Available from the version: Plugin Builder -
- This tool will only be available in versions of Promob that contain Builder Plugins capable of generating the production files, such as Documentation, Cutting, CNC or Integration Plugins.
- the information recorded for these new materials (Builder production materials) will be considered in the Builder's documentation instead of the documentation registered in the models.
To allow agile changes between the Materials applied to the Wildcard and to facilitate their use in projects, it is possible to treat the Wildcard Models in the Builder in an exceptional way, thus providing updates on demand.
A new register is available for these Materials that replace the standard Wildcard texture.
Register of Information
To register, on your Promob access Builder Documentation and select Builder Production Materials Register.
The Builder production materials registration screen is displayed as follows:
In this screen, the following configuration options are available:
Show message for unregistered Builder production materials: defines whether, during Builder exports, the message that there are Builder production materials without registration will be displayed or not;
Save changes: save the changes made.
Exit: exit the material register.
Add a new material, and the corresponding fields for that material are automatically displayed to the right of the list with all materials.
- Example:
The fields displayed are:
Add new material: add new material.
When you click Add new material, the material selection screen appears, select the desired material and click Ok.
Remove selected material: removes the selected material.
Remove all materials: removes all materials.
Material library path: location of the material in the library;
Material name: name used to identify the material;
Material code for plate cutting/ finishing code: code that will be used to identify the material in the Cut (max and min 3 numbers);
Material wood grain direction: sense of the material's vein. Ex.: Horizontal, Vertical or None;
Maximum material widht: maximum width of the material for cutting in millimeters;
Maximum material height: maximum height of the material for cutting in millimeters;
Material type: type of material used. E.g.:MDF, MDP (based on the Wildcard used; max and min of 3 characters);
Finishing type: type of finish used. E.g.: MAD, LAC, COR (based on the Wildcard used; max and min of 3 characters));
Reference Preview: Reference that will be displayed in the technical and XML integration drawings;
Preview description: Description that will be used in the cut plan and Nesting files.
Pricing: the price will be calculated according to the Wildcard model used.
Material Registration in case of an external imported model
In Promob we can import a module model from the internet, as an image, or using Catalog 3D. To add this model, put the modulation material as a wildcard and then drag the image. When using Catalog 3D you only need to drag the material into a wildcard model. In the case of an external template, you can set the image as a template after adding the material to favorites and using it from the Favorites tab.
Automatic information registration
At the time of any export from the Builder, if it is identified that any Material applied to any Wildcard Model in the project does not yet have the registration of a Builder Production Material, a message will be displayed asking if you want to register for the materials, according:
When you select NO, document generation normally occurs using the information in the Wildcard Model.
When you click YES , the Builder's Production Material Register screen appears, however, you cannot add or remove the materials on this screen.
If you check the box Don't show this message again and close the window, the message that there are Builder production materials without master data is no longer displayed during Builder exports.
IMPORTANT: this message can be restored by accessir the File - Show message for Builder production materials not registered in the Builder Production Materials Master screen.
- Example:
Perform the registration of the information and, after saving, close the window. The registered information will replace that of the Wildcard Model in the generated files.
Model Registration
IMPORTANT: In order for the registration information for Builder production materials to be displayed correctly in the Builder documentation, the registration of the Wildcard Model that receives the application of a Material must contain the following information in the INFORMATION field:
ACABAMENTO: equivalent to the Code for the plane of cut of the material/ Code of the finish;
LARG_MAX: equivalent to the maximum width of the material;
PROF_MAX: equivalent to maximum material heigth;
MATERIAL: equivalent to the type of material;
TIPO: equivalent to the type of finish of the Material.