When generating negotiations, in the Payment and Operation Terms tab, it is possible to register discounts on the sale. Discounts can be approved or not, depending on the level of permission that the employee responsible for it has. If they do not have permission, the discount is displayed on the Authorize Discounts screen, so that another responsible employee can approve the discount applied to the sale.
This article covers the following sections:
Apply discounts on Payment Terms
Apply discounts on Operations
Apply discounts on Payment Terms
1. With an open negotiation, go to the Budget tab, click on the three dots, and then select Edit.
2. Confirm the due date and click Save.
Apply discounts on Operations
1. Go to Settings - Sales - Operations.
2. Click Add
3. In the window that appears, enter a description for the discount;
4. In Operation type, keep as Discount, in Type, define whether the discounted amount will be in Percent, Embedded, Amount or in Factor.
5. Set the discount amount, then set whether it will be applied to all project items and click Save.
6. Discount operations can also be entered manually in the Discount field, next to the Final price field.
Discounts only enter into the calculation when they are approved. When approval is pending, a message appears in the negotiation with an exclamation mark on the condition or operation.
In these cases, it is necessary to wait for the approval from the responsible employee.