Tape was displayed outside the handle's budget structure. (1820863)
3. Performed adjustment of the clearances in the front of the inner drawer with retractor when using the Hafele slide option which is available in the Cabinet maker. (1820778)
4. Corrected the situation where the Back Beams (top and L) and rear base and shelf cutout of the L Corner and Oblique modules, for all lines, did not follow the indentations applied in the Features Configurator. (1799247 e 1822059)
5. Fixed the situation where the Air modules were displayed without Background in the Ilhas library of the Cozinha Cava line. (1821172)
6. Fixed the situation where the descriptions of the attributes available in the Features Configurator on the Bedrooms - Assembly - Structure - Cabinets tab did not match correctly with the order of illustrated letters displayed in the Features Configurator images. (1821355)
7. Fixed the situation where the hardware available in the system did not have applied materials. (1822825)
8. Fixed the situation where the Tandembox drawer model did not follow the insert rules configured in Features Configurator. (1818504)
9. Corrected the situation where the modules in the Bedroom line available in the Closets Builder did not follow the rear baseboard clearance configuration. (1822066)
10. Fixed the situation in which the Internal Sliding Door without Toe Kick w/ Partition module of the Bedrooms line available in the Closets Builder did not provide the left side in the module. (1822861)
11. Fixed the situation where some lower modules of the library did not have the option No Handle in the handle models tab. (1822118)
12. Adjusted the default value of the CROSSBARQUOTA attribute to "0", which previously had a value of "N", which generated a processing conflict. (1824034)
V.12 R.1.17
Date 11/25/2021
- Enhancements
1. Updated the textures of all standard materials. (1804682)
2. Updated the Beige texture of the nuances line from Partner Arauco.
3. Updated the textures of the Sudati Partner according to the standardization of the Plus Professional System.
4. Updated the textures of the Fibraplac Partner according to the standardization of the Plus Professional System.
5. The inclusion of a toekick on the back of the modules, available in the Dimensions Configurator under General Assembly - Toekicks- Back ToeKick , has been carried out. (1362337)
6. Associated all library parts with the Hirtz F9L Plugin.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the Rear Shelf Supports of the L-Corner modules were colliding with each other. (1816751)
2. Corrected the situation where attributes from other line were used in the dimensions of the Dorms line. (1815759)
3. Adjusted the split L Corner Shelf registration, because the limits/contour were not correct, which displayed an inconformity when sending this item to the Cut Pro Plugin. (1817123)
4. Fixed the situation where the Locks available on the Accessories - Offices tab were not marked as a Purchased Item on the Builder tab.
5. Corrected the situation in which the door of the Flap + Drawer Module available in Kitchens - Underneath - Drawers budgeted with the incorrect nomenclature of hinges. Also, corrected the positioning of the fasteners of its internal fixed shelf. (1815357)
6. Fixed the situation where the drilling of the available hardware profiles in the uprights and in the central hardware of the fixed shelf of the Canto L modules did not work correctly. (1816665)
7. Changed the Top Bottoms and Pantry Bottoms so that they have the same settings as the bottom module bottoms, thus allowing to set the gaps and clearances to 15mm thickness, which was not possible before. (1810284)
8. Fixed situation where there were some Blum items that had duplicate references. (1811088)
9. Fixed the situation where when using the drawer option without counter front, fixed directly on the drawer front, and which had fasteners 1 and 2 screw and bolt, an undue drilling was generated on the sides of the drawer. (1813553)
10. Corrected the situation where when trying to change the model of straight doors, the models of handles were not displayed and generated unconformity in the system. (1812434)
11. Corrected the situation where there were unnecessary additional budget margins. (1672190)
V.12 R.1.16
Date 10/28/2021
- Enhancements
1. Available the configuration through the Features Configurator of the specific attributes of the maximum sizes of width (1850mm) and length (2750mm) of the items' plates:
- Honeycomb Sandwich in Dimensions Panels/Top/ Honeycomb Sandwich - Honeycomb Sandwich - Structures - Parameter I e J
- Top Enhanced in Dimensions Panels / Top / Honeycomb Sandwich - Thicken Top - Structure - Parameter D e E:
- The category About Cut Composite Tabletop is now called Top Composed. The configuration of the attributes of this item can be found in Dimensions Panels/Top/ Honeycomb Sandwich -Composite Top - Structure
2. All library parts were associated with the Nanxing NCB2412S Plugin;
3. All library parts were associated with the Alca AL2030 3S Plugin;
4. All library parts were associated with the Alca AL2030B Plugin;
5. Updated the material settings for rendering Eucatex partner materials;
6. Updated the material settings for rendering, and improved the textures of the Guararapes partner materials;
7. Updated the material settings for rendering, and improved the textures of the Arauco partner materials;
8. Updated the material settings for rendering, and improved the textures of the Duratex partner materials; (1803532)
9. Configuration with specific attributes of the maximum plate width and depth sizes of the Panels and External Shelves library.
10. Revised the minimum and maximum values in all available items on the Bedrooms - Closets - Outer and Inner Side panel. (1797716)
11. Standardized model names/folders and doors formats. (1744676)
12. Padronizado os nomes/pastas das portas e frentes. (1744679)
13. Made available the configuration through the Features Configurator of the specific attributes for the positioning of the back panel fixation e in Fasteners - Fasteners Position Back Panel.
14. Configured the depth of the Top Blind Corners of the Kitchen and Kitchen Cava lines, so that they have the same maximum depth as the normal line modules without accounting for the separator.
15. Reorganized the handle model folders, separating the integrated ones (specific to a given format model) from the rest of the handles.
16. Improvements were made to the design of the Versatile Handle End, now all the faces of the design have thickness.
17. Inserted the option of views and closings, in all modules of the Bedrooms line, in the Cabinet Builder.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the Partitions without Indentation, available in the modules of the Closets Builder, in the Kitchen library, were not sent to Plugin Cut Pro with the correct configuration of application of edge tape. (1803236)
2. Fixed the situation where the Gola handle was not sent to the Plugin Cut Pro Shopping List. (1803569)
3. Corrected the situation, where the positioning of the fixing hardware of the column modules, did not follow the insertion rules. (1803663)
4. Adjusted the situation where, the positioning of the fixing hardware, the crossbars of Upper, Lower and Pantry Modules of all library rows, did not follow the insertion rules. (1802817)
5. Fixed the situation where the Type 2 Internal Drawer Retractors, from the Bedroom tab, available in the Cabinet Builder, were not removed by checking the Remove it option in the Closets Editor. (1803663)
6. Fixed the situation where the upper and lower bottom of the Tower module of the Kitchen library did not correctly follow the height and positioning formula. (1799245)
7. Adjusted the situation where the Dorms - Assembly - Structure - Upper Cabinet tab of the Features Configurator incorrectly displayed the attributes Front Crossbar, Rear Setback Internal Drawers and Rear Setback External Drawers of the lower modules. (1799240)
8. Corrected the situation where the Corner modules of the Bedroom line, did not provide the option Y Handle, on doors and fronts. (1803994)
9. Adjusted the situation, in which the Kitchen modules did not provide the Handle Y option on the doors and fronts. (1803549)
10. Corrected the situation in which the sides of the Cava Kitchens' Straight Corner modules did not follow the thickness registered in the Boxes With Door tab, available in Kitchen - Thickness - Box, of the Features Configurator. (1799242)
11. Fixed the situation where the Retreat Shelves available in the Closets Builder modules on the Kitchens tab were not being sent to the Cut Pro Plugin with the correct edge tape application setting. (1806515)
12. Fixed the situation where the fixings of the fixed shelves w/ and without cutout of the L and oblique corners of the Bedrooms tab were the same as those of the mobile shelves. (1809212)
13. Corrected the situation where the budget of doors that used Profile Y handle was budgeted with 18mm profile, and did not follow the rule according to the thickness selected for the door. (1807793)
14. Corrected the situation where the Lift Up Doors of the Upper Counters of the Office Line modules in the Closets Builder did not have clearances applied.
15. Fixed the situation where when using the top in the Lower Counter w/ toe kick and Lower Counter w/ toe kick modules of the Closets Builder Offices tab, one of the sides of the tamponade did not show the edge band. (1811664)
V.12 R.1.15
Date 09/29/2021
- Enhancements
1. All library parts were associated with the Plugin Jaragua CNC Router Exclusive 28182.
2. All library parts were associated with the Plugin Jaragua CNC Vision.
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where some settings made in the Features Dimensions, for Side Traverses, were not respected. The Rear Clearance configuration was not respected in the lower modules of Kitchens, Cabinet Builder, and the backgrounds were not inserted in all Corner modules and in some Lower Counter modules, even when Yes was checked in the background configuration. (1796427)
2. Fixed the situation where, when building any Upper Kitchen Cabinet module, from the Cabinet Builder and inserting a movable shelf with a front setback in the module, the shelf divided the bottom and added a rear cross member improperly. (1800136)
3. Fixed the situation where, when inserting in the 3D space the module Panel - 6mm - 1800 x 2700 x 6, available in the Panels tab, it was inserted with a thickness of 3 mm. (1798614)
4. Fixed the situation where the edge band thickness settings for Doors, made in Features Dimensions, were not respected. (1800744)
5. Fixed the situation where, in the Features Dimensions, it was not possible to insert other values of background thickness, besides the values proposed in Kitchens - Thicknesses - Boxes - With Doors - A - Bottom Thickness. (1796791)
6. Fixed the situation where, when inserting the Ironing Board + Drawer of the Kitchen - Base - Cabinets w/ Drawers line, the modules' fixed shelves were not resized correctly and the front setback was incorrectly applied. (1798374)
7. Fixed the situation in which, when configuring the rear lateral and base spacings, the Cabinet Builder modules of the Columns Kitchens tab, Inner Side Kitchen Columns, and Columns Bedroom did not correctly respect the assembly, cutouts, and configured dimensions. (1800335)
V.12 R.1.14
Date 09/09/2021
- Enhancements
1. Updated Arauco Materials partner, some materials have been discontinued, others have been added, and material categories have been reorganized.
2. Improvements made to the Blum partner:
- Modification of AVENTOS HK System: System is renamed HK Top, with drilling and coding adjusted to the new Blum product.
- Change AVENTOS HK-S System: Adjustment to the item design according to the new partner update.
- Inclusion AVENTOS HK-XS System: Drilling and coding generated from the new Blum product.
- MOVENTO Runners Change: Inclusion of the TIP-ON BLUMOTION option, and coding update according to the new partner standard.
- TANDEMBOX Runner Changes: TIP-ON BLUMOTION option added, and coding updated according to the new partner standard.
- System Hinge Changes: Included new MODUL option, with TIP-ON and MODUL + Damper options. Options available when selecting hinge model in compatible locations.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the Composed panel registered in the Top/Tops - Tops - Bottom Modules and Top Modules tab were without the Composed Panel panel budget structure applied. (1791953)
2. Fixed the situation where the descriptions of the attributes available in the Features Configurator in the Bedrooms - Assembly - Structure - Upper Cabinets tab did not correspond with the order of letters illustrated in the Features Configurator images. (179993)
3. Fixed the situation where the modules Blind Corner Left 2 Sliding Doors and Blind Corner Right 2 Sliding Doors did not have the registered base hardware. (1792344)
4. Corrected the situation where the vertical partitions of the modules Lower Cabinets w/ Sliding Doors, Lower Cabinets and Lower Sink cabinets available in the cabinet builder in the Kitchens, Internal Side Kitchen, Kitchen Columns and Internal Side Kitchen Columns tab did not correctly respect the insertion conditions, causing the overlapping of two partitions in the same space, as well as colliding with the front crosspiece.
V.12 R.1.13
Date 08/18/2021
- Enhancements
2. Performed review and cleaning of duplicate files and orphan files (*.jpg) of standard materials. (1739227)
3. Cleaned unused attributes in the Doors/Fronts groups of all library lines. (1744648)
4. The hidden item was cleaned, Screw 3.5x14, unused in items, and non-existent in the product spreadsheet. (1738161)
5. Performed the cleaning of the hidden item Partial unused in items and nonexistent in the product spreadsheet. (1738165)
6. Improvement made that provides an option to configure the hardware for fixing the bottoms, for Bottom w/ Base. (1772606)

8. Added image of the property G in the caption of the configuration General Mounting - Front Indents Amounts in the Feature Configurator. (1743700)

9. Improved the caption image, in the settings General Mount - Handles / Profile - Versatile Handle and General Mount - Handles / Profile - Udine Handle, in the Feature Configurator. (1743732)






12. Cleaned the item 4.8x25 Flat Head Screw of the product sheet, as it was non-existent in the library. (1738173)
13. The TYPE and MATERIAL information in the models are now registered, seeking information directly from the members. (1734392)
- Corrections
2. Fixed the situation where, in the Feature Configurator, Towers and Electros did not inherit the values of the attributes selected for the Root Folder of Kitchens. (1775505)

3. Fixed the situation where, in the Feature Configurator, Towers and Electros did not inherit the values of the attributes selected for the Root Folder of Kitchens. (1775505)
4. Fixed the situation where, in the Feature Configurator in Hardware - Sliding Budget, in the caption image, the word Hinges was wrongly displayed instead of Slides. (1775497)
5. Fixed the situation where, when inserting the module Internal Sliding Doors w/ Footer of the line Dormitory and Inner Side Bedroom of Cabinetry Constructs, the central footer was inserted in duplicate. (1698892 and 1775767)

10. Fixed the situation in which, when using profiled fronts, in drawer modules with slide Invisible w/ Cushion, the drawer was inserted without a body. (1784394 and 1787920)
15. Fixed the situation where the Hafele - Free Flap H 1.5 model did not allow the insertion of the hinge due to competition. (1781645)
16. Fixed the situation where when applying the Inner Side setting in the Feature Configurator, the module did not respect the changes. (1782826)
17. Fixed situation where shoe rack hardware profile was displayed rotated. (1779963)
V.12 R.1.12
Date 07/28/2021
- Enhancements
1. All library parts were associated with the Jaragua CNC Solid Plugin. (1776158)
2. The edge bands used in the Y-profile handles start to quote with the same code as the edge bands in the rest of the system. (1768668)
3. The created modules on the Bedrooms tab now have different minimum heights according to the number of drawers available in each module. (1765798)
4. The minimum depth value of the front, side and rear crossbar is now 50mm. (1778775)
5. Included is the front edge band option for all partitions, uprights and shelves without retreat of the modules available in the Cabinet Builder and for the library modules as well. (1771403)
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the Calcare material record (VEL) from the Berneck manufacturer was with the wrong name between the Vertical and Horizontal options, and thus displayed unconformity when using the Plugin Catalog Configuration. (1773111)
2. Fixed the situation where the bottoms of the niche and towel rack modules on the Kitchen tab had an incorrect discount in the height formula, and it was not possible to configure them in the Features Configurator. (1772836)
3. Fixed the situation where the bottom back hardware was incorrect, overlapping and not symmetrical. (1772836)
4. Corrected the situation where the hardware profile of the top builder bottom and vertical bottom items were rotated, leaving the base drill on the side and vice versa. (1772599)
5. Corrected the situation where the back hardware profile available in the Electrical Counter module of the Closets Builder, did not generate the screw drill in the base, but only generated the dowel hole. (1772625)
6. Fixed the situation where the back hardware profile available in the Closet Builder Tower module was not displayed. (1772603)
7. Corrected the situation where the references of the models of the End Cap, did not correspond with the references of the product table. (1772633)
8. Fixed the situation in which the reference of the passing divider fasteners item 1 was not registered. (1769920)
9. Fixed the situation where it was not possible to export composite, composed panel and wood hollow panel edge band to Cut Pro. (1768161)
10. Fixed the situation where it was possible to remove the sides of the modules from the entire library. (1770823)
11. Fixed the situation where the towel rack design was incorrect and on the outside of the box. (1731168)
12. Corrected the situation where the Composed panel on the top/tops tab had no structure applied and calculated = False. (1769208)
13. Fixed the situation where the Sacred Gray texture of the Duratex partner was marked, it was not possible to use it with repetition. (1767817)
14. Fixed the situation where the central hinge of the 3610 module was not luffing correctly, and was also not referenced. (1765794)
15. Fixed the situation where there was an extra ITALINEA Kitchens tab available for configuration on the margins, which is not part of the Promob line. (1776957)
16. Fixed the situation where the fixings of the fixed shelves of the created modules on the Dorms tab did not follow the fixings defined in the Features Configurator. (1778022)
17. Corrected the situation where the library's Straight Corners did not follow the maximum depth of the other counters.(1778419)
18. Fixed the situation where Front Edge Band did not have the correct model description used when the Edge Band Information was generated by the Default ERP Plugin. (1765010)
V.12 R.1.11
- Enhancements
1. Improved made in the textures of all partner materials available in the system.
2. Removed the Max Decor partner from the library.
3. Provided improvement for resizing composite panels. Now the minimum dimension is 50 mm. (1761101)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which, when applying the Glass style to doors and accessories, the option to change the style was not enabled. (1764219)
2. Corrected the situation where the front crossbars of the Lower Right L Corner modules were loaded with the position of the minifix fasteners and pin inverted and without the front clearance when configured in the Features Configurator. (1760220)
3. Corrected the situation where the bottom of the modules without doors, from the Bathrooms line, did not respect the settings chosen in the Features Configurator. (1759286)
4. Corrected the situation where the bottom of the modules without doors, from the Kitchens line, did not respect the settings chosen in the Features Configurator. (1759275)
5. Corrected the situation in which Swing Doors, from the Bedroom library, had as an aggregate, the Slider format, instead of the Larder format. (1744644)
6. Corrected the situation where the Y-Profile Handle was applied to the door at an incorrect angle. (1755215)
7. Corrected the situation where composite tops were applied to modules with incorrect dimensions. (1760744)
8. Corrected the situation where the hole of the cup, on the Hafele hinges, was incorrect. (1758067)
9. Corrected the situation where the Y Handles, with end caps, were inserted with the end caps from the Gola handle. (1757141)
10. Corrected the situation where the edge band, from the sides of the Top L Corners, from the Kitchens library, were set with the wrong attributes. (1758427)
11. Corrected the situation in which, when resizing the base cutout, from the Upper Counters Column module U, they were inserted incorrectly. (1752873)
12. Corrected the situation where the edge band was not applied on the fixed shelf of the Counter 1 Tip + 1 Drawer module. (1750007)
13. Corrected the situation where some entries, from the Builder plugin, were pending in the Screw to Slide structure. (1754899)
14. Corrected the situation where the wildcard model reference was incorrect in the Tops and Mount models. (1654607)
15. Corrected situation where edge bands were not applied on top of doors and drawer fronts for push to open mode. The situation occurred because the attribute of edge bands for front panels with Gola Handle was registered. (1749983)
16. Corrected the situation where the Upper Closets sliding door budget for the Bedroom library was generated separately from the module. (1764950)
17. Corrected the situation where, in the module Lower Counter - Column L Left/Right External Side the lower base had incorrect dimensions. (1764955)
18. Corrected the situation where the Description of two different Screws was the same in the registration. (1738172)
19. Corrected the situation where some sliding doors had the RO21 format and the Internal Pulley format added together. The situation caused the two systems to be budgeted for a single sliding door. (1745470)
20. Corrected the translations of Templates and Attributes.
V.12 R.1.10
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which when inserting a separate slide and generating an assembled budget, it was not shown in the budget listing. (1733985)
2. Corrected the situation in which when generating the budget for the slides together, the message Item without price was displayed. (1743755)
3. Corrected the situation where, when inserting a slide in the 3D space and generating the budget, the pricing code was displayed differently from the product price spreadsheet. (1741794)
4. Written on the price sheet the items of separate couplings, for normal slide budgets. The loose couplings are part of the Complete Set. (1741794)
5. Corrected the margins of Slides and Hinges for budget execution of the Complete Set. (1743758)
6. Corrected the Tip on Hinge description. (1738160)
7. Changed the values in the Features Configurator for the Udine and Versatile handles. (1737967)
8. Corrected the situation where the overhead door was conflicting with the crossbar. (1738575)
9. Changed the maximum depth of the upper Dormitory modules. (1743798)
10. Available in the Features Configurator attributes referring to the configuration of the gap of the vats, from the Blum partner. (1743697)
11. Adjusted the attributes and positioning of the shoe reck parts. (1743783)
12. Inclusion of the item Screw used in the shelf support in the price spreadsheet. (1749533)
13. Adjusted the budget settings for machining operations. (1745184)
14. Adjusted the descriptions, references and budget of the Cava line Profiles. (1742330)
15. Adjusted the positioning of the back crossbars on the L-Corners (1745720)
16. Adjusted the information between the slide coding and the price sheet. (1740473)
17. Configured the Structures so that the category is displayed correctly in the generated budgets. (1742585)
18. Adjusted the drawings of the pulleys that were incorrectly represented. (1745177)
19. Adjusted the position of the attribute that determines the height of the back part of the shoe rack, in the Features Configurator. (1743780)
20. Adjusted the contour machining operation that was performed on some sides of the Cava Kitchens line. (1736166)
21. Corrected the positioning of the back so that the fixings are on the appropriate parts when selecting the option on 3 sides (left, right and bottom). (1731365)
22. Adjusted the positioning of the Sideboard bottom. (1732097)
23. Adjusted the attributes so that they can only receive proposed values. (1752827)
24. Included is the option of symmetrical attachment to the hardware profiles of the fixed shelves. (1732132)
25. Adjusted the positioning of the invisible slides when changing the drawer depth. (1734021)
26. Adjusted the positioning of the fixations applied to the front crossbars, when a junction occurs. (1753865)
27. Adjusted the gaps that were not being applied to the internal drawers. (1735706)
V.12 R.1.9
- Enhancements
1. Provided improvement in the registration of Model information, information was included in the groups of associated models: TYPE, MATERIAL, TOP_SUR_TYPE, BOT_SUR_TYPE, MAT_COR, and MAT_COR_TYPE, to streamline implementation of new finishes. (1707133)
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the shoe rack fronts allowed the insertion of Y handles. (1731170)
2. Corrected the situation where the front edges of the Wildcard finishes, were not being applied. (1732116 e 1733926)
3. Corrected the thickness of the Back Front of Hafele Grass Dynamoov and Invisa GT drawers. The thickness was incorrect because it considered the back attribute. (1719085)
4. Corrected the situation where the edge band attributes, in corner modules, were incorrect. (1732218)
5. Corrected the visual limits of the Base and Shelf pieces, of Corner L Divided. (1733019)
6. Corrected the limits of the Base and Shelf, Corner L Divided compositions. (1733019)
7. Top clearance attributes applied to the built-in Cabinet Builder drawers in the Bedroom library. (1735672)
8. Corrected the situation where the built-in drawers, of the Column Cabinets, inside the Cabinet Builder in the Dormitory library, were applying attributes from another line. (1735676)
9. Adjusted the hardware profiles of the C Corner L Divided bases. (1731650)
10. Corrected the situation where the L Divided bases and shelves were displayed incorrectly in the Budget and Cut Plan. (1736213)
11. Fixed the situation where when applying the Divided Shelf option, in L Corner Bench modules, the shelf was not inserted into the 3D environment.
12. Corrected the situation in which, the pieces with the Front Edge Band option, were displayed with duplicated edge band when generating the budget and technical documentation. (1736170)
13. Removed from the Features Configurator, attributes that were not applied in the modules. (1682291)
14. Adjusted the Closets Builder modules, where they now behave like library modules. Enabled the option Budgeted and applied the attribute NOPRICEALERT, with the value False, for the budget to be correctly generated. (1715596)
15. Fixed the situation where the sides of the Closets Builder modules were missing hardware.
16. Included missing images in the Features Configurator. (1668759)
V.12 R.1.8
- Enhancements
1. Update of partner material library available. (1725299)
- Corrections
1. Removed the Profile Y Handle from the Cava line and straight doors.
2. Corrected the situation where Front Crossbars were with aggregate Rear Crossbar fixing profile. (1728037)
3. Corrected a situation where the Oblique corners in the Bedroom library had the incorrect toe kick when the module with internal sides was inserted. (1721751)
4. Corrected the situation where the reference was not registered (TEM_PARCEIRO), in the FRONT references. (1724070)
5. Corrected the situation where EDGE_MAT_TYPE information was not registered at the edges for integration with Insight. (1715594)
6. Fixed 18mm lower top, where there was another top added incorrectly. (1719066)
7. Corrected the situation where some Blum drawers did not consider the removal registered by the Features Configurator. (1719950)
8. Corrected the situation where the position of the sides of the towers considered the attribute of retreat of the side of the superiors. (1719083)
9. Adjusted the name of files that prevented the download of Start Labs from the desktop through Promob Downloader, due to the maximum number of characters. (1714235)
10. Corrected situation where the Office desk drawer size exceeded the size of the top. (1719941)
11. Corrected the situation that the minimum drawer heights were incorrect. (1720689)
12. Corrected the situation where the dimension indicated in the Features Configurator was different from the project, referring to the intermediate Cava Handler of the Larder. (1711118)
13. Applied the standard definition of budget groups and data providers, so that items budget correctly according to their respective Group / Category. (1725649)
14. Corrected the situation where the shoe racks do not consider the registration of the configurator to cover the side of the drawer. (1709599)
15. Adjustment was made on the front crossbar of the L corner of the Cava line, which was incorrectly positioned.(1711152)
16. Corrected the situation where drawers were going over the bottom, in the Bedroom line of the Closet Builder, for closets with Sliding doors. (1709617)
17. Corrected the situation where the Left Separators was not inserted in the External Sliding Door Cabinets of the Closets Builder. (1709897)
18. Corrected the situation where it was not possible to remove the front crosspiece of the lower modules, in the line of Kitchens Cava. (1710775)
19. Corrected a situation where, on the Cava Line with the option of internal side, the distance between the front and rear fixings was reversed. (1719077).
20. Corrected situation where internal items appeared locked and the panel would not perform machining, in the Tower and Electro Counter of the Closets Builder. (1724659)
V.12 R.1.7
- Enhancements
1. Added the option of Y profile doors.
2. Added to the Closets Builder option of internal sides for column modules, in the Kitchen and Bedroom lines. (1679101)
3. Added option of built-in drawers for the Cabinet Builder modules, in the Dormitory, Office and Kitchen Tower lines. (1656008)
4. Added the option of front edge band with its own model, which can be edited separately from the rest of the module.
5. Added the option of bases and divided shelves for corner L.
6. Added superior modules with sliding doors in the Kitchens line.
7. Added Lower Cabinet modules (configurable by the Closets Builder) in the Dormitory line.
8. Added Superior Cabinet modules (configurable by the Closets Builder) in the Dormitory line.
9. Adjustment made for attributes to have only proposed values. (1714773)
V.12 R.1.6
- Corrections
1. Corrected situation in which the Oblique Corner Wardrobes were incorrectly dimensioned on one side. (1701401)
2. Fixed the size of the drawer gap in the closets builder that was incorrect. (1703323)
3. Corrected the situation in which when building a lower cabinet with toe kick in the Cabinet Builder, when inserting a cutting partition, the toe kick was incorrect. (1703323)
4. Corrected the situation where the application of edge band on the tops and tampons was incorrect. (1703323)
5. Corrected the positioning of the minifix for amounts, previously considered the thickness of the side, now considers the amount. (1703712)
6. Fixed the situation where some Closets Builder drawers were with empty items. (1704865)
7. Corrected the situation where the minifix profiles were misaligned in the modules with 3 spans. (1705023)
8. Fixed the situation where the resizing of doors and drawers was incorrect in the Closets Builder. (1705318)
- Enhancements
1. Removed the alert of items without price for the Hinge Set in the Price table. (1694596)
2. Included the hinge screw and runner screw in the Price table. (1694596)
3. The Kit option has been applied to the hinge and drow runners in the Price list. (1694596)
4. Unchecked is the option of machined contour for back and front of Blum and Hafele drawers. (1703128)
5. Internal and external hardware profiles created for front crosspiece. (1704994)
V.12 R.1.5
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which the gap size of the invisible drawers of the Kitchens Cavas line was incorrect. (1690824)
2. Corrected the situation where the application formula of the L corner fixed shelves of the Bedroom line, displayed the shelf moved out of the wardrobes. (1693623)
3. Corrected the situation where the border strips were displayed incorrectly in the model separators of the Offices line. (1691243)
4. Corrected the situation where the size of the side retreat was incorrect in the Column modules. (1679663)
V.12 R.4
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where the size of the gaps in the doors and drawers of the cabinet builder modules were incorrect. (1680022, 1685012)
2. Corrected the application formulas of the slide-touch runners. (1681095)
3. Corrected the situation where the maximum measurements of Tamburatos were incorrect. (1683200)
4. Corrected the situation in which the back crosspiece of the shoe rack did not follow the opening of the shoe rack. (1676867)
5. Corrected the situation where the Tamburatos were sent to the cutting plan without material code and with the final thickness. (1683322)
6. Corrected the situation where upper modules with sliding doors were without the fixing hardware. (1683203)
7. Corrected the situation where the alignment faces of the upper bases were displayed incorrectly. (1683187)
V.12 R.3
- Enhancements
1. Updated Dekton and Silestone materials.
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation in which when configuring the upper bathroom modules as internal sides, the modules with sliders did not consider this change. (1675572)
2. Corrected the situation in which in straight corner modules, from the Kitchen / Cava library, the separators fixers were removed from the base. (1676082)
3. Corrected the situation where in straight corner modules, from the Kitchen/Cava library, when configuring the edge on the back face of the internal retractors, the edge was applied on the front face of them. (1676085)
4. Corrected the price table for the reference code for shell handles, as the values were incorrect. (1676097)
5. Corrected the situation where the items and information from the Lopar partner were not displayed within Promob. (1676100)
6. Corrected the situation where, within the Features Configurator, no password was required when editing items in the Hafele group. (1676101)
7. Fixed situation where Runners Width option was not available for Invisible Runners within Features Configurator. (1676106
8. Corrected the situation where in upper modules, from the Kitchens library, when configuring the edge on the lower face of the upper rear crossbars, the edge was applied on the upper face. (1676112)
9. Corrected the situation in the shoe rack modules where, when requesting shoe rack opening, the rear crossbars of the sliding bases did not follow the opening movement. The situation occurred because there was no fixation between the crosspiece and the sliding base. (1676867)
10. Corrected the situation where the settings of fasteners for funds of servants were not respected. (1677143)
11. Fixed the situation where the settings of fasteners for sideboard bottoms were not respected. (1677171)
12. Corrected the situation where, in the Cabinet Builder, in upper modules of Kitchens, edge tapes were incorrectly applied, the tapes were considered in faces that were not requested. (1677278)
13. Corrected the reference code of collar handles in the system and also in the Promob price list. (1677759)
14. Corrected the situation where for the 3-door counter in the Kitchens library, the attribute for border tape of the lower base considered the attribute of border tape of the upper base. (1678011)
15. Corrected the situation in which in the Cabinet Builder in the Library of Kitchens, Internal Lateral Kitchens and Column Kitchens the front crosspieces were in the wrong position and the vertical ones were not displayed after applying the crossbar thickness discount. (1678207)
16. Corrected the display image in the Features Configurator, in Bedrooms - Thicknesses - Created Boxes, in which the E attribute was not displayed. (1678388)
17. Corrected the situation where the Invisible Slide Width was displayed in the Telescopic Slide settings, within the Features Configurator. (1678391)
18. Corrected the situation in which the symmetrical and standard 32 fasteners, used in the shelf hardware profiles, used different rules (FIX1 and FIX2) but there is a single profile for shelves. (1679730)
V.12 R.1
- Enhancements
1. The Lopar partner material library included.
2. Included rear sleepers in the shoemaker's drawers.
- Corrections
1. Fixed a situation where some positioning attributes were not processed in office desk drawers.
V.12 R.0
- Enhancements
1. The Hafele partner library is available.
2. The option to choose between a Set or Kit for Hinges and Slides in the Library is available.
3. Adjust in the Start Configurator, insert the door clearances of the upper office modules. (1548486)
4. The adjustment made to the Versatile handle to have a discount on the MDF panel. (1585327)
5. SHOWHIDDENENTITY attribute inserted referring to sending information from the panel/drawer code in the technical reports. (1658423)
V.11 R.4.1
- Enhancements:
1. Was made available choose option for internal sides panel to wall ends, now is possible to choose as external side panel or internal side panel. (1583003)
Internal side panel
External side panel
- Corrections
1. Corrected the situation where report of modules for appliances and cabinet oven combination was not generated. (1583715 and 1586799)
2. Corrected the situation where Versatile partner handle end cap were displayed with incorrect quantities in the budget report. (15758515)
3. Corrected the situation where border tape were incorrectly applied to the back crosspiece of corner modules L. (1585285, 1585314, and 1585318)
4. Corrected the situation where the upper base panel of blind corners in cabinet build tool was with the incorrect description. (1585976)
V.11 R.4
- Enhancements
1. Was made available functionality to generate budget of machining. (1543353)
2. Was made available Concha handle for straight fronts.
3. Was made available Udine handle for straight fronts.
4. Was made available in cabinet build tool, options to edition for blind corners of kitchen and bedroom libraries.
5. Was made available drawers and modules with lift up system with draws in the kitchen library.
6. Was made available in cabinet build tool, third option of drows separator for bedroom library.
7. Was made available in cabinet build tool, option of machined front in the bedroom library.
8. Was made available improvement in crosspieces of cabinets and sinks in kitchen library. (1494945 e 1518885)
9. Was made available improvement in Orders , now it's have the option Store Order without price column and Factory Order, with price column. (1557703)
- Corrections:
1. Corrected the situation where the fixation hardware were incorrect when inserted separator bigger then 0 in the horizontal frontal crosspieces of blind corners. (1555239)
2. Corrected the situation when generating the technical drawing of the corners's side panels from the bedroom library, the position of minifix and dowel pins drill were incorrect. (1542771)
3. Corrected the situation in the Features Configurator in which the configurations for clearance between of doors were inverted in the bethroom library. (1565326)
4. Corrected the situation where the fasteners and the crosspieces conflicted in modules with sliding system, in the kitchen library. (1564929)
5. Corrected the itens that didn't had available propriety in the Features Configurator, on border tape of side panels in the bedroom library. (1573814 e 1570584)
6. Corrected the situation where the conditions of visibility were inverted between two types of drawer modules runners. (1570594)
7. Corrected the situation where the separators didn't inserted in internal drawers of bedroom library. (1557398)