Available from Promob 5.60 version
- This procedure is available only for user manufacture.
- If the system is not authorized to open the design, the attributes that are in the project will not be loaded into the Features Configurator.
It is possible to define in which libraries of products the projects created in his Promob will go to open. To set this definition:
1. Access the Portal Promob with the manufacture user;
2. Select Manufacture - Products Authorizations, click on Add products.
3. Select the manufacturer’s library and choose the product to be authorized.
4. Just below, a list is displayed with the product name, edition date, and the user who added this authorization.
Removing an Authorized Product
To remove a Promob from this opening permission list:
1. Select the manufacturer's library.
2. Find the product you want to remove, and click Delete to the right of the product to be removed.