The Neighbors tool displays the markup of everything that is in contact with a certain piece. For example, the side door 1 of a counter display marking the basis of the joists, the bottom of the shelf, and hinges.
The purpose of Neighbors function is to provide greater security at the time of registering holes also facilitate issues such as finding the height of the drilling of a shelf on the side. To use the function Neighbors, also called Contacts, follow the instructions below:
Plugin Editor, locate the Contacts button, highlighted in the following image:
When you click the Contacts button, the window below will be enabled:
View contacts the top face: displays marking the neighbors who are in contact with the upper face of the part upper face is the face that is visible in the Plugin Editor;
View contacts the lower face: displays marking the neighbors who are in contact with the underside of the piece lower face is not visible face in Plugin Editor;
Neighbors who are in contact with the upper face of the part will be represented by a continuous line. Imagine that the part shown below is a lower base:
Neighbors who are in contact with the part of the lower face will be represented by a dashed line. Imagine that the part shown below is an upper base: