Available for products
Cut Pro
Cut Pro allows the editing of project information in addition to the inclusion of several projects in the same Production Plan, even if it is from different customers, for the generation of the sheet cutting plan.
The project information that can be edited is:
Project: project name;
Customer Number: displays the customer/project number. This information cannot be changed, as it is imported from Promob;
Status: progress status of the project;
Customer: customer name;
Delivery Forecast: project delivery date;
Observation: observation related to the project;
Quantity: number of times the project will be manufactured.

On this screen, it is possible to create a new project using the New Project button, remove it using the Remove Project button, duplicate the project using the Duplicate Project button and import a project using the Import button.

NOTES: The Duplicate Project button is unavailable in Cut, leaving only the other buttons:

Check here, how to use these buttons.
IMPORTANT: to import projects into the cut plan, it is necessary to send the Promob projects to Promob Cut first.