- The values presented for the properties are standard values for the construction of a staircase. Property values can be changed as needed;
- Straight stair
- Helical stair
- Stair with landing without steps
- Stair with landing with steps
- Stair with beveled landing
- Stair with U-shaped
- Stair with bottom padding
- Edit stair
Build a straight stair
To build a straight staircase:
1. Click on the Build Stairs button on the top toolbar, in the group of facilitators;
2. Follow the steps below:
Step 1: define the stair type and its properties
1. Select the type of straight staircase;
2. Set values for the properties:
- Stair:
- Height: distance from the floor to the last step. The measure for the step of the steps is calculated automatically, starting from the extension of the stairs;
- Width: distance from side to side of the step. It will be the width of the staircase;
- Steps:
- Height: distance between one step and another. The standard height of a step is 180 mm;
- Thickness: measure the height of a step;
- Overpass: overlapping distance of a step in relation to the lower step;
3. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
Step 2: build the stair in the space
1. In the graphic area of the editor, click on the point where the stair will be built and move the mouse in the desired direction to form the flight of the stair. Each click of the mouse corresponds to the creation of a flight of stairs;
2. Repeat the above step to building other flights of stairs;
3. To finish the construction of the stairs, click with the right mouse button;
4. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
Step 3: Define beam properties
1. Select the type of beam to be used:
- None: no type of beam is inserted into the stair;
- Lateral: beams placed next to the steps. Set values for the property:
- Width: distance from side to side of the beam;
- Normal: beams placed under the stairs, in order to support the steps. Set values for the properties:
- Quantity: number of beams to be inserted in the stairs. The default values are one or two beams. If you choose two beams, one is inserted on the left side and the other on the right side of the stairs. If you choose only one beam, it is inserted in the center of the stairs. IMPORTANT: the number of beams can only be configured in the type of beam is normal. If the beam is lateral, there will always be two beams;
- Width: distance from side to side of the beam;
- Lateral spacing: distance between the beginning of the step and the beginning of the beam;
2. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
Step 4: Set handrail properties
To define the handrail properties:
IMPORTANT: if the built stair has no handrails, uncheck the Handrails option.
1. In the Height property, define the height of the handrail structure, which is the distance from the beginning to the end of the column. Based on the height of the handrail, the pillar is created;
2. Define the handrail properties:
- Square Type:
- Height: distance between the lowest point and the highest point of the first rail of the handrail;
- Width: distance on one side between the first pair of handrail crossbars;
- Circular Type:
- Diameter: length of the straight line that passes through the center of the circular handrail;
3. Define the properties of the columns:
- Square Type:
- Height: distance between the lowest point and the highest point of the pillar;
- Width: distance from one side to the other of the pillar;
- Circular Type:
- Diameter: length of the straight line that passes through the center of the column;
4. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
Step 5: define points to insert handrail pillars
The pillars are inserted on the points located on the steps. To insert handrail pillars on the stairs:
1. Select one of the ways of inserting pillars:
Select all: select all the points of the steps;
Select pairs: selects the two points of the step that is clicked;
TIP: to deselect all points, click the Select None button;
2. Define the maximum spacing between pillars, which is the distance between the pillars that are inserted in the stair landing;
TIP: the guiding lines can be used to align the stair with the neighbors of the item in the design;
3. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
Step 6: Position crossbars
To position the handrail rods:
1. Define the properties:
Height of the crossbar: the height of the handrail is displayed, and from this measure, it is possible to determine the height at which the crossbar will be inserted in the handrail in the Height of the crossbar property. The value of the height of the crossbar must be between zero and the value of the height of the handrail.
Square Type
- Height: distance between the lowest point and the highest point of the stem;
- Width: distance from one side of the stem to the other.
Circular Type
- Diameter: length of the straight line that passes through the center of the stem.
2. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
Step 7: Select material for the stair components
To define color or material for steps, beams, pillars, crossbars, and handrails:
1. Select the color or material to be applied for each item of the stairs composition;
2. Click the Forward button to view the stair in the room.
IMPORTANT: if you need to make any changes to the stair, you can return to the previous steps using the Back button. When you click on Finish the construction of the stair is finished and it will be inserted in the space, not being possible to edit it.
Step 8: Stair visualization
This step allows the visualization of the built staircase before inserting it into space. It is possible to view the stair in different fills and views and, if necessary, it is possible to return to the previous steps to make changes.
1. Click the Finish button to insert the stair.
IMPORTANT: After completing the construction of the stair, it is not possible to make changes to it.
Check below for examples of projects rendered with a staircase built in the 3D environment:
2. Build helical stair
1. Click on the Build Stairs button on the top toolbar, in the group of facilitators;
2. Follow the steps below:
Step 1: define the stair type and its properties
To define the characteristics of the stair:
1. Select the type of helical stair;
2. Set values for the properties:
- Stair:
- Height: distance from the floor to the last step. The measure for the step of the steps is calculated automatically, starting from the extension of the stairs;
- Width: distance from side to side of the step. It will be the width of the stair;
- Internal radius: it is the radius of the central column. The larger the radius, the wider the column. The smaller the radius, the narrower the column;
- Central column: draws the central column or not;
- Steps:
- Height: distance between one step and another. The standard height of a step is 180 mm;
- Thickness: measure the height of a step;
- Overpass: overlapping distance of a step in relation to the lower step;
- Base: depth of the step edge, located opposite the central column;
3. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
Step 2: build the stair in the space
To build the helical staircase in the space:
1. In the graphic area of the editor, click on the point where the stair will be built. The click of the mouse defines the central point of the stair;
2. The stair is built;
3. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
- If necessary, change the Width, Internal Radius, and Central Column properties before starting the construction of the stair, as after its completion, it is not possible to make changes to its properties.
- Use the Reference
tool to define the certain position of the build. Align in the region that you want to build, and type the value of the Length. We suggest maintaining active the Show items near button.
NOTES: when you click on the New button, what was previously done in the Wizard and was not completed will be deleted.
Step 3: Define beam properties
Click here to see more.
To define the properties of the beams:
1. Select the type of beam that will be used:
- None: no type of beam is inserted into the staircase;
Side: beams placed alongside the steps. Define values for the property:
- Width: distance from one side of the beam to the other.
Standard: beams placed underneath the staircase to support the steps. Define values for the properties:
- Quantity: number of beams to be inserted into the staircase. The default values are one or two beams. If you choose two beams, one is placed on the left side and the other on the right side of the staircase. If you choose only one beam, it will be placed in the center of the staircase. IMPORTANT: the number of beams can only be configured if the beam type is standard. If the beam is side-mounted, there will always be two beams.
- Width: distance from one side of the beam to the other;
- Lateral spacing: distance from the start of the step to the start of the beam.
2. Click the Forward button to proceed to the next step.
Step 4: Set handrail properties
To define the handrail properties:
IMPORTANT: if the built stair has no handrails, uncheck the Handrails option.
1. In the Height property, define the height of the handrail structure, which is the distance from the beginning to the end of the column. Based on the height of the handrail, the pillar is created;
2. Define the handrail properties:
- Square Type:
- Height: distance between the lowest point and the highest point of the first rail of the handrail;
- Width: distance on one side between the first pair of handrail crossbars;
- Circular Type:
- Diameter: length of the straight line that passes through the center of the circular handrail;
3. Define the properties of the columns:
- Square Type:
- Height: distance between the lowest point and the highest point of the pillar;
- Width: distance from one side to the other of the pillar;
- Circular Type:
- Diameter: length of the straight line that passes through the center of the column;
4. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
Step 5: define points to insert handrail pillars
The pillars are inserted on the points located on the steps. To insert handrail pillars on the stairs:
1. Select one of the ways of inserting pillars:
Select all: select all the points of the steps;
TIP: to deselect all points, click the Select None button;
2. Define the maximum spacing between pillars, which is the distance between the pillars that are inserted in the stair landing;
TIP: the guiding lines can be used to align the stair with the neighbors of the item in the design;
3. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
Step 6: Position crossbars
To position the handrail rods:
1. Define the properties:
Height of the crossbar: the height of the handrail is displayed, and from this measure, it is possible to determine the height at which the crossbar will be inserted in the handrail in the Height of the crossbar property. The value of the height of the crossbar must be between zero and the value of the height of the handrail.
Square Type
- Height: distance between the lowest point and the highest point of the stem;
- Width: distance from one side of the stem to the other.
Circular Type
- Diameter: length of the straight line that passes through the center of the stem.
2. Click the Forward button to perform the next step.
Step 7: Select material for the stair components
Click here for more information.
Step 8: Stair visualization
Click here for more information.
3. Build stairs with landing without steps
To build stairs with landing without steps:
1. Select the type of Straight stair and set values for the properties;
IMPORTANT: The flights of stairs must be built in the opposite direction to the initial one.
2. In the graphic area of the Editor, click on the point where the stair will be built and move the mouse in the desired direction to form the flight of the stair. Each click of the mouse corresponds to the creation of a flight of stairs;
3. Repeat the above step to building other flights of stairs.
IMPORTANT: To create a single level, it is necessary to create a staircase with at least three flights and two landings;
4. To finish the construction of the stair, click with the right mouse button;
5. Click on the landing, which is identified by the area between one flight and another of the stairs, in blue;
6. In the landing properties, under Join with Next, select the Yes option to unify the landings.
IMPORTANT: for the option Join with Next to be displayed, it is necessary to select the first level according to the direction in which the stair was built;
7. Click the Forward button to perform the following steps;
8. Visualize the built stair before inserting it into space. If necessary, it is possible to return to the previous steps to make changes. Click the Finish button to insert the stair.
4. Build stairs with landing and steps
To build stairways with steps:
1. Select the type of straight stair and set values for the properties;
2. In the graphic area of the Editor, click on the point where the stair will be built and move the mouse in the desired direction to form the flight of the stair. Each click of the mouse corresponds to the creation of a flight of stairs;
3. Repeat the step above to build other flights of stairs;
4. To finish the construction of the stairs, click with the right mouse button;
5. Click on the landing, which is identified by the area between one flight and another of the stairs, in blue;
6. Enter the number of steps in the landing. The minimum is one step and the maximum is four steps;
7. Click the Forward button to perform the following steps;
8. Preview the built stair before inserting it into the room. If necessary, it is possible to return to the previous steps to make changes. Click the Finish button to insert the stair.
5. Build stairs with a beveled landing
To build a beveled stair:
1. Select the type of Straight stair and set values for the properties
2. In the graphic area of the Editor, click on the point where the stair will be built and move the mouse in the desired direction to form the flight of the stair. Each click of the mouse corresponds to the creation of a flight of stairs;
3. Repeat the above step to building other flights of stairs;
4. To finish the construction of the stairs, click with the right mouse button;
5. Click on the landing, which is identified by the area between one flight and another of the stairs, in blue;
6. Enter the number of steps in the landing. The minimum is one step and the maximum is four steps;
7. In the beveled property, select the Yes option. For the stair corner to be trimmed, the distance between point 1 and point 2 must be greater than the width of the stair, defined in the first construction step;
8. Click the Forward button to perform the following steps;
9. Visualize the built stair before inserting it into space. If necessary, it is possible to return to the previous steps to make changes. Click the Finish button to insert the stair.
6. Build U-shaped stair
Para construir escada no formato de U:
1. Select the type of Straight staircase and set the values for the staircase properties (height and width) and the steps (height, thickness, and crossing). Make a note of the stair width value. It will be used in the next step. Click Forward to perform the next step;
2. Select the Left option for the Orientation property before starting to build the stair. In the graphics area of the wizard, click to define the start of the stair and move the mouse to determine the length of the first stair segment;
3. Click again to finish the first flight of stairs. Move the mouse to the left or to the right until it forms an angle of 90 ° and, in the Length property, type twice the width of the stair (value informed in the 1st step) and press the Enter key;
4. Move the mouse to define the second segment and click to finish the flight of the stairs;
5. Click to finish the construction of the stairs. Click with the right mouse button. Click Forward to perform the following steps;
6. Preview the built stair before inserting it into the room. If necessary, it is possible to return to the previous steps to make changes. Click the Finish button to insert the stairs.
7. How to Build Stair with Bottom Fill
To build a stair with lower padding:
1. Select the type of Straight staircase and set the values for the staircase properties (height and width) and the steps (height, thickness, and overlap). Make a note of the stair width value. It will be used in the next step. Click Forward to perform the next step;
2. In the graphic area of the Editor, click on the point where the stair will be built and move the mouse in the desired direction to form the flight of the stair. Each click of the mouse corresponds to the creation of a flight of stairs. Repeat the above step to building other flights of stairs;
3. To finish the construction of the stairs, click with the right mouse button. Click the Forward button to perform the next step;
4. Select the Normal beam type;
5. In the Width property, enter the same value defined in the 1st step;
6. For the Side spacing property, the value must be equal to zero so that the bottom padding does not exceed the steps. Click the Forward button to perform the following steps;
7. Visualize the built stairs before inserting them into space. If necessary, it is possible to return to the previous steps to make changes. Click the Finish button to insert the stairs.
8. Edit stair
After the construction of a stair and its insertion in the 3D space, it is not possible to access the Stair Construction Wizard to make changes to the stair. Changes can only be made in the space itself.
As the staircase inserted in the space has the same behavior as a geometry, it is possible to change the color, model, and material of the staircase components, in addition to the dimensions of the segments.
To make changes to the stair components, including the landing, it is necessary to use the Geometry Editor:
1. Select the stair or one of its components. Right-click and select the Edit Geometry option;
2. In the Geometry Editor, make the necessary changes.
Stairs with geometry
1. Build a straight stair
To build straight stair:
1. Build the stair-step using the Geometry tool and edit its dimensions through the Tool Panel - Properties;
2. Select the geometry and access the Tool Panel - Arrangement. Click the Linear tab and set the properties of the insertion direction to Y, which determines whether the item will be inserted in front of or behind the selected item;
3. On the Y property insert the number of steps.
4. On the Increments property, insert on the Z fill the height of the position between the steps, normally it is the same height of the geometry.
3. Click Insert to view the stair in the room.
2. Build a helical stair
To build helical stairs:
1. Build the stair-step using the Geometry tool and edit its dimensions using the Tool Panel - Properties. Access the Geometry Editor to determine the shape of the step;
2. Select the geometry and access the Tool Panel - Arrangement. Click on the Polar tab and define the properties that determine the direction of the center of the circumference, the size of the radius, the number of steps of the stair, the angle of the repetitions, and the increment;
3. Click Insert to view the stair in the room.
3. Build an English stair
To build an English stair:
1. Build the stair-step on the wall using the Geometry tool and edit its dimensions through the Tool Panel - Properties;
2. Access the Geometry Editor. In the Geometry Editor, select the Selected Edge and set the value for the Bow property. This value will define the stair angle.
3. Click OK to view the geometry in the space;
4. Select the geometry and access the Array tool. In the Y property, keep check the option Insert behind the selected module, and inform the number of steps that will be built.
5. Still in the Y property, keep the option Consider module dimension in the distance checked, and enter the value referring to the Depth of the geometry.
6. In the Increments field, in the X property, inform the value corresponding to the difference between the Width of the geometry and the value informed in the Bow field, within the Geometry Editor. In the example below, the difference between the two values was equal to 225.
7. Click Insert.
8. Duplicate the geometry again until you reach the desired number of steps.
In the example below, the value entered in the Bow field was 112, so the difference between the Width of the geometry is equal to 338.