- This service runs in the cloud, with the purpose of generating files to integrate with Sectioning Machines.
See below for the latest news from the Cut Manager:
▼Release - 202
Date: 15/01/2025
- Corrections
SCM Win Cut
1. An adjustment was made to the integration with WinCut as the Oops message was being displayed incorrectly, preventing the documentation from being generated. (2189381)
▼Release - 191
Date: 08/10/2024
- Corrections
Inmes Cut Automatic
1. Corrected the unconformity in the multi value that defines the quantity of stacked sheets for the Inmes Cut Automatic cutting manager in protocol 1.1. (2164815)
▼Release - 187
Date: 18/09/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed an issue where labels were not printed when the file generation option was set to Split files by material. (2143241)
▼Release - 180
Date: 08/12/2024
- Corrections
INMES CUT/Automatic
1. Corrected the situation in which leftover tags were generated in the file using old versions of the machine's communication protocol. (2146816)
▼Release - 178
Date: 07/11/2024
- Corrections
INMES CUT/Automatic
1. Corrected the situation where, on labels, the edge band indications were displayed in the wrong position. (2138170)
▼Release - 173
Date: 19/06/2024
- Corrections
Cutting Manager
1. Fixed a situation where when opening projects in the sectioning machine, the automatic cut was not displayed due to the number of characters in the integration file name.(2028241)
IMPORTANT: The change is compatible with Cut Pro version and higher.
▼Release - 162
Date: 05/13/2024
- Corrections
WinCut Plugin Labels
1. Fixed the situation where only one label was printed for parts with a quantity greater than one during integrations with the WinCut plugin. (2083239)
▼Release - 157
Date: 04/15/2024
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where some labels were not generated correctly in the integration documentation. (2086021)
▼Release - 155
Date: 03/21/2024
- Corrections
Generation of project documentation with leftovers/scraps
1. Fixed an error situation that occurred when generating project documentation with leftovers/scraps saved (request 2098172)
▼Release - 154
Date: 03/20/2024
- Corrections
Integration plugin Maestro Active Cut
1. Fixed the situation that occurred when generating the Maestro Active Cut Plugin Integration documentation. (2048138)
▼Release - 148
Date: 03/06/2024
- Corrections
1. Corrected a situation in which, when generating integration documentation with the cutting manager, some labels were not generated, even though the parts were in the cut. (2086021)
▼Release - 129
Date: 11/09/2023
- Corrections
Integration InmesCut
1. Fixed the situation where in InmesCut integration, when enabling the use of leftovers, the generation of files was interrupted. (2056281)
▼Release - 127
Date: 11/07/2023
- Corrections
Cutting Managers
1. Fixed the situation in which on the Gvision machine, some fields were not being sent to the AD file, and consequently, the information was missing when generating the label. (2040245)
▼Release - 125
Date: 10/23/2023
- Enhacements
Cut Managers
1. Adjustment of the refill settings of the Putsch Meniconi Illenia beam saw machine.
▼Release - 118
Date: 09/18/2023
- Corrections
Cut Managers
1. Fixed the situation where the integration with the Biesse OSI cutting manager did not include cutting commands when the Print part labels option was unchecked. (2009584)
▼Release - 117
Date: 09/14/2023
Minimum compatible version of Cut Pro
- Corrections
Cut Managers
1. Corrected the situation in which leftovers of the same size were not processed correctly in the integration with the cutting managers. (2029368)
▼Release - 114
Date: 08/22/2023
Minimum compatible version of Cut Pro
- Corrections
Security Service
1. Security package update to version 1.1.56. This update maintains the acceptance of the Promob token and now also includes acceptance of the Flex token.
IMPORTANT: Available from version of Builder and of Cut Pro.
Integration InmesCut Automatic
1. Fixed the situation where, when performing the integration with InmesCut Automatic, the dimensions of the plate were being informed with smaller measures than those registered in Cut Pro in the file sent to the machine.
▼Release - 112
Date: 08/02/2023
- Enhancements
Integration SCM Maestro Active Cut
1. Added leftovers code in SCM Maestro Active Cut manager integration file. (1966049)
▼Release - 108
Date: 06/20/2023
- Corrections
Integration SCM Icut
1. Fixed the situation where the field ID, was displayed repeated within the .cutplanning file when adding more than one editable text to the label layout used in ICut. (1998649)
Integration SCM WinCut
1. Fixed the situation where still images, were not printed on the WinCut label. Now images selected by the user within the computer are correctly printed on the label. (1993185)
▼Release - 103
Date: 04/20/2023
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation of the file generated by integration with the Maestro Active Cut cutting manager, where the maximum stacking height did not match the Cut Pro value. (1985973)
2. Corrected the situation where not all parts were displayed in the integration of the Biesse OSI machine with the cutting plane. (1984381)
▼Release - 99
Date: 04/04/2023
- Corrections
1. Fixed situation where invalid commands were generated in the integration files with the Biesse OSI machine. (1970781)
▼Release - 97
Date: 03/29/2023
- Corrections
1. Fixed the situation where the message Invalid free area in Line X was displayed when trying to perform the integration with the SCM ICUT machine. (1944011 and 1922375)
2. Corrected the situation where corrupted files were generated, when using the group command and performing the integration with the SCM ICUT machine. (1928629)
Execution of cuts
1. Corrected the situation where the internal refill of the InmesCut Automatic machine was lower than that required by the manufacturer. (1962010)
Material Identification
1. Changed the plate identifier for SCM Maestro Active Cut machine files. (1974033)