In Manager, Purchase Orders functionality is available for shipment to suppliers. It can be registered on the Purchase Orders screen, or through a Sales Order made from a converted deal. In addition to creating the Purchase Order, you can edit it. And from there, it is possible to enter the items purchased in stock through the XML of the supplier's note.
IMPORTANT: The Purchase Order is only generated from a Sales Order.
This article covers the following sections:
Prepare and forward Purchase Orders to the manufacturer
Full View of the Purchase Order
Generate Purchase Order Manually
Forward Purchase Order to a Supplier
Prepare and forward Purchase Orders to the manufacturer
After closing a trade, Manager offers the Generation and Sending of Purchase Orders feature to the manufacturer.
1. Under Deal, click on Buy Spaces:
2. The purchase orders are generated based on the supplier's registration, and the catalogs/items assigned to it are used as criteria for generating these purchase orders. For more information click here.
3. If any of the items in the negotiation do not have an assigned supplier, an inconsistency is displayed in the Pending Actions area, and it is necessary to inform the suppliers to continue the generation.
- Make sure that all items have their suppliers correctly before the Purchase Order is generated. If a supplier receives an item not produced by them, the Purchase Order may be rejected.
- If the negotiated environment has been changed in Promob, the message One or more designs are outdated displayed as shown in the image below, so you need to access the environment in Promob and update it (negotiate). You can then generate purchase orders as normal.
4. After that, the purchase orders are generated, and it is possible to view these orders in the Deal field or through the menu Manufacturing - Purchase Orders.
5. By clicking on a generated purchase order, it is possible to view the details. If any items not produced by the supplier are present, it is possible to deselect these items before releasing the order.
6. After the steps already described, it is possible to release or e-mail the order.
NOTE: For the cancellation of a purchase order already released to the SupplierPortal, you should contact the supplier directly.
IMPORTANT: The release of the order through SupplierPortal is only possible for suppliers who have purchased this product. Contact the supplier to check if you have the product contracted.
Full View of the Purchase Order
Through the menu Manufacturing - Purchase Orders, a more detailed view of the information is possible. The main information is:
PO Name: free field available to the user, so that he can give a name to the purchase order, facilitating its identification.
Supplier: is the supplier of this purchase order. Who will supply the items contained in this.
Amount: purchase order value.
Items: number of items on the purchase order.
Created On: date the purchase order was created.
Project: is the project that originated this purchase order. In some license types, we have a workflow that focuses on the main user actions while using the system. The licenses that have this working model are NA Dealer and NA Foundation.
Customer: is the customer of the purchase order. The purchase order can be issued to an end customer or to the company itself.
Release/Status: release the purchase order to the supplier in the Supplier Portal.
Supplier OC N°: this number can be provided by the supplier and used for tracking the order at the factory.
Supplier Status: purchase order status at the manufacture. IMPORTANT: This field is updated by the manufacture.
Add File: The User can add files regarding the purchase order. It is a free field and any file can be added.
Billing to: in this field, it is informed against whom the purchase order will be billed. This data is available in the supplier panel so that the factory has billing information.
Billing Address: in this field, the billing address will be displayed according to the information filled in the Billing to field.
Shipment and installation
Assembly: who will be responsible for assembling the items that are being purchased.
Shipping to: location where the goods will be delivered.
Shipping paid by: who will pay for the freight of the goods.
Shipping Address: shipping address. Addresses vary depending on what you choose in Send to.
Send: Send this purchase order by email (PDF).
Download: download purchase order in PDF.
Print: print the purchase order.
Add message: option to add a message.
NOTE: If the supplier of the purchase order has integration with SupplierPortal, this area can be used as a communication channel for possible integration inconsistencies, billing information, among other messages relevant to the order.
Search: filter to help the user.
Catalog: filter to help the user.
Styles: filter to help the user.
Categories: filter to help the user.
Add Item: Add an item to this purchase order.
The purchase order change history, with date and user, is displayed.
Generate Purchase Order Manually
This feature allows you to generate a manual Purchase Order. To do this:
1. Access Manufacture - Purchase Orders.
2. Click the Add button
3. Inform the Supplier, previously registered.
4. Inform the Customer to which the purchase refers and the Space.
- To inform the client, the deal made with that client must have already been converted and a Sales Order for this deal has been generated.
5. Define the type of Purchase Order, if it will be Main, for Technical assistance or Additional.
- Main: Standard, conventional purchase order
- Technical assistance: when the Purchase Order is made from assistance/maintenance to the customer's project. When for some specific reason, one or more items need to be purchased from the supplier again.
- Additional: When it is necessary to request the purchase of an additional item referring to another Purchase Order already requested.
6. Enter the order number if you have a number or code to control customer registration, and click Next.
7. Define payment terms and delivery information and Carrier, and click Next.
8. Define the items that will enter the purchase order, defining the quantity and delivery and then click Next.
9. Set payment terms and click Save.
Forward Purchase Order to a Supplier
You can forward your Purchase Order to suppliers in the following ways:
- Through E-mail
1. Access the desired Purchase Order, in the upper right corner of Actions, select the Send option;
2. The e-mail informed in the supplier's registration is automatically loaded;
3. The Purchase Order by default is attached.
Through PDF file
To generate the purchase order in .PDF format:
1. Select in the upper right corner the Print option;
2. In this way it will be possible to print in PDF format, if you want to physically send the Purchase Order;