Check below the specifications and configurations available in the BIMA plugin:
Available from version: Plugin Builder
Machine Type: CNC Machining Center
Manufacturer: IMA
Example programs: BOT0133A
Generated file extension: .FMC
Manual: manual available for the manufacturer, click here.
Main features
- Holes
- Slot
- Machining
To check the settings on CNC Machines, clickhere.
Machine 1
Name: define the name for the machine.
IMPORTANT: The name set in this field also changes the name of the folder where the generated files will be saved.
Length: the value entered in this field indicates the maximum usable length of the machine.
Width: the value entered in this field indicates the maximum usable width of the machine.
Name: name of the machine setup.
Perform drilling: machine is enabled to drill holes.
Make slots: machine is enabled to make slots.
Perform machining: machine is enabled to do machining.
Alignment by face: defines whether the alignment face registered on each part is considered when generating programs. If yes, this face will be aligned according to the selected configuration.
Apply edge banding: with the option checked the registered edges are generated in the machine programs as long as the option Edge on CNC is in the parts register, according to the information in this article.
Perform machined contour: machining the contours, all, selected only, or none.
- None: contour machining will not be generated for any part;
- All: contour machining will be generated for all parts;
- Only marked: contour machining will be generated only for parts that have the Machined Contour property enabled in the library register.
Priorization order: defines the order of prioritization of operations for generating programs.
Slot tool: tool used for slot.
Operations ordering: order that the machine performs operations. Example: in a part that has holes and slots on the same face, the order indicated in this field will determine the sequence in which they will be executed by the machine.
Rest position: position where the mill rests when it finishes performing operations on the part.
Drill bits for blind hole operation: type of drill bit for drilling – Normal Drill, Lance or Reamer.
Drill GAP in through hole operation (mm): determine the clearance of the drill for use in through holes.
Maximum drilling depth: is the maximum depth that a hole can be drilled by this machine.
Maximum drilling diameter: is the maximum diameter that a hole can be drilled by the machine.
Minimum diameter of Drill bit (mm): minimum drill diameter.
Number of horizontal drill bits (X): the number of drills, for each horizontal face, present in the machine.
Number of lateral drill bits (Y): number of drill bits, for each side face, present in the machine.
Number of vertical drill bits (Z): number of vertical drills present in the machine.
Machining max X position: is the maximum position at which the machine can machine in the X-axis.
Technical Data
Maximum thickness(Z): maximum thickness of the part that the machine can perform operations.
Minimum length (X): minimum workpiece length for the machine to perform operations.
Minimum thickness (Z): minimum thickness of the part that the machine can perform operations.
Minimum width (Y): minimum part width for the machine to perform operations.
Working Areas
Always generate: if this option is checked, a program is always generated for this area, provided that the part matches the size of the area.
Identifier: is the working area identifier shown in the adjacent representation, and also when generating machine programs, to identify in which working area the program was made.
Multiple occupancy type: is the command that will be output in the machine program so that the machine knows in which area the part is when it performs the operations.
Name: the name of the working area that appear in the working menu when opened in order to be able to select one.
Location: location of the working area. The final position of the working area is calculated from its Location and Offset.
Offset: displacement of the working area. The offset is related to the location of the work area on the desk.
Size: is the size of the working area.
Machining max X position: this is the maximum position at which the machine can perform machining operations on the X axis.
Zero point
Zero point: influence the positioning of operations in machine programs. For more information click here.
Zero point by face: ends whether the zero point used is per face or a single zero point for the entire part. For more information click here.
The mills are used to perform slotting and machining.
Contour Machining
Contour machining start: defines where contour machining starts, at one of the corners or in the middle of one of the workpiece edges. This option is applicable only to external contour machining.
Internal Milling
Internal contour machining start: it defines internal machining to be made in a non-clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.
Lead in
Input type in linear machining: defines the type of input the tool will use when machining and contouring linear forms. Options Ramp, vertical, circular.
- Circular: in this type the tool descends outside the part and then starts cutting tangentially before entering the part.
- Vertical: in this type the tool descends vertically onto the workpiece and begins cutting.
- Ramp: in this type the tool descends by making a ramp until it reaches the maximum depth of operation.
Lead in extension (mm):extension of the entrance before the contour cutting starts, equivalent to the red line in the image.
Lead in/ Lead out
Distance between lead in and lead out (mm):distance the tool exits and enters the part. It is advisable that this value be greater than zero so that the cut does not leave any fragments (burrs).
Lead Out
Lead Out extension (mm):output extension after machining/contouring is finished, equivalent to the red line.
Lead Out Type:defines the type of output that the tool will use when machining and contouring.
- In the vertical type, the tool descends vertically onto the workpiece and begins cutting.
- In the circular type, the tool descends outside the part and then starts cutting tangentially before entering the part.
- In the ramp type, the tool descends as a ramp and starts cutting.
Advance(V): defines the rotational speed of the cutter during the process between input and output.
Code: the code defined in this field must match the registration defined on the machine so that the tool can be located correctly.
Diameter (mm): tool diameter.
Name: the name defined in this field must match the registration defined on the machine so that the tool can be located correctly.
Overlap (mm): overpass between tool passes to avoid material leftovers.
Start advance (AV): defines the entry and exit rotation speed of the mill on the part.
Step depth (mm): depth of tool step.
Through plunge and milling offset (mm):compensation of the drilling and machining of the part.
Tool Alignment
Milling alignment: defines whether the tool has an offset in the center, left or right according to the direction of the Cutting direction option for contour machining.
Alignment: alignment of the saw, center, left or right.
Code: the code defined in this field must match the registration defined on the machine so that the tool can be located correctly.
Diameter (mm): tool diameter.
In offset (mm):transfer between the passes of the hardware to avoid leftover material.
Name: the name defined in this field must match the registration defined on the machine so that the tool can be located correctly.
Orientation: tool orientation, vertical or horizontal.
Out offset (mm): saw output compensation for performing the cut, in millimeters. This setting is only applied if the slot ends outside or on the endpoint of the part.
Overlap (mm): input compensation of the saw to perform the cut, in millimeters. This setting is only applied if the slot starts outside or on the starting point of the part.
Thickness (mm): thickness of the saw.
Example Technical Drawing
IMPORTANT: For this machine to perform the edge operation, the edge must have the Edge in CNC option selected. For more details, visit Builder - How to add Edge.