Available from version
The Duplicate Operations option used in Plugin Builder allows you to make an identical copy of the operations in any part location. The operations that can be duplicated are: Hole, Fitting, Tear, Geometry and Contour.
IMPORTANT: this option does not include operations arrangements.
To access the function:
1. Right-click on the module or geometry you want to duplicate, and select Edit.
2. On the Module Editor screen, select the Builder tab.
1. With a feature already included and configured in the part, select the Duplicate operations option.
2. After having the option selected, click with the left mouse button on the operation to be duplicated. There are two options for performing the duplication:
- 1st Option - by screen option:
When an operation is selected and the duplicate option is active, a menu with coordinate options is displayed, in which it is possible to enter the desired coordinates for the new operation and click on the Duplicate button.
IMPORTANT: to duplicate again it is necessary to select the operation again and repeat the steps.
- 2nd Option - by the right mouse button:
1. When an operation is selected and the duplicate option is active, right-clicking the mouse duplicates the operation at the current mouse position.
IMPORTANT: This option can be used multiple times for the same operation.