In Cut Pro you can set the number of characters that will compose the part item code.
By default the field is enabled with 10 characters, which can be changed to a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 20 characters.
- The item code consists of the first 3 letters of the description more the unique ID.
- For .CSV file imports, if the Item tag image path or file name column is imported, the item code will be the imge name and character limitation will not be followed.
To configure this number, perform the following procedures:
1. Acess the menu File - Settings;
2. Enter the desired number for the maximum character for the item code:

When generating the technical drawing, for example, we can see the change in the number of characters

IMPORTANT: In cases where the description and ID do not reach the maximum number, the number 0 is automatically entered to complete the item code.