The prospects screen displays the portfolio of all customers registered in the store, whether they bought in the store or not. Whether by registering through opportunities or performing an activity.
This menu is widely used to change additional customer information, or to find specific information. But this is also where we can include a prospect.
The following sections are covered in this paper:
Registration by importing spreadsheet
Register a new prospect
The inclusion of a prospect can be individual and per batch.
Individual registration
1. To register a prospect, go to Leads - Contacts.
2. On the Add button , click on Add Contacts .
3. The prospect registration screen will be enabled. The fields name, telephone, e-mail and responsible are mandatory at the time of registration. We can insert a classification, origin, address, and first occurrence to feed the history with the customer. After filling in the fields, click on Save.
Registration by spreadsheet import
If you already have an extensive portfolio of prospects, you can import them using a spreadsheet.
1. To import the spreadsheet, click on the Add button and then select the Import contacts to import prospects;
2. The screen for importing the spreadsheet is open. Fill in the necessary information and then upload the spreadsheet. To finish the import, click Next;
IMPORTANT: Download a spreadsheet template, available through the icon in the upper right corner.
3. Prospects are registered.
Edit prospect information
To change a client, on the Contacts screen, click on the Edit option, and the information that can be edited is displayed. On the left side, you can edit the user's information. Besides this information, the other tabs are also displayed:
- Information tab, to register the prospect's complementary information;
- History tab, which displays the prospect's entire history within the Manager;
- Negotiations tab, where it displays the negotiations involved with it;
- Social tab for the client's social network contacts.