This service runs in the cloud, in order to generate files for integration with machines.
See the latest news below:
▼ Release 129
Date: 04/03/2025
- Corrections
1. Corrected unconformity that occurred when generating part labels for some items depending on the registered size. (2207635)
▼ Release 121
Date: 30/08/2024
- Corrections
1. Adjusted the alignment symbol, which went beyond the edge of the label on some pieces. (2144548)
▼ Release 110
Date: 17/07/2024
- Enahncements
1. Adjusted the alignment representation so that it appears at the correct size on the label and only shows when there is an operation on the piece. (2135280)
▼ Release 85
Date: 25/08/2023
- Corrections
Available starting from Builder version
Available starting from CutPro version
Security Service
1. Security package update to version 1.1.56. This update maintains acceptance of the Promob token and also adds acceptance of the Flex token.