Check below the specifications and configurations available in the SIR 1325 ATC Router plugin:
Available from version: Plugin Builder
Machine Type: CNC Machining Center
Manufacturer: SIDECO
Generated file extension: .nc
Programs example: LA22741A
Manual: manual available for the manufacturer, click here.
Main features
- Holes
- Canals
- Machining
- External contour
- Nesting
To check the settings on CNC Machines, click here.
Default items in the export to be executed, it is not necessary to add more items because the reading is done only of the pre-registered items. Defines which columns go into the Nesting file. For more information, click here.
Full Label
The unit of measure millimeters or pixels can be used, and its configuration can be made for sheet or coil.
Labels page layout
Unit of measurement: defines the unit of measure used to configure the label.
Page Type: defines the type of page to be used by the machine, whether they are printed on reel (rolls) or sheet (A4, for example).
Lines: defines the number of lines on the page.
Columns: defines the number of columns on the page.
Page total width: defines the measurement of the total width of the sheet to be used.
Page total height: defines the measurement of the total leaf height to be used.
Label width (A): defines the width of the label, referring to measurement A.
Label height (B): defines the measure of the label height, referring to measure B.
Page top margin (c): defines the measure of the top margin of the page, referring to measure c.
Page left margin (e): defines the measure of the left margin of the page, referring to measure e.
Gap width (f): defines the width of the page gap, referring to the measurement f.
Gap height (d): defines the height of the page gap, referring to the measurement d.
Label internal margin (g): defines the inner margin of the label, referring to measure g.
Use bold fonts: defines whether the text is generated in bold.
Image Label
To check the settings about Nesting Machine Labels, click here.
Image Settings
Border ribbon character in image: character that is displayed in the caption of the label informing where the edge of the piece is.
Caption font size (mm): sets the font size used in part dimensions.
Dimensions font size (mm): sets the text size used in part dimensions.
Height (mm): determines the height of the image.
Line thickness (mm): determines the line thickness of the image.
Monochromatic: if enabled the image will be sent in black and white mode.
Resolution (DPI): measurement used by printer manufacturers to determine the resolution of the printed image. The value has to be between 96 and 203.
Rotation (°): sets the image rotation in degrees.
Unity of measurement: convention used to represent dimensions in Pixels/Points or in millimeters.
Use bold fonts: defines whether the text is generated in bold.
Use border ribbon reference: uses the reference of the edge tape in the generated image.
IMPORTANT: this operation is restricted, only technical support can make changes. For more information click here.
Width (mm): determines the width of the image.
Machine 1
Name: define the name for the machine.
IMPORTANT: The name set in this field also changes the name of the folder where the generated files will be saved.
Generator ID: machine generation engine ID.
Length X (mm): the value entered in this field indicates the maximum usable length of the machine.
Width Y (mm): the value entered in this field indicates the maximum usable width of the machine.
Max thickness Z (mm): maximum thickness (Z) supported by the machine.
Min thickness Z (mm): minimum thickness (Z) supported by the machine.
Generate .csv file for labels: determines whether the label .csv file is generated or not.
.Inf File
Detail all programs operations: detail operations not performed in the .inf file in all programs (A, B. C .....).
Generate empty parts info: generate .inf file of parts without operations.
Marking hole depth (mm): maximum depth to be considered marking drilling. When the hole is smaller or equal, it will automatically be considered a marking hole.
Drill vertical minimum diameter: minimum drilling diameter, in millimeters.
Vertical Holes
Max vertical diameter (mm): maximum diameter of vertical drills.
Vertical hole minimum center position in Y (mm): minimum position of the vertical drilling center in Y (mm).
Vertical hole maximum center position in Y (mm): maximum position of vertical drilling center in Y (mm).
Vertical hole maximum center position in X (mm): maximum position of the vertical drilling center in X (mm).
Machining /Slots
Mill maximum position in Y (mm): maximum position of the milling in Y (mm).
Mill minimum position in Y (mm): minimum position of the milling in Y (mm).
Parking Position
Parking: defines the parking type for the machine head.
X Position : X position for machine head parking.
Y Position : Y position for machine head parking.
X displacement from the part: displacement of the head after operations, not to get above the part, in millimeters. The set value will be added to measure (X) of the piece, if this sum exceeds the allowed value, the maximum displacement of the head in (X) will be considered.
Max X displacement: maximum value that the head can shift in (X) after operations.
To check the settings about CNC Tools, click here.
Code: tool code.
Name: tool name.
Diameter (mm): tool diameter.
Tool heigth (mm): sets the height of the tool.
Step depth (mm): defines the depth of the tool pass.
Drill type: define the type of drill, normal or conical.
Drilling angle (mm): drilling angle in millimeters.
Through plunge offset (mm): through-hole compensation in millimeters.
Entrance displacement speed - FA (units/min): entry/attack travel speed - FA (units/min).
Cut displacement speed - FC (units/min): cutting displacement speed - FC (units/min).
Rotation speed - S (rpm): rotational speed - EM (rpm)
Utilization face: defines which faces the tool can be used on.
Rotation direction: defines the direction of rotation of the tool.
The mills are used to perform slotting and machining.
Code: the code defined in this field must match the registration defined on the machine so that the tool can be located correctly.
Name: the name defined in this field must match the registration defined on the machine so that the tool can be located correctly.
Diameter (mm): tool diameter.
Tool Height (mm): tool height, in millimeters.
Step depth (mm): defines the depth of the tool pass.
Through plunge offset (mm): compensation of the drilling and machining of the part.
Interlock (mm): overpass between tool passes to avoid material leftovers.
Entrance displacement speed - FA (units/min): entry/attack travel speed - FA (units/min).
Cut displacement speed - FC (units/min): cutting displacement speed - FC (units/min).
Rotation speed - S (rpm): rotational speed - EM (rpm)
Utilization face: defines which faces the tool can be used on.
Rotation direction: defines the direction of rotation of the tool.
Cut movement: defines what the tool's cutting motion will be.
Contour machining
Contour machining cutting direction: defines if the contour milling has to be done clockwise or counterclockwise.
Start of contour machining: defines where contour machining starts, at one of the corners or in the middle of one of the workpiece edges. This option is applicable only to external contour machining.
Approach Type: defines the approach type of the tool.
Approach extension: defines the type of tool approach.
Retract Type: defines the type of tool output.
Distance between input approach and retract: it is advisable that this value be greater than zero so that the cut does not leave any fragments (burrs).
Retract extension: defines how long the tool retracts after machining/contouring is completed.
Compensation Alignment: defines whether the tool has an offset, Automatic, Center, Left or Right as per direction of cut direction option for contour machining. For more information click here.
Internal machining
Internal machining cutting direction: defines if the internal milling has to be done clockwise or counterclockwise.
Start of internal machining: defines the start of internal machining.
Approach type: defines the approach type of the tool.
Approach Extension (mm): extension of the lead in before starting the contour cut.
Retract type: defines the retract type of the tool.
Distance between approach and retract (mm): is advised this value to be greater than zero, so the cutting will not leave any fragment behind.
Retreact Extension (mm): extension of the lead out after the machining is dome.
Compensation Alignment: defines if the tool has an offset, Automatic, Center, Left or Right according to the direction of the Cut direction option for contour machining. For more information click here.
Ramp Configuration
Tool approach angle (A): the angle of descent of the tool defined by dimension A.
Conical Mills
Conical milling cutters are used to perform profile machining.
Code: the code defined in this field must match the registration defined on the machine so that the tool can be located correctly.
Name: the name defined in this field must match the registration defined on the machine so that the tool can be located correctly.
Diameter (mm): tool diameter.
IMPORTANT: in the image below, blue represents the tool's zero point.
Tool Height (mm): tool height, in millimeters.
Step depth (mm): defines the depth of the tool pass.
Cut Angle: tool cutting angle.
Through plunge offset (mm): through plunge offset. For more information, click here.
Entrance displacement speed - FA (units/min): entry/attack travel speed - FA (units/min).
Cut displacement speed - FC (units/min): cutting displacement speed - FC (units/min).
Rotation speed - S (rpm): rotational speed - EM (rpm)
Utilization face: defines which faces the tool can be used on.
Rotation direction: defines the direction of rotation of the tool.
Cut movement: defines what the tool's cutting motion will be. These are the Concordant, Discordant or Both movements.
Internal machining
Internal machining cutting direction: defines if the internal milling has to be done clockwise or counterclockwise.
Start of internal machining: defines the start of internal machining.
Approach type: defines the approach type of the tool.
Approach Extension (mm): extension of the lead in before starting the contour cut.
Retract type: defines the retract type of the tool.
Distance between approach and retract (mm): is advised this value to be greater than zero, so the cutting will not leave any fragment behind.
Retreact Extension (mm): extension of the lead out after the machining is dome.
Compensation Alignment: defines if the tool has an offset, Automatic, Center, Left or Right according to the direction of the Cut direction option for contour machining. For more information click here.
Name: the name set in this field also changes the name of the folder where the generated files will be saved.
Make holes: indicates whether or drilling operations should be performed.
Make slots: with the option checked the registered slot will be generated in the machine programs.
Make machinings: indicates whether or not machining operations should be performed.
Make Nesting: indicates whether or not Nesting should be performed.
Discount edge thickness: defines whether or not to discount the border thickness.
Selected processes for slots: through the Plugin Builder, it is possible to create and determine types of processes for tears registered in the library, thus making it possible to use a certain tool for a certain tear. For more information click here.
Selected processes for machinings: type of processes that selected to do machining.
GO initial position in Z above part (mm): initial position of the tool in Z above the part.
Security initial position in Z above part (mm): initial position of the tool in safety Z above the part.
Sum board overcut: indicates whether or not the plate overcut should be added to the part size.
Make machining contour: defines which of the contours should be executed.
- None: contour machining will not be generated for any part;
- All: contour machining will be generated for all parts;
- Only marked: contour machining will be generated only for parts that have the Machined Contour property enabled in the library register.
Contour machining order: defines the order in which the parts are cut in the cut plan.
Generate finished parts: if this option is checked, the contour and the operations on the main face will only be generated in the same program if the part does not have operations on the top faces. If the part has operations on the top face, only the contour will be generated in one program and the operations in another. If this option is unchecked, contour and main face operations will be generated in the same program, regardless of other operations.
Nesting file programs path: path where the generated Nesting files are saved. If the path is blank, the files will be saved in the chosen path when the machine programs are made.
Do not list on Nesting file, parts with an area lower than informed: by checking this option, part programs with an area smaller than the informed one are still generated, however, they are not listed in the Nesting file.
Only consider last pass depth for parts with an area lower than: defines the maximum area, in mm², of the part for which the last pass of the contour can be made. Parts with an area greater than the defined one will not consider the value defined for the last pass.
Contour last pass depth (mm): defines the depth of the last contour pass, in millimeters.
Nesting type: defines which nesting engine will be used.
Promob Cutting plan
Distance between shapes (mm): distance between parts placed on the cutting plane, in millimeters.
Cut orientation: sets the cutting orientation of the parts on the cutting plane.
Shapes grouping: defines the grouping of parts on the cutting plane.
Optimization mode: sets the cutting plane optimization mode.
Cutting plan aligment: defines the alignment of the cutting plane.
Left burr (mm): defines the size of the left burr in millimeters..
Top burr (mm): defines the size of the top burr in millimeters.
Right burr (mm): defines the size of the right burr in millimeters.
Bottom burr (mm): defines the size of the bottom burr in millimeters.
Generate Nesting files by tool: indicates whether or not nesting files should be separated by tool.
Generate full label: indicates whether or not full part labels should be generated.
Generate parent full label: indicates whether or not the parent's exploded tag should be generated.
Use custom boards for cutting plan: indicates whether or not to use custom plates, in the cutting plan. For more information, click here.
Display custom boards selection window: indicates whether or not the custom plate selection window should be displayed.
Priorization order: defines the order of prioritization of operations for program generation. According to the order indicated in this field the plugin will prioritize in program A the selected option.
Example: In a part that has holes on one side and tears on the other side, the order indicated in this field will determine which of them will be prioritized in the A program.
Operations order: order that the machine performs operations. Example: in a part that has holes and tears on the same face the order indicated in this field will determine the sequence in which they will be executed by the machine.
Selected tools for slots: through the Plugin Builder, it is possible to create and determine types of processes for features registered in the library, thus enabling the use of a specific tool for a specific feature. For more information click here.
Selected tools for machining: through the Plugin Builder, it is possible to create and determine types of processes for machining processes registered in the library, thus enabling the use of a certain tool for a certain machining process.
Countor tools by thickness: selected tool for contour operations.
Selected tools for slots processes: tool used for slots.
Selected tools for machining processes: selected tool for machining operations.
Normal hole drill type: bit option for normal drilling. Drilling will be considered normal when it is not through or marking.
Through hole drill: drill bit option for through holes.
Marking holes drill: drill option for marking drilling - Normal or conical drill.
Inverted pass: inverted pass used in side-edge exit operations.
- None: the milling cutter will follow the normal machining path entering one edge and exiting the other.
- One pass: the milling cutter will enter one edge of the part, making only a small entry. Then the cutter will climb, go to the other end of the machining, and then follow the normal machining path.
- Double pass: the milling cutter will enter one edge of the part making only a small entry and return to the starting point. Then the cutter will climb, go to the other end of the machining, and then follow the normal machining path.
Machining type: defines the behavior of through machining. Default: follows the operation registration. Force Empty: removes all material. Force Contour: performs only the contour of the operation. For more information click here.
Example Technical Drawing