Plugin SCM Maestro Cut Manager Cut settings:
IMPORTANT: As of version, the size of th external trimming profile registered in Cut Pro must also consider the thickness of the saw.
For example, if you want to cut 5mm of external trimming and the thickness of the saw is 4.2mm, the trimming external should be 9.2mm.
This change was necessary due to command restrictions to execute the cutting of the external trimming when the cutting plane has a 1st vertical cut.

- Installation Location of Cutting Manager: indicate if the installation directory of the Cutting Manager it is installed in local or remote way.
- Cut Manager installation directory: Enter the directory where the Cutting Manager it is installed.
Maximum file name length: Enter the maximum number of characters for the integration file name.
- The minimum value for the number of characters is 5;
- The maximum value allowed by the manufacturer is 46.

- Installation Location of Cutting Manager: indicate if the installation directory of the Cutting Manager it is installed in local or remote way.
- Remote Path: Enter the remote path to the installation directory of the Cutting Manager.
- Cut Manager installation directory: Enter the directory where the Cutting Manager it is installed.
Maximum file name length: Enter the maximum number of characters for the integration file name.
- The minimum value for the number of characters is 5;
- The maximum value allowed by the manufacturer is 46.

- Saw thickness: it defines the thickness of the saw, in millimeters, that makes the cut;
- Maximum Cut Size: Sets the maximum cut size possible for the machine;
- Internal Reflow Thickness: defines the thickness of the internal refill. If 0 is indicated, the cutting plane will be generated without refilling;
- Rest in phase: sets the rest of the raw material at the end of the phase;
- Maximum number of phases: defines the maximum number of phases allowed for the cutter manager;
- Stacking maximum: defines the maximum stacking height of panels, in millimeters, for performing the cut.
- Print labels: with this option selected, we can generate the print files of the parts or leftover labels;
- Part label template: defines the template of the label that should be printed when generating cuts;
- Label Size: Sets the size of the label to be printed.
Files will only be generated if the tag template is configured in field 8 own image. For MaestroCut images will be generated in BMP format.
IMPORTANT: This directory can not be changed.
The label layout is sent to MaestroCut via the .fme file. This file is generated in the \ Labels folder. IMPORTANT: This directory can not be changed.
In MaestroCut installed on the disconnector, this file must be configured as the layout of the label to be printed.
IMPORTANT: If the file is not the same as that generated by CutPro, the information generated on the label will not be printed in the correct places.
The archive name of the label layout file is generated in the format Promob_name of the model of template.fme.
- If the files are generated locally, the directory of the Labels, xMix, xPrg and Bitmap folders (if the cutter label has an image) must be copied. These files are generated in the directory given for generating the files.
- The xprg file can have a maximum of 99 commands, due to a limitation of Maestro Cyt. Therefore, if the cutting plan generates more than 99 commands, a file with the designation _REP is created, containing the excess commands. This file is used in the same way as an .xprg file.
Related Links:
1. ICut
2. Titanium
3. WinCut