On the Employees screen, it is possible to register a company employee, and after that, it is possible to define where he is located in the hierarchy.
This article contains the following sections:
Register an employee
1. Access the menu Settings - Time - Employees;
2. In the open screen, it is possible to view the collaborators already registered, click on the Add icon to register a new collaborator;
3. The opened screen displays the collaborators already linked to the Promob Identity account and the option to manually add a collaborator.
Register Collaborator Already Linked
Select the desired collaborator from the list, fill in the Phone and Profiles fields and click OK.
Register Employee Manually
Click the Add More option and fill in the Email, Name, Phone and Profiles fields and click OK.
Edit an employee
To edit contributor information:
1. Click on the employee's name and then click on Edit;
2. Make the necessary changes and then, click Save.
Define hierarchy
1. Access the menu Settings - Time - Employees;
2. With the user registered, drag the user to the hierarchy screen;
3. The other users can be added to the first level of the hierarchy or also to the levels below;
IMPORTANT: the hierarchy display is by levels. By clicking on the first level, it is possible to see the users below it. When clicking on one of the users, if there is someone below him, it will be displayed as well.
In addition, it is possible to grant access to a certain level of the hierarchy to a user without the user being part of this hierarchy.