IMPORTANT: To view this procedure in version 5.60 that has the Connect tool, click here.
In Promob it is possible to import and export 3D files, for more information click on the desired item:
3D File import parameters
Promob recognizes drawings that follow the parameters below:
- File format: DXF, 3DS, SKP and OBJ.
- Unit of measurement: millimeters.
- Position of the object: point 0,0,0 of the coordinate axis, which corresponds to the extreme left, extreme rear, and extreme lower.
- At the end of the design, the layers should be purged.
- The file name must not be accepted.
- Because the file is not linked to the Promob layers, the models are not respected.
- Promob does not recognize drawings created in AutoCAD 2012 that used Meshtype 1 as the type of mesh construction. Only Meshtype 0 is read by Promob.
- Promob does not read solid drawings and lines.
- OBJ and SKP files: Promob recognizes and imports all drawing primitives.
- SKP files: Promob imports SKP files saved in version 16 or lower.
- DXF and 3DS files: not all drawing primitives are recognized and imported by Promob. The layers of the drawing in 3DS format are not read, only the materials applied to the drawing. In relation to DXF files, Promob reads some types of blocks/grouping but does not recognize polyline.
- If the drawing was done in Rhinoceros, it is necessary to Export the drawing to CAD file, not just Save As.
Import 3D file
Objects that are easily found on the Internet can be imported into Promob to help compose spaces with decoration items not available on the system or elements designed in other software such as 3DS Max, Autocad, Solidworks, among others.
Follow the step by step below:
1. Click the Import - 3D File button on the top toolbar.
2. In the next step, choose the file to import.
3. Select the 3D file to be imported. The formats accepted by Promob are: *.OBJ, *.SKP, *.DXF and *.3DS.
4. Check one of the options for importing the file:
- Link: when a 3D file is linked, a copy of the imported file is saved in the current project. When the project is opened, after importing the object, it is displayed because it is saved together with the other items of the design.
- Reference: when a 3D file is referenced, a copy of the imported file is saved in the local Promob folder. When the design is opened, after importing the object, Promob accesses the location where the file is saved to display it in the environment.
5. Set options for the drawing format.
IMPORTANT: these options are only displayed when importing SKP or OBJ files:
- Use materials as components: by checking this option, the materials that were applied to the object, through the software used for its creation, are transformed into components after being imported into Promob.
- Grouping materials: when this option is checked, the same materials that were applied to the component's faces are grouped.
- Use groups as components: in general, a group can be understood as a set of entities. By checking this option, all the materials applied to the faces of the entities that make up the group, are transformed into components in Promob.
6. Click Next and check the analysis of the design to be imported into Promob. In this analysis, the size of the texture applied in the drawing, the number of faces of the drawing, the primitive shapes used in creating the drawing, and the type of mesh used to generate the drawing are verified. If the drawing is ready for import, click Next. Otherwise, the results of the analysis of the drawing will be displayed.
7. The number of faces in a drawing is directly linked to the quality of the drawing. The more faces the more details the drawing presents. It is important to note that importing a design with a large number of faces can affect Promob's performance. The lower the defined quality, the fewer faces will be imported. Therefore, the final result can be compromised. To adjust the level of detail in the drawing:
- Apply polygon reduction: the texture mapping used on the object will be lost, and the object will be imported without textures. If this option is not enabled, the design will be imported with the quality and number of faces that were created.
- Set the quality of the design by moving the control knob to the left or right.
8. Click Next and set the drawing scale. You can import the drawing with the original dimensions or change them. The new size of the drawing can be defined by entering values or defining the percentage, which increases or decreases the dimensions of the drawing according to the chosen value:
- By dimension: inform the values of the properties. When you check the option Maintain aspect ratio, when changing the value of one of the dimensions, the other two will be defined automatically, so that the drawing maintains its aspect ratio. If the option is unchecked, it is possible to change the three dimensions individually, but the proportion of the drawing will not be maintained.
- By percentage: increases or decreases the dimensions of the drawing according to the chosen value.
9. Click Finish. Note that when moving the mouse in the 3D space, green lines are displayed.
10. Right-click on the plane (floor, wall, geometry) you want to insert the object and right-click to insert it. TIP: To insert the object into the module aggregate, press the Ctrl key and right-click on the aggregate plane to select it.
11. The object can be found in the List of Modules tab as an External Entity.
IMPORTANT: maximum number of recommended/supported faces by Promob is 25000.
Export 3D file
To assist in the technical documentation of the design and then send it to other software, it is possible to export the entire design or just some items to the most widespread design format on the market, which is the DXF format. This allows the designer to use software of his choice to carry out the design's documentation step.
IMPORTANT: Manufacturer modules and items from the Decore library can only be exported as objects with lines.
To export a 3D file:
1. Click the Export 3D File button on the top toolbar.
2. In the Export Options step, define the directory where the file will be saved and select one of the options:
- DXF file (Compatible with Autocad Release 11/12 ASCII or earlier versions): for the Autocad Release 11/12 ASCII version and previous versions of any software that is compatible with DXF files.
- DXF file: compatible with Autocad version superior an 11/12.
3. Define the type of the drawing:
IMPORTANT: the options to export objects as lines and as faces are not available for Promob Lite, Promob Studio and Promob Premium.
- Export objects as lines: all project items will be exported as individual lines, including decoration items and modules with export restriction (Manufacturers modules). Objects exported as lines cannot be selected as an entity, that is, only the lines that form the object can be selected in the software that will read the exported file.
- Export objects with faces: exports the modules with all their faces, as long as they are not decorative items and have no restrictions. Objects exported with faces may have their faces selected.
4. Set the layer options:
- Group layer by environment: generates a layer for each component of the environment modules. Different modules, but that have the same component, will be grouped in the same layer.
- Group layer by module: generates distinct layers for each module. Each layer stores the components of the modules.
NOTE: The Design Type section is only available in the Arch, Plus, Academic, Trial and Catalog distributions of Promob. The other distributions only offer the Options section for selection.
5. Click Next and in the Export Detail step, define which items will be exported:
- The entire design: exports all items in the environment (floor, walls, modules, geometries).
- Selected items only: exports only selected items.
- Define whether the aggregated environment modules will be exported to the 3D file.
- Define whether the lines of the modules will be imported in color.
6. Click Next and in the Filters definition step:
- Define the layer filters: check the layers of the items that will be exported to the file.
- Define the group filters: check the groups/items of the modulation that will be exported.
IMPORTANT: if the layer of the selected group is not enabled, the group and its items will not be imported.
7. Click Finish. Open the file in 3D software to view the exported items.