Available from Builder version or higher.
In order for a particular Nesting process to run, it must be enabled.
1. Within Promob, access CNC - CNC Configuration.
2. Access the tab Promob - ISO Code - Machine - Setups.
3. In the machine Setup, enable the field Make Nesting.
4. After enabling Make Nesting, choose one Contour tools by thickness as demonstrated in the article Builder - Contour Tools by Thickness - Plugin ISO Code.
5. With the Make Nesting enabled, the Contour/Nesting field appears.
- Make machinig contour: contains three options to choose from, but to make the Nesting files it is mandatory that the All option is selected, so that the nesting of the parts is done.
- Contour machining order: defines in which order the Promob cutting engine starts to perform contour machining on Nesting parts.
- Generate finished parts: if this option is checked, the contour and main face features are only generated in the same program if the part has no features on the top faces. If the part has features on the top face, only the contour is generated in one program and the features in another. If this option is unchecked, the contour and operations of the main face are generated in the same program, independently of other operations.
- Nesting file programs path: path where generated Nesting files are saved. In case the path is blank, the files will be saved in the chosen path, when the machine programs are made.
- Don't list in the csv file of Nesting, parts with area below the reported area: if this option is checked, the parts with area less than the value of the field below will not be listed in the Nesting csv.
- Only consider last pass depth for parts with an area lower than: if the area of the part is less than or equal to the value informed in this field, the Nesting program makes two contour passes.
- Only consider the depth of the last contour pass for pieces with side (mm) less than: if any of the sides of the part is less than or equal to the value entered in this field, the Nesting program makes two contour passes.
- Contour last pass depth (mm): value left by the first pass in the machining depth, so that you can then make the second pass.
- Nesting type: defines which Nesting engine is used, Standard or Promob cutting engine.
6. If the Promob cutting engine is choosen, the following configurable fields are displayed:
- Distance between shapes (mm): defines the spacing that must be between the pieces arranged on the cutting plane. The distance must be equal or greater than the thickness of the milling selected for contour machining.
- Cut orientation: defines the direction of the panel to be cut.
Horizontal: prioritizes the first cut horizontally.
Vertical: prioritizes the first cut in the vertical direction.
None: the first cut is defined by the Promob Cutting Engine, indifferent if it is horizontal or vertical.
- Shapes grouping: allows parts that have the same dimension to be grouped on the cut plan. When there are pieces with the same dimension, the grouping generates the cut plan with the same pieces grouped, optimizing the cut.
None: the grouping of parts does not occur on any plate.
All shapes: pieces of equal dimensions are considered, regardless of the model of the material applied, whether it has veins or not.
Only wood grained shapes: the grouping is considered only on panels with veins. If the project has white and wood material, but there is a need to maintain a linear vein direction on the drawer fronts, for example, grouping is applied only to panel with vein. On the white plate, the position of the pieces is defined by the Promob Cutting Engine for a better use of the material.
- Optimization mode: optimization mode of the parts on the panel.
None: with this optimization mode selected, the Promob Cutting Engine checks all optimization options, and automatically finds the best fitting solution.
Biggest to smallest: with this optimization mode selected, the Promob Cutting Engine fits the larger pieces before the smaller pieces.
Samllest to biggest: with this shape optimization mode selected, the Promob Cutting Engine fits the smaller pieces before the larger pieces.
Random: with this part optimization mode selected, the Promob Cutting Engine arranges the parts randomly on the panel.
- Cutting plan alignment: defines the zero point for the cut plan drawing, which can be the four corners of the panel. This setting does not interfere with the generation of the integration file with the cutting machine.
- Generate Nesting files by tool: with this field enabled, the generated Nestings are separated by tools. If the option is not checked, the files will be separated by color and sheet thickness
- Contour machining order: defines in which order the Promob cutting engine starts to perform contour machining on Nesting parts.
Closest to zero point: the machining is carried out starting with the one closest to the machine zero point and, moving away as they are made.
Piece with the smallest area: the machining is carried out starting with the smallest area piece to the largest piece with the largest area.
- Burr: defines the amount of burr of the panel, being able to choose the four sides individually.
- Generate full label: with this option enabled, a more complete label is generated.
Simple label:
Full label:
- Generate parent full label: with this option enabled, a full label of the parent item is generated.
Father tag:
- Generate cut list: Generates a list with the necessary cuts.
- Generate list of non-optimized pieces in the cutting plan: Generates a list of pieces not processed by the cutting plan.
- Use custom boards for cutting plan: with this option enabled, the registration of leftovers window opens.