IMPORTANT: the image of the label is generated online, and it is necessary to be connected to the internet for the labels to be generated.
To configure the label image, perform the procedures below:
1. Click Print;
2. In Settings, select the Labels option;
3. At the bottom of the page, select the Label Image Settings option;
4. Make the necessary adjustments to the image configuration.
You can configure the following items:

Custom Dimensions: when this option is checked, you can define a fixed height and width for the images that will be present on the labels. When this option is unchecked, the label image will be generated with the width, height and rotation information defined in the settings made in the label editor, for the label template used. For more information about the label editor, click here. IMPORTANT: By default, this option is unchecked.
Height: Defines the height size of the label image. It will be available only when Custom Dimensions is checked. The maximum limit is 200mm or 1598 pixels.
Width: Defines the size of the width of the label image. It will be available only when Custom Dimensions is checked. The maximum limit is 200mm or 1598 pixels.
Line thickness: set the line thickness of the image;
Monochrome: set in this option whether the print will be monochrome or not;
Resolution: set the image resolution, values from 96 to 203 can be entered. When changing the resolution value, the Legend text size and Dimension text size fields are automatically changed to maintain the aspect ratio. For more information on image resolution, click here;
Angle: this field allows the image to be generated rotated. The permitted angles are 0, 90, 180 and 270;
Caption text size: set the caption text size in this field;
Dimension text size: set the dimension text size in this field;
Character for the edge band: define a character in this field to indicate the edge band insertion in the preview of the piece. It is possible to inform any letter or word that will indicate the insertion, by default the letter B is configured;

In Cut Pro's Simplified mode, the option for Character for the edge band is absent, as the edge band indication is already inserted in the label image through the code entered in the edge band registration (review the information about the Simplified mode here).
This information will be displayed on the right for horizontal edge band stripes and at the bottom for vertical stripes. Therefore, the code information will be associated when it exists on two sides. As can be seen below:
In the legend of the thickness edge band in the Simplified mode, there is still a peculiarity of displaying the thickness information of the edge band register together with the description of the edge band.

Bitmap measurement unit: You can define the unit of measurement in Pixel or mm. For more information click here.
When changing the unit, the fields will recalculate so that the aspect ratio is maintained.
• To define the width and height of the label, go to Label Settings. Click here to learn how to configure.